@jetah because I need 50 minna bird feathers, My skills are 90% ground-based attacks, so I have trouble killing the flighty jerks, and, besides, I need to go mine for the other ingredients for this Quetzal armor, and I don't want to waste time shouting "I need someone to kill a lot of Boids! anyone want to do this?!" for 5 hours and being entirely ignored. So I'm willing to pay some rando to go do this thing for me, okay?!
Or maybe the town needs 500 Wolf pelts to upgrade a curtain wall, and no one wants to hunt all 500, so you set up a quest, put in the total reward in escrow, and anyone who wants to off-load a pelt can through the interface and get the reward without having to drag the mayor/merchant/town rep out to pay for it, assuming they are even online atm.
Or you're a merchant character, and you need some bodyguards because the eclipse is coming, and you've got a warehouse on Syn, and losing all your goods to a demon raid cause you were in the wrong place at the wrong time sucks.
Or your guild is going to siege a town, and you need to keep the allied town busy, so you quest up a merc raid to hold the second town at bay while you go murder hobo the first.
And, most pressingly, there aren't many NPCs (at least, not until a town attracts them), so being able to hand each other quests fills a need and acts as a general lubricant for the economic engine.