guess we'll see. but i've been though a few dozen game launches and the new games always have too many players the first 3 months.

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: Server Pop?
RE: Ranking against total population
i have a feeling they'll keep the Foundation into release and then change it. I do enjoy the idea of being active on the forums to get cosmetics, which a forum ban would greatly hurt people if they are toxic and want to collect things. But I also hate the Reddit and other 3rd party platforms will be void of post.
RE: Ranking against total population
yep, the foundation is here solely to boost a body of people that will buy supporter packs.when people want to kickstart their creation it's so much better to do that when you have a few thousand users that can be tossed at your store or at a crowdfunded website.
RE: Camping?
So you’re not full lootable unless you’re a criminal? Any idea what isn’t lootable?
depends on the planet you're on. Tartaros wont have protections outside of the spawn areas.
RE: Anyone else dying to know how Pre-Alpha testing is going?
I always picture being solo on a sea-saw.
RE: Is there planned any "CD reduction" in case of spell saved?
why instantly assume a CD reset is every hit. it could be a 1-10 minute timer on it before it activates. there are passive skills in games that can only trigger once every x duration.
RE: What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?
@roccandil said in What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?:
@dragomok said in What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?:
@pedrobillymattos said in What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?:
The focus on long and risky expeditions to accuire resources without fast travel also sets it appart for me.
Oh, yes, having to go on journeys adds a lot to the experience (provided that they are actual journeys, and not just walking for for way too many minutes without anything happening like in sooome games).
Yes, I'm hoping for more than the false hugeness of infinite uniformity.
I’m picturing the journey people had before roads and maps.
RE: Optional wasd movement?
@darian said in Optional wasd movement?:
@genobee Find the closest HEMA or Bow Shooting club and drop by for a day! See if you can swing with good edge alignment/shoot accurately while running backwards and slightly to your right. Then tell us whether you still think maneuvering around the battlefield should be easy to do.
why don't we see what a skilled Archer can do instead of someone who probably hasn't ever used a bow. The heroes in games aren't the overweight and out of shape office workers suddenly needing to save the world type but are the trained to be a lethal killer type.
RE: Games Without AH
why?I've played asian games where players are stalls. and it's pretty laggy and needing to open each one is horrible player experience. I've played DAOC where there were searches you could do then pick it up. I've played with Exchanges where it was simple to place a stack of a resource for gold, the player could buy the stack or an individual item from said stack (which i hate). I've played games where there were markets in each area (eve online). I've played games with Auctions.
I like the AH/Exchange and npc stall with search better than the rest. Fractured already has the Carpenter so having an NPC at the house fits the game style.
I don't mean an AH specifically. Although auctions can work if you're trying to get the best price for an item. Many theme parks have no-trading on certain tiers of gear so it doesn't make sense for them.I'm pretty sure someone will make a 3rd party website where a player can list their items, cost and region (semi area) and people will use it instead of any in game means. People love the "omg i want to interact with people" but you'll get plenty of people AFK or just ignore PMs for trades.
i've played Diablo where dropping items happened and it's too prone to scams. Unless DS wants scams then I doubt it'll be that way.
problem is do you want to play the game or do you want to sit around waiting for PMs to trade? A player to player trade only entises alt accounts specifically for trading.@grofire
every game needs currency sinks. you can't keep all the currency in the game all the time. it causes inflation which is bad. Besides paying an NPC to sell your goods is the 'rp' way to do it. Even the Carpenter isn't free! -
RE: Optional wasd movement?
@frost said in Optional wasd movement?:
@tulukaruk It's no pro at all. I want a game with good animations. But with that system the animation feels very akward. I personally don´t like it. Not to mention it requries a lot more skill to use a mouse than wasd. If the dev can manage to get good animations with this system, I'd love to have it, but otherwise it's better not to. That's just my opinion anyway.
I’m not understanding how it takes more skill with just the mouse.
The animations of a character doing a 180 in a nano second looks funny to me.
RE: Slaves
why can't we have player slaves, although limited duration.
but we've discussed it before.
slaves could be useful for the solo player too.
I'm watching, and read the manga, The Rising of the Shield Hero. Where the Shield Hero can't equip a weapon! but he can have slaves which help the enslaved gain more stats and helps himself gain more. The whole idea of the hero weapons was pretty interesting. But I don't like the 'gear grows with you' thing unless it can be done right.
RE: Optional wasd movement?
I looked on my Steam profile and I have 546 hours with Spiral Knights. So I'm using that experience for my side of my argument. I don't like the constant clicking nor will I like the hold to move. Reason is my wrist will start to hurt again.
@frost said in Optional wasd movement?:
@jetah With wasd it's way easier to dodge and way easier to aim. You are even able to just keep walking arround randomly in circles while aiming, there's no skill in that at all. With just the mouse you need to try to predict to dodge and to aim. It's way different. I simply don´t like the gameplay of a isometric game with wasd. Animations feel totally weird and if you want to play a game like that just play an action mmorpg. Also as I said before, I'm not condemning that way of movement, certainly many people like it that way, I'm just stating my opinion according to my own reason and likes ^^
WHY IS FRACTURED UNIQUE? Fractured is the first open-world sandbox MMORPG mixing action combat... The dev's are calling it action combat, which I can't agree with if it's full mouse movement. I wouldn't consider D3 nor PoE having action combat because of it. Animations can be done to make it look as fluid as they want. SK has 4 directional on wasd movement but has 8 on mouse.
I'm not asking for only wasd but to have it as an option.
@darian said in Optional wasd movement?:
@jetah This has nothing to do with skill... it has everything to do with physics. Without grounding you loose control of weight. A skilled archer will shoot his bow with less accuracy and a lot less range and power if he moves while shooting. As for swinging a sword, let me put it this way: swinging it while moving away from your target will cause a minor cut, most likely not enough to get through a thick linen gamberson, so it's almost useless . Swinging it with proper grounding (stepping into the swing) will server the goddamn limb along with the gamberson.
last i checked, our characters can't trip or stumble, they might not be able to jump, they can survive at 1 hp, be quickly healed to max in a few seconds. so lets remove any focus on real life and pretend we're playing a video game. You don't need to remove limbs to injure someone well to enough to get a killing blow. a kidney strike, nearly any type of abdomen strike could be enough get someone to fall over. But this doesn't matter unless the game has these type of physics built into damage and there are multiple strike spots on every body.
@tulukaruk ...Take warframe for eg. It's a cool game, but the space ninja, parcour thing gets really dull really fast, and people who play this game, play it for everything else there is to it and no one ever uses the ninja moves past their first few hours in the game, unless they are required to get to a specific spot.
Funny you mention that because I've played WF for a few hours and bullet jumping is all people do. Even when someone has the run speed aura it's bullet jump.
RE: Crafted Items / Unidentified Items
there will be very limited item drops. -
RE: Optional wasd movement?
@tulukaruk said in Optional wasd movement?:
@jetah said in Optional wasd movement?:
Funny you mention that because I've played WF for a few hours and bullet jumping is all people do. Even when someone has the run speed aura it's bullet jump.
That's some nice necro
Bullet jump is normal basic movement not the super ninja parkour I was talking about
Let's keep up the fight - I hope that one day the devs will wake up and decide to give us a chance to try WASD with Fractured
I don't cling to walls or dash along them much at all. I wasn't thinking of bullet jump as not being ninja movement.
RE: Crafted Items / Unidentified Items
they'll have to have a small tier system of gear. otherwise what's the point of their pve raids. Tiers could exist, however, they don't have to be excessive in power. the difference between the rare and basic could be 15% (example). basic 0%, common 5%, uncommon 10%, rare 15%.without some type of gear progression they game will become stale, to an extent. Even Eve Online has better gear through PvE and research. Their PvE has a few tiers.
RE: Optional wasd movement?
wasd type movement would be needed for either console release or to offer controller support. To open accessibility to handicap players wasd movement is helpful.
RE: [Suggestion+Poll] If we will have Sub/tropical Biomes there must be Coffee Plants :)
I'm definitely for specific biomes (even if it's asteroid specific) that have certain produce. I don't necessarily RP but my Demon will be addicted to coffee if it's available.
RE: Optional wasd movement?
click and hold or click to move? and i linked a video with wasd in isometric game.
RE: Trade
the other way i know to curb RMT is to offer a version of it yourself.WoW sells their token that can be exchanged for gold (on a market style UI, this is so no sell and buyer can team up). Warframe can trade Plat (their premium currency) so f2p users can buy everything except Prime packs and Tennogen (3rd party cosmetics via steam workshop). Eve Online has their version too.