but discussions shouldn't be halted 'just because we can't influence them'. best case @Prometheus does a search on teh forums, reads this thread then can decide if a publishers offer is worth it.

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: Finally, a promising game studio.
RE: Economy Balance
that sounds like a horrible game. all characters logged off shouldn't be in the game world.a well-designed game should never be designed around someone's ability to spend cash to progress.
RE: Gods, Gates, and Goods
we know there are gods, that isn't a hypothetical question.
RE: Weapon animations based on build
if the attributes are great enough then it could be animated differently but i wouldn't mind different animations being sold. -
RE: VIP / Shop and my random thoughts
@Gothix said in VIP / Shop and my random thoughts:
We want small convenience from money shop and we will pay it.
i dont want any convenience. that's a fine line to walk and i doubt anyone knows how to do it.
RE: Game shop opinion
@Xzoviac said in Game shop opinion:
@Jetah said in Game shop opinion:
is difficult to make it worthwhile and not mandatory.
I agree its difficult but, as consumers we have come to accept and make excuses for company's saying, no one will buy game shop stuff unless its , op gives stats makes the game easier , has some kind of gamble box , or adds new content.
I Truly believe
New Ui,
new music Voice over lines
Mounts , pets
Magic Animations
Walk animations
attack animations
Character models
Things like these will make insane money,
these make a game more interesting, make people want to buy them, and Whales that are supper enthusiastic about the game will literally buy them all,The problem is it takes more effort then adding a bag restriction, and then having to pay to add a number to your account (yay i now have 40 bag slots)
I cant be the only person that judges a game company by how much its willing to screw its player base for money?
it can be all cosmetic. it doesn't have to be anything else. Path of Exile has proven it works (stash tabs aside) and to a smaller extent Warframe.
UI had better not be behind a paywall. that should be LUA so that the community can develop UI mods. -
RE: Game shop opinion
one thing i do like about GGG (path of exile) is the supporter packs they have. a 49.99 pack will have 50$ worth of cash shop currency with the other items. They release the supporter packs quarterly with their expansions while retaining 3 static packs. I'll highly recommend browsing their MTX and packs to get a feel for what they offer. then apply some of that toward Fractured (as I want Fractured to copy it). https://www.pathofexile.com/purchase
I've purchased 6 supporter packs from GGG, totaling 980$. that's ~163$/year and that isnt including any shop currency i've purchased.
RE: Marketing as important part of early development
They were hyped for Kickstarter. How much hype do you see now from those games? -
RE: Marketing as important part of early development
hard to keep hype for 2 years. many gamers have ADD in that they last a month - half a year on a game then move on.
RE: Marketing as important part of early development
i haven't because it isn't the right time to market. DS is doing good as they are.
RE: Marketing as important part of early development
some mechanics change. I backed both Camelot Unchained and Crowfall while in KS. Now Crowfall is changing and if they were doing constant advertising then they'd have customers who'd want a refund because that wasn't the vision they bought into.
what happens if DS doesn't have the game ready for 2021? what if it's more like 2022? if they advertise '21 and cant do it then many people will leave for other games. they've lost them; some for good, some may come back.
like i've said before, keep developing, have backers do the advertising then 12m to 6m before open beta (or w/e they'll call their trial) you advertise. this is the cheapest and best because things will change, things may be pushed to post-release and some new things may happen at release.
RE: Marketing as important part of early development
i can list plenty of Kickstarter games that haven't launched by their date originally stated! just because they say they can do it doesn't mean it'll realistically happen.
RE: New Race Idea
but crows/ravens aren't always thought of as good/holy. there are some 'beast' that would fit on the demon side!even the picture has swan and a parrot which would be on the beast planet while the cardinal could start neutral and raven/crow be on Tartaros. and there could be eagles, condors, etc too!
@Prometheus - I wouldn't mind an option to create a race on whichever planet. IE you could pick the raven on the beast planet and their karma would be set as so. or a beastman starting on the demon planet with their karma set as so. This would allow friends to all start on the same planet at the same time without needing to have a few of them grind out the appropriate karma to swap.
Race Starting on Any Planet Idea
was posting a comment in the recent Race thread and it sparked an idea:
I wouldn't mind an option to create a race on whichever planet. IE you could pick the raven on the beast planet and their karma would be set as so. or a beastman starting on the demon planet with their karma set as so. This would allow friends to all start on the same planet at the same time without needing to have a few of them grind out the appropriate karma to swap.
The idea is that a group of friends could pick the race they wanted and still play together at the same time without a few of them needing to grind out the appropriate karma.
Maybe the karma could be set at the lowest spot for the race and would need to be kept on the positive/negative side so they aren't exiled. IE a beastman wanting to be on Tartaros (demon planet) could start at -5k karma instead of the -10k (or whatever the lowest amount of karma needed to be on the planet as I've forgotten what it is.)
There was a post that asked if a demon, human and beast could play on the same planet but when it was mentioned that karma would have to be changed it seems like it was a let down that 2 friends would have to wait to group with the third.
I'm sure I'm missing some things, so mention them! Pro's and Con's. Any exploits? etc!?
RE: Psychometrics to establish natural fit
so a doctor that helps someone that then kills makes the doctor an accomplice?
RE: Scroll of teleportation 🌀⏳
because this game is different than UO.
RE: Event Ideas for fractured
but that isometric view will mess people up!
RE: Scroll of teleportation 🌀⏳
@Farlander said in Scroll of teleportation
@Jetah Yea it's a different game....in name like all other games. That doesn't mean you can't incorporate game mechanics that work. Being able to teleport around is vital to all sand boxes. Players do not like to waste time travelling from one location to another especially if it is to get to a secure location to log off. I know myself I play as much as I can right up to the point of logging. If I have to travel 10-15 minutes to get to a secure location that can be a problem especially when you are suffering from wife aggro lol.
Fractured wont have that easy teleportation. one core game part is dressing for travel. there will be some portals, like the invasions from Tartaros and portals to Asteroids. I can't remember if there'll be portals to different cities after you've been there. If there is then I hope it's limited.
RE: Scroll of teleportation 🌀⏳
Prometheus DYMSTUDIOS - CEO Jan 6, 2018, 11:20 AM
@skinzed said in Hi there:
Spells look awesome. Will there be some kind of mage that can set marks and create teleports?
Hi skinzed, Conjuration can do that, but teleporting on Fractured is quite limited. Check out the end of this journal for more info on teleportation and travel in general!