I suggest to continue the Foundation program
I was a lil bit shocked when Spectre told me, that the Foundation system is most likely going to end in near future during Alpha test phase. So it seams that Foundation program was meant to be part of kickstarter campaign and pre-alpha testing phase. End of the Foundation program would be a shame actually, because the base idea is really good. I believe, that the reward ladder system encourages people to spread the word, stick with the game and participate to conversations. It is kind of win-win situation.
So why not continue Foundation program through all the testing phases and stop just before release?
Imho it would be wise to continue, because I see Foundation program even more valueable after Alpha 1 release than time before that. Then Fractured has more concrete content to show, and the possibility to buy the game and start to play immediately. This would also lead people to participate more to conversations, leave suggestions and give feedbacks.
The Foundation program does not need to continue in current form and some parts could be changed to cater better upcoming development phases. Make new quests, ladders and rewards, or update the current ones if needed. No matter what kind of changes you will make if those just suits better for upcoming test phases.
There is one part where I would like to see some change, and it is the daily posting quest. Current quest encourages now just throw one quick post to Daily Message posting or Welcome to Fractured forum sections. This won't advance the game much though. I understand the argument, that this quest was there to keep current community members stick with the product. However, during upcoming test phases, it is important to get more from the community than just that. Reward more those who actually participates to improve Fractured as a game and not just those daily spammers.
I would be suprised if there is a single person who wants the Foundation program to end, because it does not hurt anyone. It is like symbiosis where both sides benefits and are the winners. So keep the program, make some changes if needed and I believe this will have a positive effect to development. Thanks DS.
I agree
I love the program myself. I have been spreading word to my friends to join it as well. I get a new / old friend to join every few days as they are hard to track down from the old days but I am working at it. I got one to join just today as well.
I also have all the needed 'tech' to host a professional youtube channel myself on it when Alpha 1 comes out and I was seriously thinking of doing this.
Maybe they are running out of ideas for rewards? I'm not sure...
I agree. Did not realize they would be ending it.
I truly hope that they continue the program.
Well, foundation program was designed and balanced with maximum of level 200 in mind. Active players that were here from the start have surpassed it, and semi active players, or relatively new players have reached some level depending on how long they were hare and how active they were.
People are distributed appropriately along the curve right now, and I guess if foundation program is to be continued, some more levels could be added, so active players who were here for a while and have reached level 200 as reward, also have something more to strive for.
If foundation would continue during Alpha 1 as well, I guess it would be nice if level cap could was raised to, I don't know, perhaps 250-300.
Yes, I'd like to see it continued in some form or other as well.
I think the idea was to reward those who were active the most when the game needed it the most... when there's no content being made in the area. Once the NDA lifts, people will be spreading the word consistently.
This is coming from a lowly leveled Foundation member lol
@Gothix I agree. It would be fair to raise the gap so those who are already maxed out would also have more to achieve.
I'd be happy with it continuing for a longer time period. We'll see what the devs decide to do eventually of course.
@Pluto said in I suggest to continue the Foundation program:
I think the idea was to reward those who were active the most when the game needed it the most... when there's no content being made in the area. Once the NDA lifts, people will be spreading the word consistently.
This is coming from a lowly leveled Foundation member lol
It is of course valueable to spread the word during kickstarter campaign to get more people to pledge. However, using "needed most" is not quite the truth if you think this from testing and gamedesigning point of view. The most important tests, suggestions and feedbacks are still waiting to come. Discord is mostly not used at all and forums have been really quiet several months backwards.. How that have been valueable to the game?
On top of that spreading the word and getting more people in Fractured has still a huge value like before. NDA comes as a new bonus and marketing method, but it won't replace the value of current word spreading what people are doing with shares and referrals. NDA gives people a chance to create content of the game, but that does not automatically mean highway to success. Many channels are quite small and reaches just small audience where most followers are from Fractured community.
@Pluto This is the idea. Prometheus hopes that eventually the community will be active enough he no longer needs the Foundation to spur activity.
@Specter said in I suggest to continue the Foundation program:
Prometheus hopes that eventually the community will be active enough he no longer needs the Foundation to spur activity.
Oh, the Foundation system is a burden..
And I actually believed that someone was thinking this also from community point of view.. Damn I was naive.
@Tuoni A tool to generate interest, not a burden. He just wants a community that doesn't need incentives to stick around. However, if the community enjoys the Foundation and wants it to stay, I'm sure he'll take it into consideration.
No final decision has been made yet.
@Specter said in I suggest to continue the Foundation program:
@Tuoni A tool to generate interest, not a burden. He just wants a community that doesn't need incentives to stick around. However, if the community enjoys the Foundation and wants it to stay, I'm sure he'll take it into consideration.
No final decision has been made yet.
Okay, good to know.
Lets hope the best.
the Foundation is a great way to hand out cosmetic rewards for being active in the community. daily post thread aside. One thing about these cosmetic is everyone can get them if they're active on the forums/community. IF needed you could change the color of the cosmetics so that each year/group or whatever is unique.
personally, i'd cap the level at 300 and let people catch up. when 100+ accounts are level 300 then increase it to 400. keep doing that every year or so. If the Daily post is leveling accounts too fast then drop the exp in half, remove it, or swap it to a weekly post.
@Jetah Great suggestions.
Personally, I'd like to see it stay and serve some purpose.. I think it's a well designed system that has seemed to work well. The community engagement during such early design stages has far surpassed anything I've seen around other new ip or projects with similar resources.
Yeah, the Foundation has been cool.
It's true.. when you look at it, the word "foundation" means the base. Something you start with.
We should be moving away from foundation now, reaching floor 1.
This post is deleted!
The rewards are enough reason to keep it. When the game releases the leaderboards are saved and those rewards given out.
A new Foundation is created, maybe new name but systematically the same, so that new people joining can feel welcomed, have rewards to obtain even if they canβt play everyday.