There are some old posts on discord from Znirf about being able to take your tames on invasions & events.
Seems they are still considering what to do regarding breeding, so maybe that is why they haven't posted any official information.

Posts made by islesofurth
RE: Effect from Taming on mainly PvP
RE: Summon Fellow Demon Players Ability
It would be really cool if initially you can only summon 1 fellow demon.
However during their moon event a demon can summon a group of demons. -
RE: Dang the roadmap gets me all giddy
If players are Hard limited to a single housing plot per planet per account, i can guarantee that fractured is going to have a nightmare with bots.
People will be buying extra copies of the game as if they were permanent carpenters, this really defeats the purpose.I think simply requiring players to maintain all premises a player chooses to build with severely increased costs for each additional plot is a more reasonable approach.
This allows people who really just want to build & farm to do just that, albeit they will have to keep doing it just too maintain the upkeep of their plots, else fall to ruin. -
RE: Week 84 - Weekly Drawing Winners
A pleasant surprise to come back toograts to every1 else!
RE: Communication between the worlds
@Logain said in Communication between the worlds:
'fast consuming content, no effort' audience is going to hate the feature
I really don't think this is the aim of this game.
But ya know that's just my take from everything they have shown. -
RE: Dang the roadmap gets me all giddy
Not for guilds, just an option where the town can be a guild town over a free town. i would like more information on this because there is a potential massive exploit for guilds.
RE: Areas on map
@Xzait said in Areas on map:
@Gothix said in Areas on map:
Maybe because beasts live in separate subcultures, while humans are all one race.
i would expect it coz beasts are typically considered tribal... like goblins, rather than communal, like humans.
I guess it makes sense to assume the beast planet would have the fewest town plots that are to become cities or metropolises then due the lack of war.
While the human planet would probably have the most since it would have the most town wars & highest populations since everyone can go there easily.
Then the demon planet 2nd most as they are always at war yet unable to war with the beast tribe. -
RE: Areas on map
In this spotlight they mention how towns and everything is intended to develop from a single hamlet up to a metropolis as more people build their homes -
RE: Enchanting crafting materials?
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
Yeah, that's why I had said earlier in the post that I would just wait for an answer from them, to try and stop all of this. But people still felt the need to weigh in, tell me all the things I was doing wrong, tell me I was a crappy person in direct messages and tell me I won't get answers. All in all, you and like 2 other people, including specter have been the only nice or helpful people here. So I'll state it for all of the other people that like to weigh in with their caustic crap, you have been heard and put on ignore, please don't post anymore negative things.
You really need to reflect on how misled you are, everyone in this thread has only tried to help you
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
So in the news release just now, it said under enchanting that the materials will have a component called intensity. Is this like the quality of the material? For instance, common quality, uncommon quality and rare?
Also, if they are the quality of the materials, are the quality of the materials going to be very obvious? An example being stone: common=sandstone, uncommon=granite and rare=marble. Or will the qualities be something not readily visible and detectable only by special skills?
(OP) This is in no way directed at the developers
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
And that is what I was asking the game designers. If the intensity means the quality. The example I gave for stone should have be sufficient explanation, but apparently not.
(1st reply) You claimed to be asking the "game designers", yet at no point in the thread have you actually phrased your question/s or OP to be at them.
people have even given you suggestions to help get their attention.@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
Do the game designers not answer questions here?
(2nd reply) Not directed at the developers but a general question anyone can answer about them.
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@Specter tyvm
(3rd reply) Doing this yourself would save everyone, especially the devs a lot of time
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@Farlander Good to know. Specter said he'd get them to answer if they can, so I wait for that.
(4th reply) He actually said "I'll see if I can get an answer" not that he'd get them to answer.
so even IF specter gets an answer, he might be the one posting it.@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:'s been a week now....can I please get an answer?
(5th reply) You have been given many answers.
if your wanting a developers answer, you need to be patient & just accept them when you get them.@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@deusex2 said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
My guess is, it's gonna be similar to how crafting was back in SWG. Your crafting materials will have effectiveness percentage and crafted item's effectiveness would depend on material's quality, in addition to crafter's skill.
Yeah, I have made lots of guesses as well, but the reason I asked for an answer from the Developers was because I wasn't satisfied with my guess, or anyone else. So I await an answer from them.
(6th reply) You asked for for an answer from the developers? When?
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@deusex2 said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
Well, you could've specified you were only interested in devs answer.
O.O I have...on three different responses/posts in this thread....
(7th reply) The only times you even mention them is when you make a claim to have already done so
(oh and that 1 question asking if they even reply to people)@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@Xzait said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
even then, the devs are pretty busy, you shouldnt only rely on responses from them. sure, they might be more insightfull/accurate/definate... but if they are too busy answering everyones random questions, they wont have time to develop the game. we are a community for a reason...
And I've never bothered them before....not that it's any of your business. This is my first question for them in the months since I have started following the game...I think 1 question every couple months is happily rare enough to allow them "time to develop the game"...
(8th reply) Everyone here has only tried to help you
pushing them away, snapping at them or just being down right nasty is only going to cause you problems with the very people who would always offer you a hand.@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@islesofurth said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
It is a bit much to EXPECT a reply from them.
if you really want an answer from one of them tho & wont be satisfied otherwise.
Why haven't you just gone onto discord like everyone else?
You can send them a PM that way.
I mean it certainly beats bickering over nothing hereFrankly because I greatly dislike discord, hardly ever use it, didn't even know that they were on there to answer things and didn't think I'd get attacked by pissants for asking the Devs a question here on the forums.
(9th reply) That is no excuse to start abusing people too
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@Kralith said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
I can understand your point, but also think about if everyone think if he just ask once in a couple of months, we will have thousands of questions all around. I don‘t think we ever should expect that the Devs will answer every question and if they could do it, we can‘t expect they answer fast.
They have to develope a game, they have to do much business stuff to get the future of the game saved. Short, they are busy as hell.
Specter still cared for getting an answer, he said it several times. We just need to be patient, till the Dev team has time to answer our questions.As for Discord, i like to use it, it is a great tool for myself to stay in contact with many many people. But i also can understand if someone don‘t like it. Don‘t worry, the Devs are there not much more active than they are on forum. I think the forum is the right place to ask them anything about the game.
Yeah, that's why I had said earlier in the post that I would just wait for an answer from them, to try and stop all of this. But people still felt the need to weigh in, tell me all the things I was doing wrong, tell me I was a crappy person in direct messages and tell me I won't get answers. All in all, you and like 2 other people, including specter have been the only nice or helpful people here. So I'll state it for all of the other people that like to weigh in with their caustic crap, you have been heard and put on ignore, please don't post anymore negative things.
(10th reply) Only you were posting negative things
Just because people don't say the things you want to hear, does not mean they are against you.You are here for the same reason as everyone else.
Even if you don't like what someone else said, never take it out of other people.
It can & always does come back to bite you. -
RE: Areas on map
@Yitra said in Areas on map:
And also if there will be a difference between beast towns (which I imangine would be more spread out), then a human town for example.
Why do you think beast towns should be more spread out?
RE: Dang the roadmap gets me all giddy
@Jairone , @Belligero
Actually i hope it wont be possible to build a town solo, unless you create additional characters.
That would kind of defeat the entire purpose of the system. -
RE: Enchanting crafting materials?
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
And I've never bothered them before....not that it's any of your business. This is my first question for them in the months since I have started following the game...I think 1 question every couple months is happily rare enough to allow them "time to develop the game"...
It is a bit much to EXPECT a reply from them.
if you really want an answer from one of them tho & wont be satisfied otherwise.
Why haven't you just gone onto discord like everyone else?
You can send them a PM that way.
I mean it certainly beats bickering over nothing here -
RE: Communication between the worlds
you mean like having a word limit in trade channels
& setting a timer on how often you can send msg's in channels that have a large number of people present
Or having highlights for different trade families to help people easily see the commodities they are after instead of a wall of unreadable text.There are many ways you can solve this problem.
However encouraging masses of people to congregate to a single location when your plan is to use a basic local chat, is just asking for problems -
RE: Communication between the worlds
@Znirf said in Communication between the worlds:
Probably we won't implement any global chat; it would be too chaotic and scarcely manageable. Instead, there will be the classical city, guild and group chats, and of course, you will be able to send private messages to the person in your friend list.
So instead of creating multiple channels & adding a little flavour text to mitigate any chaos (the sensible option)
You are inviting everyone to come to spam city (Runescape)The possibility to have different race languages is quite impossible to develop in Fractured where cooperation, the karma system and guilds have a core role. For example, a new player won't be able to understand other guild companions unless they share the same race (It will force the creation of single-race guilds). So, language learning would represent a limit and a must to do for the majority of the in-game activities, and we don't want that.
So what your saying is that My guild consists of Demons, Beasts & Humans. They live on separate planets doing their own things but are all part of my guild.
How they became part of my guild when both demons and beasts have the opposite affiliation is a huge mystery.
But for them to join my guild they would first need to have left their world, or i left mine.
So if you implemented a language system that everyone has been talking about that uses the lore system to unlock & was the initial steps takes when travelling to another world. This would make complete sense for everything related to travelling to other worlds.
Also a new member would be able to understand everyone in the guild as all guild members would have had to unlock the required language in order to join a guild. -
RE: Fractured = SAO
if you really want to understand the title, then watch SAO again having note of what i have said.
Remember perspective has multiple shapes, maybe you are looking at the wrong one. -
RE: Fractured = SAO
Since nobody seems to have understood my op or hint tnx to a purple gecko
i thought i would just tell you.
The SAO justice system as seen in the video lets players kill or harm other players without consequence for those who know how.
Seriously gotta understand by now. -
I think they could add more interesting gameplay if they made creatures & loot weak initially then grow strong & then get weak again.
This would force players make the hard decision on when to kill the creatures before another player did.If they are strong to begin with, it is easy to simply kill them & then time the respawn.
Vise verse for being weak initially except players would learn to camp before the final growth phase. -
RE: People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday
@Xzoviac said in People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday:
First off Forum msges using up server space? - I doubt all the posts and imgs even come up to 1tb, if its self hosted they can get a sata 1tb HD for 50quid.
Or if publicly hosted 3 second google search would tell you most forums have unlimited SSD spaceCorporate server hosting works very different to your every day public servers that anyone can rent.
Most of these charge for the space used. When you are not charging subscription fees, things like this make a huge difference over multiple years.
Dynamite would definitely not build there own servers as it is far too expensive. They would need to build at least 1 for each region around the world they wanted to have a server. (not to mention rent & backup servers) They definitely do not have this much money or they would have a decent size team building the game.Secondly
There is a spam section for daily posts, so that's not the reasons for "silly posts" some people just have different standards for what they want in gamesThese are exactly the "silly" threads i was talking about so yes they are spam.
You say that people have different standards, true.
Yet why would a developer want to make a game to people with lower standards when they can make it for those with higher standards & sell far more copies, not to mention those with lower standards would enjoy it more too.And finally
Fb shared links can be shared to your self.
Twitter accounts take seconds to make, just make a game related one for shareing to people that would be intrested in fracturedYes your right you can do such things, however there is always people who do not understand why that is a good idea.
It's those people that create the bad PR and normally share to others that would spread such bad PR.People like yourself @Xzoviac would still share news about the game to your friends if it looks like a good game.
So the dev team should focus on people like that more & less on trying to get desperate people who just want in-game goodies. -
RE: People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday
In all honesty i think the foundation points system should never have been anything more than reading up on news & setting up your profile.The daily posting rewards only leads to obvious silly threads that get spammed & end up only using server space.
this attracts the wrong sort of people who don't care about helping the production of the game.The share links from the articles only lead to friends & family getting spammed with game related articles & are always missing most social networks anyway.
This just creates bad PR for the game.The daily free points make everything above even worse. This makes people want to get those free points asap, so they want to do all the other stuff asap.
They have a dedicated game designer on their team, yet @Prometheus is the one who wants to remove it?
RE: People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday
@Specter said in People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday:
Prometheus feels he shouldn't have to rely on the Foundation to have an active community. (We know many forum members disagree with this assessment, hence why the Foundation is still here).
IF he wants to get rid of the foundation, he is going to need to get rid of the bonus for posting daily first.
There are far too many people who take advantage of this in the wrong way.I'm sure the original intention was to get people to be active on the forums, but it has created the wrong kind of activity.
If they want people to be active on the forums, then the should be encouraging people to ask more questions & providing more answers.
People are always extremely interested about the development, even if the reply only comes in a few words or a picture.Personally, i don't care about the rewards as much as i care about ensuring a game is worth my time.