@kellock93 said in Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!:
The Knights who say "Ni!" - #127
@Prometheus I would buy a "The Knights Who Say Ni" skin from the cashshop any day
@kellock93 said in Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!:
The Knights who say "Ni!" - #127
@Prometheus I would buy a "The Knights Who Say Ni" skin from the cashshop any day
Excited about the PvP spotlight: https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-6-pvp-alignment-crime/
Got some questions about changing your alignment so a demon becomes an angel or a beastman becomes an abomination:
-does becomming an Angel or Beastman changes your looks/appearence?
-Can an Angel live permanently on Aboreus and an Abomination on Tartaros?
-Does being an Angel or Abomination changes your debuffs on other planets?
-Does it changes your attributes, abilities or special powers from their home planet?
-Can a Demon change their allignment to neutral and go farming karma on Tartaros to become a good aligned demon?
-Is becomming an Angel or Abomination tied to a devine quest?
I'm the first who "hyped" Fractured on mmorpg.com
If you add survival machanics to the game, how long in ingame time can you go without food and water? Would love to hear more on the survival thing planned.
@vengu said in PK punishment:
@benseine said in PK punishment:
@finland yes, so they should stick to those save mmo's and not whine so much to turn other/different mmo's into save games too. That is my biggest problem with them.
I don't understand why you and so many other PvP players here have such a big issue with PvE players.
Here is my issue, it's in the OP:
"I'd love to see perma death for most serious repeat offenders"
I don't have an issue with ALL pve players. Just the ones who post stuff like that. To keep it short I refer to THOSE pve players as carebears
So I came up with the idea that demons could harvest the bones of their victims and craft gear from it. But not only craft it, but also inscribe the names of your victims in the bones! If you hold your mouse over the item in your inventory/gear slot you see the names of your victims. An unskilled crafter will need many bones, far more then you can loot of a body, so if your hold your mouse over a helmet you see the names of player1, player2, player 3 and player4. But if you are more skilled at crafting you are able to craft an item of just one victim, so if you hold your mouse over it, it says it is crafted from player1. A master crafter would be able to collect the whole body and craft a stuffed beastman for example to place in their home, or a bone throne. Nice items to link in chat after combat
The only game that has something even remotely similar is EVE Online, where is you blow up the escape capsule from the spaceship you can collect it's frozen corpse from space:
Now Fractured has survival element and what you can carry will probably matter alot. So it's not something extra to loot, but more a choice whether you decide to loot the gear and the inventory or you start carrying bodyparts as loot. When doing invasion on Syndesia during ecplises and there are alot of bodies, it will really matter what demons will collect. Bones or gear. Maybe the fallen can get some gear back because the demons rather took all the bones instead.
Further more is't know that all gear will be situational. I would suggest the bone armor will have less dmg/protection then their bronze and iron counterparts, but have a boost to enchanting. I would also suggest to make it have very low durability, so it will quickly break. So if you are really proud to have crafted a weapon from the bones of your nemisis, player5, you will just put it on display in your house, like weaponracks in the Elder Scroll games:
This is just something extra for evil aligned demons. FFA full loot PvPers (yes PKers too ofc) will love this for sure. Plz reply if you agree!!! But I've also thought of something nice for the beastman. They don't kill ppl in PvP as much, but they have farmlands if I remember correctly (something demons can't do on their wasteland). While exploring they could find special trees (and plants that can be used to make really strong fabrics) and collect it's seeds/nuts to grow on farmland and make it into special wooden/cloth weapons and armor. Dunno yet what the best way is to make them situational, but thinking about very light, so extra room for more resources to carry.
Not sure if the humans should get something similar. I think humans should trade/buy if from demons and beastman if they want either of the two I suggested. Maybe let evil aligned humans collect animal skins from beastman to craft gear from that:
Would also make a catchy add for the game: "Play as an evil aligned demon and craft gear from the bodies of other players and carve their names in the bones for everyone to see!"
That would defenetly draw attention of alot of ppl hehe
Hope you like what I suggested!
So I was reading to this tread about AFK activities and I came up with an idea of offline activities instead.
I got the idea from a new game Grimmwood, currently in open beta! so try it out!, a survival game in table-top game style. Fractured will have survival elements aswell and in Grimmwood you can set up what your character will do offline.
So my idea is for guild settlements only to start with. If you log off at your guild settlement you can create a NPC copy of your character. If you log off you have this log-off window with options what your character will do offline:
If your guild settlement has a guildhall/or barraks you can set your offline copy on guard duty, patrolling the settlement (limited guard spots depending on buildings in settlement). You can choose if your offline copy wears your gear (you loose items), guard duty uniform (costs little from guildbank) or no gear (free). Besides patrolling you can also assign your character to towers or siege weapons on walls. Your character will automaticly attack any enemy and anyone that engages him. You can choose it give your guard an alarm warhorm (costs some extra resources), so it will agro all other guard NPC's in the settlement that are patrolling (so not guards in towers and on siege weapons.
If you log on any guildmember can check a log in the guildhall window of all offline combat. You can see the enemy names with guildtags that attacked your guards. This is to see if any guild is preparing/scouting to siege your settlement. If characters of guildX have only attacked one guard or a gatherer in the far away forest it might be a random encounter. But if your see that guildX has attacked guards all around your settlement, you know they are atleast very hostile and might be checking if they will siege you or not. So the offline guards provide valuble info during the hours most of your guild is offline. So anyone that loggs on the next day can check what enemies where around and who is not to be trusted!
If your guild settlement has storage room your offline character can collect firewood (for survival on expeditions). You can set if your character stays near settlement walls, wonders off further of go to nearest forest. Offline characters don't engage in combat but flee back to settlement to drop resources. If your character stays near settlement he will find nothing but firewood. But if your character goes further, you have a higher chance for it to bring back small ammount of crafting wood (risk vs reward).
If your guild settlement has a cooking station your character can collect food from the surrounding area. You can set if your character stays near settlement walls, wonders off further of go to nearest forest, lake or cave. Offline characters don't engage in combat but flee back to settlement to drop resources. If your character stays near settlement he will find nothing but roots, nuts and berries. But if your character goes further, you have a higher chance for it to bring back small ammount of cooking ingredients such as meat, fish or potatoes (risk vs reward). Fishing is only possible if lake or river is near the settlement. If you collect water or not is depending how near the water is to your settlement. So if your settlement is next to a river, collecting water can be done while staying near settlement walls.
If your guild settlement has an alchamy station your character can collect herbs from the surrounding area. You can set if your character stays near settlement walls, wonders off further of go to nearest forest, lake or cave. Offline characters don't engage in combat but flee back to settlement to drop resources. If your character stays near settlement he will find nothing but common herbs for some very situational potions. But if your character goes further, you have a higher chance for it to bring back small ammount of ingredients for health potions or other often used potions.
A guild can give any guildmember (can also be an alt) the rank of guildcrafter. A character with the rank of guildcrafter can set up an offline shop (similar to afk shop). You can choose to place the offline shop inside a guild building (so it will be only for guildmembers), or inside the walls of the guild settlement (so any friendly character can have access to it), or outside the settlement walls (so anyone passing by can buy stuff from it to survive in the wild). This last one will probbaly be uncommon on Tartaros. Having a guild choose who can open shops prevents a settlement to become full with offline shops like in other games.
If the guild settlement has Barraks (or a building just for medical purposes) you can station a character there to attend to the wounded. Wich basicly comes down to respawn rate of your offline character. So take another look at setting your offline character to wearing your gear, guard duty gear or no gear (see 1.) if you go on two week holiday, might be costly The more characters are stationed at the barraks (or other building for this purpose) the faster your offline character respawn at your settlement.
Be the bard! Play some music inside the settlement. Cashshop options to buy other music?
Any other offline character activities? Plz tell me
So I also had some idea's for offline character progression (has nothing to do with your online character in any way!). I think all offline characters should start out as simple meat shields. Only doing the first of your eight abilities and low hp and energy. Doing offline activities might lvl your character up so they use more of the eight abilities from your build (you can use the resting abilities before logging off to choose a build that makes your gathering character flee/run very fast ) A starting low lvl offline character can be killed in 3 strong attacks, while a high lvl one becomes like a very strong mob.
I choose this idea for guild settlements to make sure guild settlements always look alive, and not like ghost towns during the night. It also encourages guildmembers to returns to the settlement. So when guild members log on it's easier to team up with guildmates.
If owning a guild settlement is limited in the world of Fractured. I suggest a guild can place a small camp site or supply camp wich is basicly nothing more then a campfire with some crates or chests around it and has limited options for offline character activities. This can have several strategic decisions, it reveals where a guild is logged off, enemies could be waiting if you logg on. You can place a camp so that it intervenes with the offline characters that are collecting food/water/herbs so they don't have the option to gather wood at nearest forest, because they will run into your offline guards that are patrolling your campsite.
Edit: @muker Your character won't move from point A to point B offline. Your offline character is a copy, a NPC, nothing more. You will always logg on in the same place.
@Finland offline gathering is no substitute to online gathering, it just adds a little ammount. It is fully optional to participate in offline activities.
@FibS The rule is that your character logs off inside the settlement, and your offline character always spawns in from of Guild Hall and goes to their offline activity from there.
@FibS If you log one character on, you have no offline activity on any alt character.
So do you like these idea's?
And plz don't forget to try out Grimmwood open beta
Early bird knight, backer 115
Got €300 worth of small/medium ships. Tested it alot en enjoyed it alot, but the changes and revamps whore me out.
Will pick it up closer to final product
I'm sure there will be a whole spotlight about this somewhere down the road. But what is the basis of the GvG siege content you devs have in mind for Fractured?
10vs10? 50vs50? 100vs100? Unlimited? Instanced for better performance? Open world for the best sandbox experience? You must have some global picture you can give us, right?
So here can I find a complete guide to all the +400 skills/abities? In time ofc
@kralith yeah, a succesfull expedition will be much more rewarding then finding the most efficient route along the resource nodes
@sharo said in Legendary weapons:
@mrchipps Well, stats aren't the only thing in which these weps could stand out. When I think about a legendary weapon, I think for example of a lightning sword that's very very hard to obtain the sword can have normal-ish stats but I'd think it would be cool if it gave you a new thunderstruck ability or aura and just looks epic. Dont get me wrong, these weps should not be overpowered, just unique in the way they look/play.
It is something I've never seen in an MMO and I really like the idea
Would be fun if you needed the knowledge not to elektricure yourself before you can wield it
@fibs well I played with extra dmg from back and rear attacks in Age of Conan for years and never encountered the problem you described. And the developper Funcom is not know for making flawless games, boy did Age of Conan have lots of problems. So maybe the problem is just ib Dark Soul and the other game you described.
And ofc it matters what direction for character is facing in a game with isometric view. In Albion Online on my tank I jumped toward my enemies, aiming with my mouse on wich side of my enemies I would land, so after landing I would aim with my club in what direction i want to use my 20 meter knockback, to knock them into a group of elite mobs.
I don't know why the remark about character turn time is directed at me though. I didn't brought it up and if it is upto me the turn time is as fast as you can click with your mouse.
@chrightt well if nothing prevents me from having two accounts I probably have on one account a demon with stealth + high burst dps to gank pve mob farmers on Tartaros. On my 2nd account I have a big Hellfire demon with high strength and constitution to pick up all the loot, since strength increases max capacity you can carry .
My alts on my two accounts will be two humans with similar setup to do the same with miners on Syndesia.
@finland well then you have all asian mmorpgs at your disposal. they all have seperate zones for pvp and/or retarded karma system. so don't complain.
@crache I've mentioned in earlier treads before that the solution to this is very simple. If you log your character of and you swith to another character to play, your first character stays ingame for 15 or 30 minutes or so.
So you can switch characters or log of instantly, but it is your responsability to bring your character to a save spot before you do (hub city, or player house). This will tackle all those problems.
But many hate that solution for some weird reason...
If the above isn't ingame, you can bet your ass I will gank with two chars
@gothix said in PK punishment:
Sadly most MMOs i followed over past time got ruined by devs catering to carebears.
yes many, including my favorite game Age of Conan. So I have an issue with carebears
@jairone said in Switching Characters:
@benseine I think that is a matter of people seeing the characters in game as a risk, and especially one with things like disconnects and crashes. Those are a sore spot with many online games that have had issues there, even with PvE and low death penalties...
I like the idea, but think there needs to be some thought to things like that as well. Being punished for the net going down (already something that feels punishing) just makes people frustrated.
Well you can't let ppl log of instantly anyway, because they will abuse it to prevent death and loosing items. So if you need to time it anyway, increase the timer so much it makes playing two chars simultaniously in the open world (both alts and 2nd accounts) nit viable.