Suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon
So I came up with the idea that demons could harvest the bones of their victims and craft gear from it. But not only craft it, but also inscribe the names of your victims in the bones! If you hold your mouse over the item in your inventory/gear slot you see the names of your victims. An unskilled crafter will need many bones, far more then you can loot of a body, so if your hold your mouse over a helmet you see the names of player1, player2, player 3 and player4. But if you are more skilled at crafting you are able to craft an item of just one victim, so if you hold your mouse over it, it says it is crafted from player1. A master crafter would be able to collect the whole body and craft a stuffed beastman for example to place in their home, or a bone throne. Nice items to link in chat after combat
The only game that has something even remotely similar is EVE Online, where is you blow up the escape capsule from the spaceship you can collect it's frozen corpse from space:
Now Fractured has survival element and what you can carry will probably matter alot. So it's not something extra to loot, but more a choice whether you decide to loot the gear and the inventory or you start carrying bodyparts as loot. When doing invasion on Syndesia during ecplises and there are alot of bodies, it will really matter what demons will collect. Bones or gear. Maybe the fallen can get some gear back because the demons rather took all the bones instead.
Further more is't know that all gear will be situational. I would suggest the bone armor will have less dmg/protection then their bronze and iron counterparts, but have a boost to enchanting. I would also suggest to make it have very low durability, so it will quickly break. So if you are really proud to have crafted a weapon from the bones of your nemisis, player5, you will just put it on display in your house, like weaponracks in the Elder Scroll games:
This is just something extra for evil aligned demons. FFA full loot PvPers (yes PKers too ofc) will love this for sure. Plz reply if you agree!!!
But I've also thought of something nice for the beastman. They don't kill ppl in PvP as much, but they have farmlands if I remember correctly (something demons can't do on their wasteland). While exploring they could find special trees (and plants that can be used to make really strong fabrics) and collect it's seeds/nuts to grow on farmland and make it into special wooden/cloth weapons and armor. Dunno yet what the best way is to make them situational, but thinking about very light, so extra room for more resources to carry.
Not sure if the humans should get something similar. I think humans should trade/buy if from demons and beastman if they want either of the two I suggested. Maybe let evil aligned humans collect animal skins from beastman to craft gear from that:
Would also make a catchy add for the game: "Play as an evil aligned demon and craft gear from the bodies of other players and carve their names in the bones for everyone to see!"
That would defenetly draw attention of alot of ppl hehe
Hope you like what I suggested!
Something restricted to Demons only.. You shoud suggest something for each race ;). Why not giving this option to all races? Bestmen should be the main raice to craft things with bones.
Showing people killed by mouseovering the armor pieces is a bad idea. You could add it as an extra description while inspecting each piece.
@finland said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
something restricted to Demons only. You shoud suggest something for each race ;).Showing people killed by mouseovering the armor is a bad idea. You could add it as an extra description while inspecting each piece.
Killing a Hellfire Demon and gathering its blood could be used in fire resistance potions - but would need to be used in say 24 real world hours or it goes bad (or some relatively short time frame).
@kellewic No. If you give the option to craft armors with the beastmen body you have to find sokmething similar for humans and bestman. so the ebst choi is prolly to give the same thing to every race. Otherwise a race may feel special. That would be unfair. Aesthetically talking.
It would be interesting if you needed very low karma to craft these, and having them equipped would slowly lower your karma each day. It makes sense for "good" players to avoid using gear that's made out of people, after all.
@finland said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
Something restricted to Demons only.. You shoud suggest something for each race ;). Why not giving this option to all races?
It makes sense to give this to demons, since it fits their culture. Humans already have exclusive steam technology, and beastmen probably wouldn't really approve of using gear made out of your enemies. Wooden weapons might be an interesting exclusive for beastmen, since those were actually used in real life by some cultures. It's pretty fascinating stuff, I'd recommend
to anyone who wants to know more.I'd say this bone gear (and possibly the wooden gear, while we're on the topic) shouldn't be strictly exclusive though, not like human technologies are. I'd make it so that the recipes only drop on Tartaros (and Arboreus for the wooden stuff), but any crafter with the recipe can make them.
Showing people killed by mouseovering the armor pieces is a bad idea. You could add it as an extra description while inspecting each piece.
Why is it a bad idea?
This would be absolutely wicked!!
@nelchael too much shit on the screen.
about bones armor I think suits better for beastman than other races if you really want see something like that.
take a look to the picture:
Beastmen will get that kind on style
@finland said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
Something restricted to Demons only.. You shoud suggest something for each race ;). Why not giving this option to all races? Bestmen should be the main raice to craft things with bones.
I suggested something for Beastman too, not bones ofc, their god wouldn't appreaciate it
@benseine I'm telling you that the deisgn is more close to give bones to beastmen if you check the mount picture.
@finland said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
@benseine I'm telling you that the deisgn is more close to give bones to beastmen if you check the mount picture.
True, the mount picture is there, but I think the bone in the picture is from PvE, not PvP ;-). But I'm okay to let beatman harvest the bones from their enemies if it fits the lore.
We're talking about using the bones of your enemies to make gear. That's not really the same thing as using animal bones, and I doubt the beastman culture would allow something like this when they're not even allowed to kill each other. If killing your enemy is outlawed, then making a dagger out of his ribcage afterwards surely isn't allowed either.
@benseine Yeah the problem are the Humans what would you give to humans
They could peel the beastmen but what about demons corpse
I want to make armor with the bones of my enemies. Count me in.
@nelchael You can kill evil align you can not kill good people. you can absolutly kill evil beastmen,humans,demons and I don't see nothing worng on it.
@finland said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
@benseine Yeah the problem are the Humans what would you give to humans
They could peel the beastmen but what about demons corpse
Blood, guts to craft poisons for example or special medicine But don't they have canons and some technology already?
@mrchipps said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
I want to make armor with the bones of my enemies. Count me in.
@benseine they have siege weapons.
@benseine In all seriousness, this can be an easy way to distinguish yourself from those that may be helpful or kind when you run across them.
rule of thumb: never trust a man wearing the bones of your brothers.
@finland said in suggestion: Demon Bone Armor/Weapon:
@benseine they have siege weapons.
So they don't need extra then I think. Let them buy/trade it from beastman and demons