Woohoo, cool!

Best posts made by Benseine
RE: ๐ก Suggestion | In game | Relationships between Guilds (treaties)
Economy treaties can be a very cool addition to just player to player trading. So stimulate guild to guild organized traderuns. If you take it a bit further so that a sole member of guild A can transport his own collected resources (that are locally abundant at the location of guild A's settlement) all the way to guild B and sell it at guild B's trade NPC for a reduced tax rate. So even guildmembers who didn't join the guildrun can still setup his own traderun (alone or with friends) and profit and at the same time help with the guild aliance.
Now that we did into micromanagement, most games have poor option to customize guild permissions and guild activity history logs. Please add to the game the option to see when a member last logged into the game. And please add to the game the history loggs of who added and withrew resources from a guildbank. I know GM's can always track it when you petition it. Please give those tools the the players. Especially those who take upon themselves the tasks of running a guild. It's those ppl who make the game experience great for most players, yet nothing gets done to make their lives any easier.
RE: PK punishment
Ok, I red through most of the replies here now, instead of just replying to the OP. I've played almost every game that got labelled here as pk gankfest. I quit most of them not because of low population but for heavy pve grindfests.
Yeah you get pissed if you grind for good gear for hours and it gets stolen from you in 30 secs.I think what's great about this game is there is no big gap power between new players and vets. No grind spots but exploration. So even demons need to go to the human planet and explore every corner. And beastman can freely kill them if they choose to. I think the beastman idea of not killing eachother will only put likeminded players together that will support eachother. Just like in WvW in gw2. If you see someone from an enemy faction, you just jump him.
I'm okay with debuffs in foreign planets that give you a disadvantage. I'm okay with adding elite npc beasts to the beastman planet to give the ppl who don't like pvp some extra protection.
But there is a flipside to this, and I'm loving it... no matter how much protection you add to the beastman planet. If you want to explore everything and gather all resources, you need to visit the demon planet ofc
And because of the type of players that inhabit that planet, the beastman (and humans) will probably move there in huge numbers. And that will be lots of fun.
If this game gets develloped right, then the beastman planet will be the one with the highest population. So give it some extra love.
And my advice is that gear doesn't add that much extra (like gw2) and doesn't take a long time to aquire.
RE: Will there be a way to change your Attributes?
I'm even okay to add that option to the cashshop. All need to choose it before they play the game, so once you learn stuff you realized you could have picked better.
RE: Week 15 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Gz @Gothix, if you keep this up our guild will be in the top20 ranking soon. Rank 23 atm
RE: ๐บโโโโโโข โโโ ๐ฆโโโโโโกโโขโ
@darian said in Rabies and Vampirism:
@rolanstorm Someow, i feel like having a player turn into a really powerful monster, but completely cutting him off from the "civilized" world (no access to cities unless hidden, no interaction with NPCs other than combat) is not imbalanced. It just adds another dimension to the game, allowing you to become the villain. Perhaps forcing you to find a hide spot where you can build up your "lair" and strengthen it with infected monsters or even other PCs. Left unchecked this lair would become a threat to the nearby city and a raid party would have to be organized so they can clear the lair, defeat the powerful vampire and then cure him. There's plenty of cool things a developer could do for a game, with the right mechanics implemented. It is a whole different story, to persuade stakeholders to actually take that risk though.
Nice idea
RE: Guilds only?
I love it that this game has player collision. Tanks can actually block ppl trying to get into your settlement for example. I've played Age of Conan wich had player collision. You still have large groups like 100+. But if you make maps so that there are plenty of bottlenecks on the landscape you can have fun laying ambush, block the large groups and nuke them. So it won't be zerging like in Aion, Terra and other theme park shit.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Video Teaser #2 - Syndesia Town Building
I really like the realism you've implemented in the gathering and building. You can down a tree and carry a log to a cart, and you have your hands full. So simple and so refreshing after years of gathering in other games. Can't wait to see more like this in the survival part of the game.
RE: Something unique about Fractured
It's the 3 worlds with 3 rulesets plus you explore instead of grinding mobs. The big problem with AO online was it had a heavy grind and the best grindspots where on 24/7 lockdown by big guilds. And I was in one of those guilds and the grind groups had a preffered max number for best xp/hour. So if that number was reached you where left out. Was really frustrating.
@gothix said in NPC'S AGE ?:
@benseine said in NPC'S AGE ?:
maybe add the possibility to make old and/or fat characters.
As long as we are realistic and too fat characters will not be able to pass through all the doors (cave entrances).
I hope so, the game has player collision, I will make a fat old tank to block cave entrances on purpose
RE: Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
Made first tread in Fractured subforum on mmorpg.com. Care to join the discussion?
RE: How do you feel about transmog system for fractured?
@chrightt Depends on how you implement it in the game. If you can save presets in your wardrobe tab you can load back your appearence after death. Very simple.
RE: Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
Made a new forum tread in the mmorpg.com subforum. Here is link the the Fractured subforum: https://forums.mmorpg.com/categories/fractured
Here is the link to the tread I made: https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/474871
RE: What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
I give a +1 to scythe here because of my avatar
Futher more I would like to add:
-both 1h and 2h maces
-1 ball flail, 2 ball flail and 3 ball flailA series of offhand options:
Big heavy shields just for blokking, but light shields have option for shieldbashing for melee players. In the hands of a mage a shield can give AOE protection buffs against magic, melee, fire and both passive and active abilities.Offhand torches in the hand of a melee player to swing around and for a magic player to wield big flames or bright light to push back evil. Might also add warmth to survival elements in cold weather.
Warhorns. Using it gives small attribute boost to allies (don't allow it to stack) in a large area. Maybe add a special warhorn for siege commanders that shows their location on the map for a short time to rally troops and causes big aoe debuff for any enemy that is close.
The enemy should also see it on their map (they are not deaf ofc :p) and using the warhorn can also be a distraction to lure the enemy away or in an ambush. -
RE: Party system?
@tulukaruk said in Party system?:
Funny enough partying might be more important to evil and neutral players
Cause if I remember correctly you don't have friendly fire with party members and good characters don't have to worry about that.
Or be in the same guild I hope
And a mix of both, a group of guildies can invite orders to their group/raid
RE: Suggestion : Good idea that most MMO's Lack.
@mazikar Cool, nice addition to give humans a way to become a new class/species like you have now with the angels/abomination option you have now as beastman and demons.