Gz all, enjoy pre-alpha!

Posts made by Benseine
RE: Pre-Alpha Wave 3 Is Out - Live On Wednesday
RE: Week 44/45/46 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Yay! And gz to all the winners!
RE: Pre-alpha server status notification
@jetah no problem, got it. Just want to know if they notify us that way. This is the Q&A section after all and still no awnser from them.
RE: Pre-alpha server status notification
@jetah there is no need? If the game goes down so be it. But in early stages, like pre-alpha, it's always uncertain when they will go back up. My life is too bussy to wait around my pc for it to go back up. A notification somehow that the server is back up would really help me alot.
RE: Pre-alpha server status notification
@jetah expect downtimes to happen unannouned! With no certainty when they will go up.
RE: Pre-alpha server status notification
@jetah the downtimes are pretty random in my experience. So I would really like to monitor the status on the website or get a notification through the forum.
Pre-alpha server status notification
Maybe it is already planned. If not would it be possible to view the pre-alpha server status on this website or forum? I don't live behind my pc, but I do check my phone all the time ofc. It could be as simple as a sticky tread on the forum where only devs can post. I can get a notification then everytime a dev posts there the server is up. Would love to drop whatever I'm doing to test a new build and see if my bugs got fixed.
This would be much appreaciated. Thx!
RE: The Fractured Pre-Alpha Is Coming!
Sweet, holidays are comming. Perfect timing. Free most of december and early januari
RE: WASD or click to move only?
@dagimir don't agree. Albion Online was the first point and click game I played since the old strategy games like Warcraft, Dune and Red Alert. And that was late '90 if I'm not mistaken. Was a bit weird at first in Albion, but as soon as I started to make alot of kills in PvP I really started to enjoy the point and click movement. Even after more then a decade of playing mmorpgs with WSAD. So the devs should stick to their vision!
RE: WASD or click to move only?
Hopefully this is the last wsad tread...
RE: Post Kickstarter Funding is Going Well
@lightspoon yes, more exploration to do
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@specter been in pre-alpha before. I know it's probably less then 1% of the finished game. I just wanna test whatever is there to test and imagine how that will be in the full game with all the features described in the spotlights on the Fractured website
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@logain a pm on this forum that your pre-alpha invite has been sent by mail would be much apreaciated.
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
I will eat my shoe if I found out the pre-alpha invite went to my spam folder and I missed it...
RE: Fractured Gamepedia: Let's Populate It!
@pedrobillymattos dunno why they didn't just can it devblog
RE: Friendly Fire
Don't think there is FF on Arboreus. Will see how mass pvp turns out. I wonder the same thing with the invasions.
RE: Good Guild Vs Good Guild PvP?
A good guild attacking another good guild by sieging their town should get alot of extra negative karma for doing that. As a punishment for being major dikcs.
Having said that. A sandbox should have the option to do that, right?