How big should guilds allowed to be?
why do you want to remove healing on enemies? without it there's no tactics; it's how zergs work. if you force them to create tactics then you'd need some level of competence so your enemy isn't being healed.
I just don't want that big zergs like in albion and all is fine
Let guilds be zergs. Let some zones have friendly fire.
Limit the skills that can cause Friendly fire (arrow rain, charged shot, insane magic skills w/e) make judgment calls when to use them.
Large heals that heal great areas might also heal enemies.
if you limit guilds to raid's 10-20 and/or partys 5-6. You wont solve problems. and turning FF off would limit the spells and tactics we could use.
A zerg will likely have to deal with the chaos of spells or out right ban AoE spells in groups.
More spells need to be added to help small groups and spells that make sense to run with massive groups.
if you has a monster or skill that lights everyone on the screen on with a debuff and the healers/supports can only remove remove 2-3 players debuff. the zerg will be slightly fked.rather then remove interesting gameplay think of ways to add or make it better for both sides.
6 player sqaud should not kill zerg, no duh. but a 6 player sqaud who does not have to limit their spells and could straight up make an anti zerg kite. now that's interesting.
remember this is a Sandbox MMO not a hand Holding contest, if people want to do big Zergs let them do zergs who cares is part of the game and if they want to do small guilds let them, this game has nothing to do with Albion. i think ur just coming from a different game were u got bullied by a big guild/alliance but i could be wrong.
PS: On the left side you have the party bar. You can use that if you want to heal someone with a point and click spell.
If such feature is there, hopefully it will be. However depends whether heals are aimed or just "click portrait to heal"
PPS: Lmao at that zvz build (with t3 horses and low tier food/hpp).
I know, it was just for illustration
In some grand GvG fight I wouldnt be surprised to see such crowd (and see my fps go to negative values)
Dedicated healers are always a good thing: they stay in the backline, away from CC and damage
lets just hope invisible one shot glass canon assassins will leave them alone to do their thing
Of course I agree that dedicated healer is invaluable in PvE against raid bosses ... in pvp however if they can be silenced (which they can - and I bet there will be way more abilities aimed against casters), their usefullness is limited, as they´re probably lame tanks and their dps ist great either, aside of some buffs their contribution to battle is limited. In that case I´d probably expected "paladin like" healer builds - as healing can be casted in plate.
Just my guess, but healers will mostly be pet masters - healing cant crit, so no use for PER, just max INT and CHA plus some STR for massive tankiness, go plate armour, aoe buffs and heals and leave killing to your pets while you will be quite tanky and some damage will not bother you that much and if silenced, your pets will still dish out some damage.
@asspirin said in How big should guilds allowed to be?:
If such feature is there, hopefully it will be. However depends whether heals are aimed or just "click portrait to heal"
As I said previously, imo we should have both. Skillshot heals should either heal more or have extra effects compared to point and click ones because they are harder to land.
I know, it was just for illustration
I was just making fun of EGO in general (lots of low tier horses, dubious helmets, nonfaction capes etc), not of that specific player (which is probably new by looking at his gear and achievements on the right panel).
lets just hope invisible one shot glass canon assassins will leave them alone to do their thing
If you are in a guild where this happens more than once a month during zvz, you can probably take it as a sign that you need to be in another guild. Usually guilds have a few scouts around the big group who make sure that their backline isn't steamrolled by a flanking group while engaging the enemy.
Of course I agree that dedicated healer is invaluable in PvE <...>
Leaving aside that a character optimised for healing will be by far a lot better healer than anyone else, you can't heal yourself if you are stunned. A dedicated healer who stays behind can heal you tho. In case you missed your CC, you have more tries if you bring other similar skills. As a mage, you want to fill your bar with as many nukes (they usually have a long CD) - every slot taken by a different skill will reduce your DPS in zvz, so probably one escape skill is all you will have. The only way to make a dedicated healer useless is to either have only self-healing spells or completely remove healing.
@Razvan Yep, dedicated healer is awesome in pvp too - remembering WoW 2v2s warrrior + priest (war was chasing enemy team and healer was fleeing from from them
). You´re right it does make sense that archetypes will deeply specialise so they do their role as well as they can (but outside their role they suck).
If you are in a guild where this happens more than once a month during zvz, you can probably take it as a sign that you need to be in another guild. Usually guilds have a few scouts around the big group who make sure that their backline isn't steamrolled by a flanking group while engaging the enemy.
Problem is Im always thinking like duelist or participant of maximally 5v5 fight where strategy matters, anything above that feels like chaotic aoe fest where, if you´re focus fired, you melt in 0,1s so I´m not very experienced in big scale fights, however I´m sure you´re right.
Thing is there are saves, so tanks (who will probably max their saves) will not always be stunned. And stuns will not stack, so even if tank gets stunned, there are skills allowing to insta fill health (endurance). IF they survive focus fire ... Problem is fight in Fractured is partly RNG dependant (because of saves and luck is even ingame stat). So lets say five spells in row are resisted with saves = healer not necessary, but then another five successfully hit and some of them crit (also rng) = dead tank = healer not necessaryI know it´s extreme scenario, but who knows.
Also I asked on forum whether one can get out of the stun once stunned even for high cost, no one knows yet (such feature is in Guild Wars2, DIII, WoW, ESO etc.).
ZvZ can be fun once you get used to it, and individual players can make a difference. If you are very good (like KickinMachine in Albion, you will get your own kill team with pocket healer and buffer). The RNG CC might change the fights a bit indeed: one tank alone might not be able to delay a flanking group. However, when it comes to engaging and CC'ing the main group, I doubt it would be any difference because you'll have multiple tanks jumping in.PS: It's either a bug or some skills/mobs do damage to your HP (middle/red bar) because in the latest test there were situations when mobs killed me in the Creeping forest while having Endurance (top/green bar) way above 0, and life (middle/red bar) at the minimum.
PPS: I played both games with rng combat and without, and I'd pick no-rng every time especially when it comes to CC chance.
PS: It's either a bug or some skills/mobs do damage to your HP (middle/red bar) because in the latest test there were situations when mobs killed me in the Creeping forest while having Endurance (top/green bar) way above 0, and life (middle/red bar) at the minimum.
Doesnt poison do such thing? What skills those creatures had? But hopefully it´s a bug.
PPS: I played both games with rng combat and without, and I'd pick no-rng every time especially when it comes to CC chance.
Yep, but aside of Bloodline Champions, there is always a little bit of rng (crits), which is imo nice, otherwise the fight would become boring and you would only wait for opponent to make mistake (I disliked this in AO). Also I see RNG as a kind of comeback mechanic, to spice the fight up.