Ease up Starting Zone Gathering Resources
For example in Albion Online you have enough resources around to create the basic needed tools and the basic clothing.
If not we’ll end up naked like on Ark and it becomes night fast and your dying from frost.
You can lower Resources for Demon Race since lore says it’s a very hard land.
@Warlunhardt I have a feeling you haven't read the news about the game. As it was said, each player will be able to choose the background and thus choose a certain set of things and skills. And based on this, we do not need to facilitate the starting areas. Even when pre-alpha collection of resources was not a difficult thing, so now it is only your desire to have everything at once.
This game doesn't really have coherent "starting zones", other than that - if I recall - there are respawn areas on all planets where you can't be attacked, even on Tartaros. I would imagine that these areas are about pissing distance in diameter, or may even be individual caves accessed from the overworld.
@Warlunhardt You will find easily materials for your first steps in the game all around.
That was mentioned several times by the Studio.The first Skills and Receipes will not be hard to learn and the needed materials will be reachable from every start point.
I doubt the starter points for new player will be in uncomfortable areas.The Planets will have different materials, and the starter receipes will be surely different on each planet.
At least i hope soAs for Tartaros, why there should be lowered resources?
This planet will be fine for each kind of minerals and harsh vegetation.
Demons will know how to use their resources.
Again, the kind of resources will be different of each planet, that will be one of the reasons you will need to get a good working trading connection.
there are starting zones. Tartaros has Nest where the demons first spawn at. I suspect these will be small and will give just enough room to get you past the tutorial.
@Warlunhardt said in Ease up Starting Zone Gathering Resources:
For example in Albion Online you have enough resources around to create the basic needed tools and the basic clothing. If not we’ll end up naked like on Ark and it becomes night fast and your dying from frost.
I guess we are going to see more starting area testing in beta phases. I remember how even in Albion there was times at launch when every resource node was depleted everywhere all the time. However, one option was to travel a little bit away from starting area to get better those resources. Usually game performance was much more playable away from mass of players too. Furthermore, back to your concern, if it looks like, that starting area lacks of resources, one easy way is just to speed up respawn times.
You can lower Resources for Demon Race since lore says it’s a very hard land.
I would keep it same for all. Tartaros will be enough hard land without lack of resources.
@Warlunhardt said in Ease up Starting Zone Gathering Resources:
You can lower Resources for Demon Race since lore says it’s a very hard land.
Or perhaps they can lower an amount of resources (herbs, trees,...) on Arboreus because numerous animals that live there ate it all?
there needs to be an incentive to leave the starting area. having low resources is definitely a way to do that.
i'd say just enough personal resources so a person can make some equipment.
I would rather not have classic starting zones, but just spawn people randomly across the planet on start (perhaps just avoiding specific spots where monsters are).
@Gothix It could be spawns in a random village or city, things like that, to have a coherent beggining, not starting in the middle of nowhere. But I would be for a random spawn.