[Poll] Venture a guess (why has pre-alpha been delayed) :)
oh good, I was worried there might not be a suitable option for me to choose.
Certainly kralith did not make the coffee.
Kralith on the hit list now
I didn't realize that Kralith was even physically located near them, let alone could enter the offices to make coffee.
Mind BLOWN (starts paying more attention to Kralith)
Personally, I hope it's pre-alpha being fun enough to be distracting. this bodes well for the future.
I guess it must me my fault.
I could easily jump into a plane at Frankfurt every day and fly short to Mailand to bring them coffee.feels guilty now
How about a poll to not have polls...
@gothix said in [Poll] Venture a guess (why has pre-alpha been delayed)
They hired Chuck Norris to make an ultimate prealpha intro video and Chuck picks his own dates
In the introductional video trailer you can see Chuck Norris do a roundhouse kick to knock down a tree for crafting, but he accidentaly fractured Elysium...
I mean the answer is always Chuck Norris if it's an option.
I'd rather it be a good pre-alpha test than a mess that never allows users to connect (ptsd from too many game launches where the login server constantly crashes).
the only acceptable reason is cus cats
They were so busy watching cat videos on youtube, they forgot they were making a game.
Maybe Jacopo and his cable. I remember a Q&A when we heard him destroying the studio when he was going to take a water bottle
Seems to be evenly split between coffee and too busy playing.... maybe we're on to something
They got too busy playing and now they all sleepy and need coffee