Pets & Mounts

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    What kind of pets and mounts would you like to have in the game?

    Till now we know about Feral and Trained Wolf mounts and Fendyr and Fire Fendyr pets from The Foundation. The Kickstarter campaign gave us even more.

    So to sum up the announced ones:


    • Fendyr
    • Fire Fendyr
    • Baby Dragon
    • Royal Hawk
    • Noxious Cockatrice
    • Golden Howl
    • Imperial Griffon
    • Earth Dragon
    • Skeletal Dragon
    • Ghost Butler (how can he butler anything since it is a ghost?)


    • Feral Wolf
    • Trained Wolf
    • Horse

    What else would you like to have in the game? And for which planet?

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  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    A human as a pet could be interesting.... Joking, I love snakes, so why not a big snake like an anaconda (but integrated with the lore, of course). But the snake must be really big if we want to have it as a mount x) For the mounts, it could depend of the fauna, we don't really know if there is animals that can be used as mounts, but maybe we could have some golems with a seat on their back ?


    DragΓ£o bb


    For some reason the first thing that popped into my mind was the Lovegood's giant steam powered mechanical spider from Wild Wild West... and now the song is stuck in my head... The wild wild west whooo, the wild wild west ha-ha ha-ha.. DAMN YOU WILL SMITH!!!!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Would be interesting if something is both a pet and a mount.


    @chrightt said in Pets & Mounts:

    Would be interesting if something is both a pet and a mount.

    This could be fun. The Earth Dragon, Bone Dragon, and Imperial Gryphon all look big enough - maybe doing favors for any of the 3 planet rulers will let you get an egg? (they are players, remember XD Hopefully RP'ers, given how lore heavy they'll be in those roles). Eggs wouldn't produce those pets, obviously, since they are limited, but would produce the "common" versions

    Not sure if the mech spider would be just a ride, or a ride pet...but you could use the same model to do a monster octopus XD On a similar note, centaur and sphinxes could be fun. not sure the devs are up to writing all the dialogue hanging out with a sentient and verbal pet/ride would entail...

    I'd like to see a chibi-sphinx pet. Think adorable kitten with a kid's face and wings. just, maximum adorable XD And a couple more Fendyr variations - those are adorable!
    A small snake, or a hawk, or a dog would be nice to see. A quetzalcoatl that drapes on your shoulders, or just sort of floats around you, could be fun (and you can cash shop multiple versions for different colors XD ). A faun might be fun - just, it capers and dances around you all day. could be a nice uplifting thing, if you needed to watch something caper about.

    A "light" pet - a will'o'wisp, for example, might also be fun, if they actually created light. but that implies dynamic lighting, and I'm not sure the devs are tackling that...



    • beast kin female
    • human female
    • demon female

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @Esher said in Pets & Mounts:

    A human as a pet could be interesting

    To be true that was the first thing that came to my mind when thinking about mounts for demon. But that kind of mount would be weak, slow and not comfortable. I think demons would find a better use for a human than a mount. Even if it is just a meal πŸ˜‰

    @Comferage said in Pets & Mounts:

    Lovegood's giant steam powered mechanical spider from Wild Wild West

    I also hope that there will be steam machines as mounts. Maybe not as big as WWW spider, but still something cool. Starting from steam-powered carriage, through a steam bike to something really wicked, like the spider you mentioned or mini mech or ATAT.

    @chrightt said in Pets & Mounts:

    Would be interesting if something is both a pet and a mount.

    Well, that would be a little confusing and a little too easy. From what I can guess pets will go wherever you go as they are cosmetic only. I think mounts will stay where you leave them. At least I do not imagine a horse with a cart being able to follow you on his own through a thick forest. Mounts can be also used to move resources, etc.
    Also pets as cosmetics will not be targetable. I do not think the same goes for mounts.

    @TheRippyOne said in Pets & Mounts:

    The Earth Dragon, Bone Dragon, and Imperial Gryphon all look big enough - maybe doing favors for any of the 3 planet rulers will let you get an egg? (they are players, remember XD Hopefully RP'ers, given how lore heavy they'll be in those roles). Eggs wouldn't produce those pets, obviously, since they are limited, but would produce the "common" versions
    Not sure if the mech spider would be just a ride, or a ride pet...but you could use the same model to do a monster octopus XD On a similar note, centaur and sphinxes could be fun. not sure the devs are up to writing all the dialogue hanging out with a sentient and verbal pet/ride would entail...
    I'd like to see a chibi-sphinx pet. Think adorable kitten with a kid's face and wings. just, maximum adorable XD And a couple more Fendyr variations - those are adorable!
    A small snake, or a hawk, or a dog would be nice to see. A quetzalcoatl that drapes on your shoulders, or just sort of floats around you, could be fun (and you can cash shop multiple versions for different colors XD ). A faun might be fun - just, it capers and dances around you all day. could be a nice uplifting thing, if you needed to watch something caper about.
    A "light" pet - a will'o'wisp, for example, might also be fun, if they actually created light. but that implies dynamic lighting, and I'm not sure the devs are tackling that...

    Earth Dragon,etc. Well, we do not know how big they will be. There was no size comparison, only concept art. I guess we will have to see it once the game launches. Keep in mind that too big pet may be more of a hindrance then anything good. It will take too much of your view. And of view of any other players. Just imagine playing in a team in which everyone has a pet bigger then the character itself.

    Centaurs cannot be mounts. That is an intelligent race, it is the same as if you would want to mount a human or a dwarf.

    Chibi pets could be fun, but with a twist. A chibi character that from time to time opens his mouth more than possible and shows those razor sharp teethes. You know, a chibi with something unsettling mixed in it.

    @Gothix said in Pets & Mounts:


    • beast kin female
    • human female
    • demon female

    Well, that is just rude. Why would you designate only females to be mounts? Why not both genders? πŸ˜‰ I think I know how you would like to mount them...
    Anyway, I think this is a bad idea - on many levels. Basic one - not a single intelligent, self-aware species should be treated as a mount.


    @dybuk said in Pets & Mounts:

    Why would you designate only females to be mounts? Why not both genders? πŸ˜‰

    I'm just writing what I want. Someone else can write his own desires. πŸ˜‰


    I’d love to see the races as combat pets.

    I’d love to see combat pets be used as mounts too. Non-combat pets, or cosmetics pets, could be any critter or mechanical being.


    @gothix honesty is ofcourse the best policy lol

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I would like to see mounts that are part of the survival machanics ingame!

    For example mounts that can't survive on foreign planets, but are extra suitable for their home planet. Like Comodo Dragon style mounts for Tartaros, and Giant Moose mounts for Arboreus.

    Humans will have mounts that are extra suited for foreign planets, but have other drawback vs regular horses. Like camels for deserts on Tartaros or Frisian horses for Arboreus.


    @benseine said in Pets & Mounts:

    I would like to see mounts that are part of the survival machanics ingame!

    For example mounts that can't survive on foreign planets, but are extra suitable for their home planet. Like Comodo Dragon style mounts for Tartaros, and Giant Moose mounts for Arboreus.

    Humans will have mounts that are extra suited for foreign planets, but have other drawback vs regular horses. Like camels for deserts on Tartaros or Frisian horses for Arboreus.

    Humans will likely get an option of steampunk mounts. πŸ™‚

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @therippyone Honestly, I think Will'o'wisps are not out of the reach. If they made torches or something like torches for exploration then it wouldn't be a far stretch to create a will'o'wisp.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix said in Pets & Mounts:

    Humans will likely get an option of steampunk mounts.

    I really really hope so πŸ™‚

    @chrightt said in Pets & Mounts:

    Honestly, I think Will'o'wisps are not out of the reach. If they made torches or something like torches for exploration then it wouldn't be a far stretch to create a will'o'wisp.

    But since torches are being made in crafting, will'o'wisps should be too... Hmm.. maybe conjuration magic?


    Or Restoration on a Lantern XD

  • Wiki Editor

    All i want is a Corvus Corax.


    @kralith said in Pets & Mounts:

    Corvus Corax.

    given that there is a hawk, the devs already have the skeleton, rigging, and animations, so something that iconic ought to show up pretty quickly, if it isn't already in the works.


    @esher i feel that you were own to something with that human concept ( lolololol)


    I want to see a humanoid mount giving a piggyback as a joke.

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