does it work on chromebooks?
Does it work on devices that aren't pc
They'd probably have to do a special version, depending on the actual source code of the Chromebook OS. Plus, I'm not sure if the Chromebook has enough power to run an MMO
I know people who play MMOs on chromebooks
Fractured will be developped on linux. After that say... Chrome Os is based on a gnu/linux core so it could be possible but since the goal of google is to make money with your data... and chrome Os running on specific hardware... it could be a yes like a no ^^.
Hi @Fuam! Fractured is being developed for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
ChromeOS is not planned to be officially supported, so it all boils down to how well ChromeOS can run Linux apps in general. It might be able to run Fractured, but it's impossible to tell at this point.
I‘m curious to see which solutions people will find to run the client.
People will come up with things to make stuff work if it can. It really depends on the hardware involved, though. Assuming the end specs are fairly low for release date then newer versions of Chromebook likely will, with some work.
The CPUs involved manage halfway decently as long as you do not need a large thread count (which is rare for gaming just yet). The graphics cards are usually pretty primitive, which leaves that as a possible problem spot. The rest... well, 4GB ram will work on many things, but may be another hang up depending upon the needs of the program.
So it really depends on the model of Chromebook, the hardware, the requirements, etc.
@jairone Exactly. I see graphics as the biggest potential issue, depending on what chipset the Chromebooks use.
technically it'll work on any platform if you remote desktop to your home system. only problem would be latency and controls. if a chromebook has mouse and keyboard then it should work. I'd test it with Path of Exile to see how it works out if this were my problem.