Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Kickstarter in general. Been burned in the past, and now I don't crowdfund or pre-order games anymore.

  • Well at this point im really between early recruit and immortal.
    I have to decide if this game is more like an UO or like Albion..
    If i was sure i would pledge immortal with close eyes, but we dont have enought information about lore and the polish that this game will eventualy get after release. About how much can be deep, its a thing that i have to try on my skin..
    Anyway i will see on last days if more money are needed to close this KS succesfull or.. we will have time later to try it again with more experience and with more developed things and directions to show..


    Im at immortal at mo, but there is so little difference between immortal and knight gonna drop my pledge, with knight i get 2 years subs etc this game hopefully not but may not even last 2 years, so i could half my pledge and loose out on nothing really, unless a lot get added to immortal pledge knight it is for me.


    I wish I could afford to pledge something. Aw well. 😞

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    3 children, one wife, 2 cars and several debts, kkkkkkkkkk


    you could sell a kid..

    jokes aside, i know the feeling. sometimes entertainment is pushed behind to catch up on debt but then you get tired of doing that.

  • Please do a KS article about VIP e Freecarpenter that start with:
    "To people who worry about the possibility of p2w elements ecc"
    I heard a bit of worry on reddit and not so much time ago here, probably many people(that meet Fractured just now) find this lack of info about this mysterious VIP membership a deterrent.



    Before backing the game I would like to know the company's stance on (Real Money Trading), or Giving away Currency, In Game Items, or Resources to other players.

    This is likely a stupid question to ask, and I asked in another thread, but reason I am asking is because "Albion Online" has a section in their EULA that says "You may not trade items, or currency without anything of equal value in return, or we will assume you paid real money for it, and in short the company actually terminates your account without warning just for playing the game it's how I lost my 3 year backer account without reason, even though the company admit they review evidence and it may not have been accurate.

    Other major Sandbox games don't really ban a user for trading or playing the game and if a user is unfortunate enough to come across someoen who has done "RMT" generally usually just removes items or currency obtained through a trade.

    Also I read the Terms OF Service

    I do not see anything that keeps players from engage in (Real Money Trading) or (Giving away items to other players) thus if I am going to "Back the game" I would like to be sure of all policy, and agreement before doing so, or before recommending this game to others for that matter as I come from some very large gaming community.

  • Moderator

    @00 What do you mean, lack of info? The devs have explained multiple times what the VIP is.


    1. VIP membership? What's that about?

    VIP membership is a monthly subscription planned to be priced around $10/month. It provides the following perks:

    Discounts on Store items

    Unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time

    Other vanity rewards we might think of in the future

    Additional study slots

    Increased Knowledge Point gains

    1. Is VIP membership "Pay to Win"?

    Fractured characters are already competitive from day 1. The core of progression afterwards consists of completing tasks requiring you to travel and perform a wide range of exploration- and experimentation-related activities.

    The bonuses from VIP membership have nothing to do with the above, since they only impact the passive “studying phase” that kicks in once the tasks have been completed. Moreover, they've been balanced so that they only speed up progression for "completionists" who want to learn a ton of abilities (beyond what's actually useful for each character). Because of this, VIP membership ultimately has no impact on actual PvP competition, not between individuals nor between guilds.

    Mega Update – Cheaper Packs, Pre-Alpha Keys & More

    VIP Subscription

    Here we are at the hot potato of the post – ouch!

    As explained on the forums, VIP membership provides the following advantages:

    Additional study slots

    Increased Knowledge Points gains (from unlimited sources only)

    Discounts on Store Items (which are cosmetic only)

    Unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time

    Other vanity rewards we might think of in the future

    While cosmetic rewards have never been a contentious point, we’ve seen a few community members arguing that KP and slot bonuses are a form of “pay to win”. While getting a VIP membership could help you winning a hypothetical “let’s see who learns 100 abilities first” challenge with a friend of yours, it has no impact whatsoever on actual PvP competition, not between individuals nor between guilds.

    Fractured characters are already competitive from day 1 – it’s part of what makes Fractured and its Knowledge System so unique. The core of progression afterwards consists of completing tasks requiring you to travel and perform a wide range of exploration– and experimentation-related activities. The VIP subscription has nothing to do with this, since it only impacts the passive “studying phase” that kicks in once the tasks have been completed and the ability inscribed on a book.

    That being said, learning all the abilities in the game with a character is a meaningful objective only for a “completionist” – the kind of player who benefits the most from the KP and slots bonuses of the VIP subscription. If you want to play competitively, your aim is to learn the abilities that fit with the stat distribution of your character and have access to as many different resources as possible – the latter being crucial for competitive guilds too. The VIP subscription makes the former slightly faster and has no relation with the latter, therefore providing no real advantage in the competitive scene of Fractured.


    If you care about vanity items, the VIP subscription offers a great value thanks to its unique rewards and discounts;

    If you are a completionist, being VIP provides a nice boost, although it’s in no way necessary;

    If you’re neither of the two, you can ignore it, whether you play competitively or not.

  • @specter Yes, but a KS update in the FAQ would have been more visible and in the right place at this point. I got both of your news at that time but what about who come in now and see a stretch goal about a month of VIP for everyone? Is probable that he will think that the game is like another korean MMO with VIP system or fatigue ecc. Anyway i just want that the ks will succed. I advise, then it's your job to evaluate if might be a good option or not.

  • Wiki Editor

    Yes, maybe the important questions to set more prominent would be a very good idea.
    People tend to be stupid, when they search something what they want to know. 😉

  • Moderator

    @00 I've added the information to the KS FAQ.


    Not exactly the same as not knowing if I should or not but I upgraded from Governor to Duke of Syndesia or €450.00 to €2,500.00.

  • @agracore I advise to try to speack with Prometeus or someone qualified in the discord for a questions like that! for sure they can explain if the game might fit with your expectations or not.. I risk an upgrade from 20 to 300€ today too, still not sure if it will the game for me but i have a good vibe that atleast will be something different from the avarage MMOs of today (bless im watching you)


    Well said! honestly I don't mind spending the money to support something like this. It seems to have a great fan base already and of course hopefully it will live up to my expectations eventually haha @00

  • @agracore And sometimes the travel is enjoyable to, it was a bit that i wasn't refreshing an internet page so much as im doing in this period. 👀


    haha ya totally @00

  • Wiki Editor

    Hehe at @00 and @Agracore good to know there are others who did same 🙂
    My Webcounter will let the Kickstarterpage stay at #1 in its list for long time.


    This response is probably too late to be useful, but maybe it can help you communicate with potential players in the future.

    I only heard about this game a few days ago, when a youtuber called DeathsProxy talked about it. I regularly browse kickstart for video games, but I did not notice your game in the pack of sub-par campaigns. These days kickstarter isn't what it was a few years ago, so most people only back something if they hear about through youtubers and gaming sites.

    You should have had more videos about the game and more youtubers and gaming sites should have known about it. I really like what I've read on your website (player build/controlled towns, player driven economy, choice of pve/pvp planet, ...), but your kickstarter page makes it look a lot more generic compared to the descriptions on your own website.

    A lot of people don't back kickstarter projects anymore, because so many off them didn't live up to their expectations. I really want to finally find an MMO that is fun to play for months/years on end. So in the last few years I've backed several mmo kickstarter campaigns. Some of them aren't ready yet and some of them just weren't enjoyable enough. I've spend hundreds of euros backing kickstarter campaigns for mmorpgs where the devs really tried to make a great game but failed. So I'm hesitant to spend a lot of money on this campaign. I'm convinced that you will try to make a great game, but because of past experiences, I'm not convinced that you will succeed.

    Your kickstarter campaign is about to succeed. If that's enough money for you to make the game, great! Living expenses for 7 guys for several years add upp a lot. 800 backers isn't enough players anyway. More people need to know about this game. Make more youtube videos, each explaining one facet of the game: towns, crafting, trading, travel, ... Keep those videos short and flashy. Our attention span is very short. Please, don't make tedious Q&A videos, that kind of information should be written down, if not in a newsletter then on this forum. When you enter alpha, send some alpha keys to some youtube gamers, so they can show off your game.


    I really think a lot of the in game pets, mounts etc should be dropped down tiers, i backed other games and got triple the amount of in game pets mounts etc for the same price, All of the really cool stuff is at tier which will never get backed at. 1k above, that's crazy money for few in game pets etc, and yes they may take little bit of time but in the long run they dont cost production like physical items so the lack of digital items made me drop my pledge.

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