This chart breaks down the total number of players into their race and sub-race.
I would like to point out that this data is not 100% accurate due to the actual data endlessly changing.
I collected all this information by myself from The Foundation's hero profile search, I did it in about 500-600 hero increments.
All in all it took about 7 hours.
The game as it is right now has 5,363 registered heroes with about ~8 new heroes a day.
Also note that the Foundation doesn't show users who haven't created a hero.
My data came out to be 36 heroes short (5,327) and so I spread them equally into the races.
This chart shows the actual percentages of the total players.
Demons : 37.4%
Humans : 32.1%
Beastman : 30.5%
As you can see the Demons are clearly the largest but it is almost a perfect three way split.
One very interesting thing I noticed was the names for each race almost all end up in a sort of theme, the Humans have many typical human names (Dave, Jone, Etc.) Demons had violent or vulgar names (Death, Slayer, Etc.) and Beastman had unique fantasy style names. Obviously not every name followed these themes but many did.
Well anyway, hope you enjoyed this!
The top chart was made using Sankeymatic. Check it out its awesome!
Also if any Beastman are looking for a guild... look no further! Join Elusive!