Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
It's actually going fairly well. One of the challenges is exposure. They have drilled into the community so much, the importance of the website and interaction on the website that not much is happening on the campaign itself. When doing a KS you want all focus to be on the KS. Get community talking there, update every day or multiple times a day. Any reveals should happen there and not on the website.
Because of how things have been set up, I think they will meet the minimum on KS which is fine and then focus on sales on the website which will end up making much more because there is so much focus already on the site.
I think so great education around funding a game can be had by watching the Crowfall dev streams where they talk about cost of acquisition, projected churn rate, etc... Not fun game related stuff to talk about, but really important for any business to know.
We should also not forget, that there are many people out there, who are quite active but donβt have access to a credit card. I know at least some of them who would like to support them on Kickstarter but just are not able to do this.
I already helped one of them with my own credit card, as a very special exception. But many others donβt have this possibility. At least one more who could push the kickstarter a bit to the immortal state. May others follow
I've been with Gloria Victis for a long time. They've done alot without Kickstarter (wich they originally planned) and investors. Their income game from selling alpha keys and alot of that was because their popularity on So there are plenty of options, and they already have some investors early on.
@tulukaruk said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
having 40% in 3 days looks like it's going to be ok
The dollars look good because it's such a low total to begin with.
My worry, as laid out in the OP, is that we have quite a large community here, but still haven't cracked 400 backers yet on Kickstarter, which is an absolutely tiny amount in relative terms.
The opening day(s) of any Kickstarter is when the bulk of people dogpile on. And that hasn't happened... at least yet. Hence my worry.
I wanted this Kickstarter to go insanely well, like, raise 3 or 4 times what they were asking. Not limp along like this
I think if there is still worries about whether the Kickstarter will be reached or further funding down the road then all of us in the community should work together to get the word out more about the game. All of the promotion of the game doesn't need to come from the developers.
In honesty, I'll take the opinion of a friend or even someone I've just gamed with as an acquaintance over the developer hype on the value of the game. Sometimes that takes more than one telling. Just ask Kellewic how long he had to tell me about the game before I would even consent to look at the web page let alone join as a foundation member and post to the forums. I've been so burnt out on games that promise one thing and deliver nothing that I wasn't willing to give another game the time of day. I've been that gamer that has a raid at 6 every night and you must attend and top dog on the server. Now though I'm looking for a game where I can learn crafting and wave the troops off to war with a ham sammich
while I say home and grow carrots
In most games crafting doesn't make a difference. You get better weapons, armor, mods, etc from killing mega boss #4 20 zillion times until the whole guild has what they need then you move on to mega boss #5. I'm hoping Fractured will give me the best of both worlds. Let me grow carrots during the week when I'm working and traveling long hours and still let me go out and raid or kill Mega boss #5 during the weekends when I have time.
imho they released it to early, the game still unknown to majority i discovered it myself only 3 months ago and thx to youtube videos, they should have waited more and keep building hype and knowldge of the game with interviews etc then relase kick.
also the kick video itself is not properly stellar it show almost nothing, 2 char goind around not even with in game sound and no visible gameplay/interface, the rest of what they talk about not was particular innovative etc, like the bla bla about how when you kill an animal it not drop an axe, i can find the same exact words in an albion video of 3 years ago.
Also i follow kickstarter since 2012 and been part of some succesful and unsuccesful campaigns, if your own community not bid 60% of the project in the first week, you not gonna get the rest from the others. and in general the projects i was part did 6-9 months of pre kick campaign with interviews in ten ton hammer, kotaku and many youtube videos and eve devblog streams before launch.
so what we can do at this point? ask devs to even send us the community to make this campaign being noticed in the forums of the biggest mmo sites, and themself do as many interviews with as many game portals as they can. As well release youtube videos, or make live stream with q&a anything that bring hype,
Another is ask KS for spotlight (they can ask )
they should have considered also indiegogo and a steam ea sell tbh
Ever play a kick ass game that you lost, cause they just didn't make enough money to keep it going? I have.
Ever wish they funded the game differently cause you would have played that game forever? Ever wish the game had more money to advertise more so they could get more people to play it to keep it viable even with it's failed monetization? I have.
Ever follow a game from one publisher to another, and then another because that game was just so flipping cool, that it had to keep existing, and when it failed anyway for lack of funding, it broke your heart.
Fractured is one of those games that needs to be made. I NEED to play this game. I NEED them to succeed.
So I see the kickstarter, and worry... do they have enough money, will the kickstarter fail, is it too early, did they screw this up... Maybe? But if you haven't put money into this to back it, then who's at fault here really?
Game won't be in beta for another year and a half, or more. If the kickstarter fails, they have other venues to find more money, including continuing to gather on here, but we really don't want to see it fail.
I see a lot of people sitting on the fence, waiting to see how the fundraising goes. I have my own recruits who haven't put money in yet waiting for alpha footage, or until they can already pay in to start playing, who won't put money into a fundraising to get the game started.
But I think back to awesome game or games, that just didn't work because they didn't have enough money... and I count what I spend per month on gaming now, and put it out to what my kickstarter pledge is going to cost me per month between now and when the game opens.
I want this game to work out, I can afford to buy a pledge on my credit card that's bigger than the game alone will cost in open beta, I can afford to take time to pay that off and counter it against the months it's going to take in development here in order to get it to work.
I can support the game now in the pledges and then in development so that what I see in it, and those of you here in the forum before the kickstarter launch also must see in it, will come to exist, so I can play it. So the people waiting, they know there's always another game coming out, there's always games that fail, but do they really ask themselves about that one game that they really wished they could still play, or could have played? I do.
This is one of those games for me. It looks on the surface like it's going to have so much content and scope to the game that it'll be fun to play for years. It's been a long time that a game, and not my gaming friends, has held my interest for long term. I think this one might be able to, and if I can help them by pledging now instead of taking a wait and see attitude, I will. And I have.
Kickstarter is not a great place to fundraise when it comes to a game that isn't already set for alpha. If it's early, they can relaunch. If it fails, they have other avenues. What they need though, is a fanbase that will rally around and put money up when they need it. What's a great game worth to you?
Yeah there's things I think they can do better. They need to push out a few more spotlights, they should have recently before the kickstarter to keep the hype up for the members here who are actually into playing. I joined in September, but the lack of updates had my interest wane BIG time. I kept following, on the discord seeing when there was any news, but I really spent a good six months not even ON the forums.
So yeah, they have to do their part too, but for us? If you're on the fence and want the game made, pledge.
Damn @Greenfire, that was a worthy, and dare I say, eloquent post. I'm of similar mind. I want a game I can play for years. For me, even if Fractured is a little bit better PoE, I'm good since I played PoE from open beta and loved it, so pledging was easy for me and my counterpart @Ladyrowan.
I really think some spotlights on governing/towns and crafting need to come out ASAP. Having so many higher tier kickstarter rewards tied to governing with little to no information is likely hurting the purchasing of those packs. I've also seen a lot of posts on the forums from the crafters who have precious little information to go on which I think leads to people staying on the fence of whether to purchase or not.
@kellewic said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
Damn @Greenfire, that was a worthy, and dare I say, eloquent post. I'm of similar mind. I want a game I can play for years. For me, even if Fractured is a little bit better PoE, I'm good since I played PoE from open beta and loved it, so pledging was easy for me and my counterpart @Ladyrowan.
I really think some spotlights on governing/towns and crafting need to come out ASAP. Having so many higher tier kickstarter rewards tied to governing with little to no information is likely hurting the purchasing of those packs. I've also seen a lot of posts on the forums from the crafters who have precious little information to go on which I think leads to people staying on the fence of whether to purchase or not.
yeah that was like the VIP entry before it was explained. We don't need a Spotlight length post but at least some idea of how it works or why I want to be a gov of a town.
I just joined the community recently.
I read about Fractured in a news article the very first time 3 days ago and did not know anything about it.But as an old fan of "Ultima Online", they drew my attention quickly. I did not play MMOs since then and was or am somehow in the mood to dig into one again.
However, I understand why people are worrying about the pledges so far.
Honestly, I wonder reading some posts on this forum and am suprised that Fractured's own community struggles to pledge in it.
If they do not do it how will others? There are way too less people out there likewise me who just stumbled over this game unpurposely and are just missing old "Ultima Online"-times and wanna give it a chance now again.This project is ambitious but obviously not convincing many other people yet. And there I see a failure.
Most people decide within seconds, and therefore, the very first impression is the most valueable one. If you did not convince the very first time, it will get more and more difficult to do later. Maybe the devs were too excited to kick this off too early who knows?
But "only" 20-30 more pledges (I think) in 2 more days, is not much I believe.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound pesimistic, there is still time to achieve their goal. But I must agree, I expected more after I joined kickstarter and your community, especially afteer I found out how big this community already is.
But hope and trust still lasts.
I've been trying to get friends interested, but money is tight for most of them and many don't want to pledge and wait 2 years to get their hands on the game
Imho pledge for alpha etc are too high, many more would have bid if 50$ or 35% allowed you since alpha, people tend to look more for having early access then extra bonus, gold or items. And when they figure out that for get in alpha 1 they need what 100? 200 euro? they not gonna do it, problem is if you get low $ package you get only beta access+ wich are faar from now so this combination imho keep many away
A really good article, and some good comments that might make a few people a little more secure, specifically with regards to the financial status of the game, and what the kickstarter is actually being used for:
Still haven't cracked 400 people
I think I was right to flag this as early as I did; I've got pretty good at reading crowd-funds over the years.
But it brings me no joy to flag it at all. By now, I'd like us (even expect us), to have a couple of thousand backers at least.
for me the biggest problem is that it requires a credit card which i don't have.
if it supported pay-pal or ideal or pay-safe i would already have put a few bucks in
While I would say that I thought there would be a battle to get some of the Early Bird deals I do not think that the kickstarter is in dire trouble. I would say that there needs to be a solid push for the game from those of us that are active here. Even if you just post up the kickstarter on twitter or facebook. If the project can sell to more people and upsell the $20 EB backers there is no doubt we will be talking about stretch goals before the end. Just because there wasn't a huge day one push it isn't the end of the world.
I have backed quite a few games on kickstarter. I have been part of several games that failed and kicked ass the second time. There are some that just do not take. This game did pretty good on day one, and while I and many others obviously thought the community was larger.... its large enough to show people that there is interest here. The goal is lofty but not crazy high, its pretty easy to get a couple good mid term pushes with good updates.
The more of the game they can show, and the cool stuff.... fighting, magic... and not the seen it before stuff... cool "look at that!" stuff. The sooner the better. Monsters and cool animations, interesting deaths, finishing moves on bosses, that kind of stuff sells.
@mazikar said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
The more of the game they can show, and the cool stuff.... fighting, magic... and not the seen it before stuff... cool "look at that!" stuff. The sooner the better. Monsters and cool animations, interesting deaths, finishing moves on bosses, that kind of stuff sells.
I agree and, presuming this stuff is already lined up for the weeks ahead, getting it out maybe sooner than they were planning to. Don't go into the last 7 days, for example, still saying, "We have great things to show you guys!" Get it all on the table in the first half of the campaign so it can soak in out there.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but there is no way they are meeting 100k euros at this rate.
90 percent of KS donations come in the first 2 days, and the last 2 days.
The math just isn't there.
They need to do something radical.
@dulu said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but there is no way they are meeting 100k euros at this rate.
90 percent of KS donations come in the first 2 days, and the last 2 days.
The math just isn't there.
They need to do something radical.
it is what it is.
Not at all true Dulu. Getting a mid level push might just be a simple youtube vid/live streamer push away. A simple shout out in guild chats and bumps in gaming forums. Several games I have backed just kept getting it done the entire time. Some of them even started getting stretch goals on the last week.