Community Call - Translation Help Needed!
Hi everyone! We need some translation help from English to the following languages:
- Spanish
- (Brazilian) Portuguese
- French
- German
- Russian
- Polish
Below you can find the texts that we need to translate!
Forum texts:
- Introduce yourself to the Fractured community!
- Discuss Fractured and let us know of your suggestions and ideas.
- Got a question? Ask the developers of Fractured and the community!
- Promote your future guild or let the world know you're looking for one.
AD1 texts:
- The Dynamic MMO
- The first open-world Sandbox MMORPG featuring action combat, interactable environments, no grind, player-driven economy and universe colonization. Join the revolution!
- Sign up TODAY for a chance to WIN a PRE-ALPHA KEY!
AD2 texts:
- The first Sandbox MMO-ARPG where your race selection has a real impact on your gameplay. Join the revolution!
- Humans: Total Free Will
- Beastmen: Living In Harmony
- Demons: Blood And Terror
AD3 texts:
- Forget about old MMORPG clichés and enter a world where every item is crafted by the players. Join the revolution!
- Crafters And Merchants
- Farmers And Shepers
- Miners And Woodcutters
- Hunters And Scavangers
AD4 texts:
- Tired of MMOs where the fun begins 80 hours after you’ve started playing? Join the revolution!
- Jump Right Into The Action
- Goodbye Grind, Welcome Knowledge!
- Every Day A New Gameplay
As you can see, we'll be pushing localized Fractured ADs to different communities worldwide. We're doing this now to maximize user subscriptions before the beginning of our Kickstarter campaign.
Many thanks to everyone who will volunteer to translate them - you're directly contributing to the success of our Kickstarter!
( I'll also throw in some Foundation Points as reward, of course
German Translation
The (#) on some words are explained at the end.Forum texts:
- Stelle dich der Fractured Community(1) vor!
- Diskutiere über Fractured und lass uns deine Vorschläge und Ideen kennen lernen.
- Hast du eine Frage? Frage die Entwickler von Fractured und die Community(1)!
- Bewerbe deine zukünftige Gilde oder lasse die Welt wissen, dass du nach einer suchst.
AD1 Texts:
- Das Dynamische MMO
- Das erste Open-World-Sandbox-MMORPG mit Action Combat(2), interaktiven Umgebungen, ohne Grind, Spieler basierter Wirtschaft und Universumsbesiedlung. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
- Melde dich HEUTE an, um einen PRE-ALPHA KEY (3) zu gewinnen!
AD2 Texts:
- Das erste Sandbox MMO-ARPG, bei dem deine Rassenauswahl einen echten Einfluss auf dein Gameplay hat. Erlebe die Revolution!
- Menschen: Der totale freie Wille
- Tiermenschen: Leben in Harmonie
- Dämonen: Blut und Terror
AD3 Texts:
- Vergiss alte MMORPG-Klischees und betritt eine Welt, in der jeder Gegenstand von Spielern hergestellt wird. Erlebe die Revolution!
- Handwerker und Händler
- Bauern und Hirten
- Bergleute und Holzfäller
- Jäger und Sammler
AD4 Texts:
- Müde von MMOs, in denen der Spaß erst 80 Stunden nach Start des Spiels beginnt? Erlebe die Revolution!
- Begib dich direkt in die Aktion
- Auf Wiedersehen Grind, Willkommen Wissen!
- Jeden Tag ein neues Spielerlebnis
In general i still think i was translating too much, because some words we germans use english... Okay, maybe some words totally wrong, for example Handy for Mobile
... but i think here are more germans and can get some hints, what we better not translate, or they have maybe better Ideas not to let sound it too stiff.
Here some of my unsure translations:
(1) We also can use "Community" here, because we say this more often in gamer slang than the word "Gemeinschaft".
(2) I would not translate this, because there is no real uncomplicated german word for it and gamer know the meaning of Action Combat. Maybe we could say Action-Kampf, but that sounds silly. Maybe other germans have a better idea for.
(3) Also no translation needed i think.Edit @Prometheus for this reason:
@lohen said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:i would consider not to write "join the revolution"
it sounds really strange in german xD
maybe better "erlebe die Revolution" (its experience the revolution or feel the revolution)
have a great day
Amazing! 1,000 points for Gryf... Er.. @Kralith!
Thank you Prometheus!
French Translation (Traduction Française)
- Présentez-vous à la communauté Fractured!
- Discutez de Fractured et faites-nous part de vos suggestions et idées.
- Vous avez une question ? Demandez aux développeurs de Fractured ainsi qu'a sa communauté.
- Faites la promotion de votre future guilde ou faites savoir au monde que vous en cherchez une.
AD1 texts:
- Un MMO dynamique
- Le premier MMORPG Sandbox en monde ouvert proposant des combats d'action, des environnements interactifs, aucun grind, une économie dirigée par les joueurs dans un univers colonisable. Rejoignez la révolution!
- Inscrivez-vous AUJOURD'HUI pour avoir la chance de GAGNER UNE CLÉ PRÉ-ALPHA!
AD2 texts:
- Le premier Sandbox MMO-ARPG où la sélection de votre race à un réel impact sur votre gameplay. Rejoignez la révolution!
- Humain : Une liberté totale de votre volonté
- Les Hommes bête : qui vivent en harmonie
- Les Démons : Qui font couler le sang et régner la terreur
AD3 texts:
- Oubliez les vieux clichés du MMORPG et entrez dans un monde où chaque objet est conçu par les joueurs. Rejoignez la révolution!
- Artisans Et Marchands
- Récolteurs Et Bergers
- Mineurs Et Bucherons
- Chasseur Et Recycleur
AD4 texts:
- Fatigué des MMO où le plaisir commence après 80 heures de jeu? Rejoignez la révolution!
- Sautez directement dans l'action
- Adieu le Grind, Bienvenu le Savoir!
- Tout les jours une nouvelle manière de jouer
Comme vous pouvez le voir, nous allons pousser la communauté de Fractured à se localiser dans le plus de pays possible. On le fait maintenant afin de maximiser les inscriptions sur le forum avant le lancement de notre campagne Kickstarter.
Some word stay in english because every french gamer know and use them everyday like : grind sandbox but I can translate them if you want.
Scavangers = charognard in french but nobody will understand so I use recycleur instead or we can keep the english word.
I translated the name of the race but I dont think it necessary.
If some text need to be shorter for the layout tell me
Anyway tell me if you want some alteration
I know some Polish, but you'd probably want someone more fluent to give it a shot first, if such a person is available. I could translate into Czech much more easily, in case you guys ever decide you want to tackle that particular market.
Перевод на русский
Forum texts:
Представьтесь сообществу Fractured!
Обсудите игру Fractured и сообщите нам о ваших предложениях и идеях.
У вас вопросы? Спросите разработчиков Fractured и сообщество!
Содействуйте вашей будущей гильдии или дайте миру знать, что вы ее ищете.
AD1 texts:
Это Динамическая ММО
Это первая ММОРПГ песочница с открытым миром в которой есть элементами экшен-рпг, взаимодействие с окружением, без гринда, с управляемой игроками экономикой и колонизацией вселенной Fractured. Присоединяйтесь к революционной игре!
Присоединяйся к нам СЕЙЧАС и получи шанс получить ПРЕ-АЛЬФА КЛЮЧ!
AD2 texts:
Первая MMO-ARPG песочница, где выбор вашей расы имеет реальное значение на ваш геймплей. Присоединяйтесь к революционной игре!
Люди: полная свобода воли
Зверолюди: гармония с природой
Демоны: кровь и террор
AD3 texts:
Забудьте о старых стандартах MMORPG и войдите в мир, где каждый предмет создаётся игроками. Присоединяйтесь к революционной игре!
Ремесленники И Торговцы
Фермеры И Пастухи
Шахтеры И Лесорубы
Охотники И Грабители
AD4 texts:
Устали от MMO, где всё веселье начинается через 80 часов после того, как вы начали играть? Присоединяйтесь к революционной игре!
Окунись в самую гущу событий
Прощай гринд, здравствуйте знания!
Каждый день новый геймплей
Hello! I am not a member of one of those nations that you originally requested translations for, however, I would still like to provide translations to my own countries language (Croatian) and leave them here because... well you never know if you are going to want them at some point in time.
Tbh, you could also name this section Balkanski Forum (Balkan Forum) as several nearby European countries understand this language and use 90% similar language. Balkan European region holds quite a bulk of players.
So here goes, for Balkanski Forum:
Forum texts:
- Predstavi se Fractured zajednici!
- Razgovaraj o Fractured-u i reci nam svoje prijedloge i ideje.
- Imaš li pitanje? Priupitaj djelatnike Fractured razvojnog tima i zajednicu igrača!
- Pretstavi svoj budući klan ili objavi svima da si u potrazi za jednim.
AD1 texts:
- Dinamični MMO
- Prvi otvoreni Sandbox MMORPG koji nudi akcijsku borbu, interaktivnu okolinu, odsustvo "farmanja", ekonomiju vođenu od igrača te kolonizaciju svemira. Pridruži se revoluciji!
- Pridruži se već DANAS i zgrabi šansu da OSVOJIŠ PRE-ALPHA KLJUČ!
AD2 texts:
- Prvi Sandbox MMO-ARPG (akcijski RPG) gdje odabir rase ima značajan utjecaj na tvoju igru. Pridruži se revoluciji!
- Ljudi: Potpuno Slobodna Volja
- Ljudi-Zvijeri: Život u Harmoniji
- Demoni: Krv i Teror
AD3 texts:
- Zaboravi stare MMORPG klišeje i uđi u svijet gdje je svaki predmet proizveden od igrača. Pridruži se revoluciji!
- Proizvođači i Prodavači
- Farmeri i Pastiri
- Rudari i Drvosječe
- Lovci i Sakupljači
AD4 texts:
- Dosta ti je MMOa gdje zabava počinje tek 80 sati nakon što si započeo igrati? Pridruži se revoluciji!
- Uključi se odmah u akciju
- Zaboravi "farmanje", prigrli znanje!
- Svaki dan nova igra
Hi there! I'm from Spain so I will try to be accurate translating from English, it may not be the best, but hope it helps.
Spain Translation
Forum texts:
- ¡Preséntate a la comunidad de Fractured!
- Debate sobre Fractured y déjanos saber tus sugerencias o ideas.
- ¿Alguna duda? ¡Pregunta a los desarrolladores de Fractured y a la comunidad!
- Promueve tu futura hermandad o hazle saber al mundo que estas buscando una.
AD1 texts:
- El MMO Dinámico.
- El primer Sandbox MMORPG con mundo abierto que ofrece action combat ( I'm almost 100% sure this is said more often in gamer slang than combate de acción in Spanish ), entornos interactivos, sin grind ( this could be called rutinas, it means routines, but I think "grind" is better even for spaniards ), economía controlada por el jugador y colonización universal. ¡Únete a la revolución!
- ¡Regístrate HOY para tener una oportunidad de GANAR un CÓDIGO PRE-ALPHA!
AD2 texts:
- El primer Sandbox MMO-ARPG en el que la elección de raza tiene un impacto real en la jugabilidad. ¡Únete a la revolución!
- Humanos: con Total Albedrío.
- Hombres Bestia: Viviendo en Armonía.
- Demonios: Sangre y Terror.
AD3 texts:
- Olvídate de esos viejos clichés sobre MMORPGs y entra en un mundo donde cada objeto es elaborado por los jugadores. ¡Únete a la revolución!
- Artesanos y Comerciantes.
- Cultivadores y Pastores.
- Mineros y Leñadores.
- Cazadores y Carroñeros.
AD4 texts:
- ¿Cansado de MMOs donde la diversión empieza 80 horas después de haber empezado a jugar? ¡Únete a la revolución!
- Salta Directamente a la Acción.
- ¡Adiós Grind ( or rutinas, same as above ), Bienvenida Sabiduría! ( or Bienvenido Conocimiento, I prefer Sabiduría for Knowledge in my opinion )
- Cada Día Una Nueva Jugabilidad.
@rehmius ROLFMAO tha'ts a good translation do'h.
@zopek thank you! A few questions though:
- Is communauté actually used instead of community?
- "des combats d'action" - the plural sounds a bit strange, is that how you'd say it? I would have guessed "combat d'action" or keeping the English "action combat".
- "Un MMO dynamique" - Hmmm... You don't use taglines line "Le MMO Dynamique" in French?
- CLÉ for KEY - same question as for "community"
- "manière de jouer" foe gameplay, same question...
- AD2 texts need to be short, yes
@Rehmius thanks a lot and same questions I asked zoper: comunidad, desarrolladores, hermandad, mundo abierto, jugabilidad, are those "gaming"/IT words?
Also, doesn't "colonización universal" have a different nuance than "colonización del universo"?
I ended up asking a Polish friend of mine, who helped me translate the whole thing. Kudos to her, hopefully she might join the forum one day. Here it is, in a textbin to make the post shorter. I did the Czech version as well while I was at it, just in case you ever find a use for it. Cheers!
This is the type of community games need. If possible DS you could different versions of a language! IE some English or full translation or slang, etc.
If you voice acting then I could see sticking with one version.
@prometheus said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:
@Rehmius thanks a lot and same questions I asked zoper: comunidad, desarrolladores, hermandad, mundo abierto, jugabilidad, are those "gaming"/IT words?
Also, doesn't "colonización universal" have a different nuance than "colonización del universo"?These words are used in almost every games translated to spanish, maybe gameplay is the only word that's better in english instead of jugabilidad. If you refer to conquer the universe (meaning planets) then probably colonización del universo is better in that case.
> - Is communauté actually used instead of community?
Yes. look here for an example you will see communauté at the top right
You can also add a "de" for :
"Présentez-vous à la communauté de Fractured !"
I personally prefer without "de" is more younger style but both are right and a french teacher will choose with "de"> - "des combats d'action" - the plural sounds a bit strange, is that how you'd say it? I would have guessed "combat d'action" or keeping the English "action combat".
If you dont use the plural that mean they have only one combat in the entire game so no. You can keep the english sentence but you need to use "" like :
"Le premier MMORPG Sandbox en monde ouvert proposant des "action combat", des environements ..."
Its ok but a french teacher would kill us and this time I follow the teacher.You need to keep "Des" but you can also use some other word instead of action like
"des combats trépidants" or "des combats à vous en coupez le souffle" or "des combats exaltants"> - "Un MMO dynamique" - Hmmm... You don't use taglines line "Le MMO Dynamique" in French?
Yes you can use "Le" instead of "Un" both are right but for publicity "Le" is probably better because it targets precisely while "Un" is a generic> - CLÉ for KEY - same question as for "community"
you can write "Clef" instead of "Clé" (yes in french we have two different word for the exactly same english word) but "Clef" is so old..
see an example> - "manière de jouer" foe gameplay, same question...
Yes its a mistake because as you can see the first time in AD2 texts I have keep "gameplay"
"Tout les jours un nouveau Gameplay"
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This mistranslated so I traslate it again, that's copy and paste of google translate.
Only there to look at:AD2 texts:
Humanos: con Total Albedrío.
Hombres Bestia: Viviendo en Armonía.
Demonios: Sangre y Terror.Those capital letters is copy and paste the google translator without having reviewed it, you can totally say that you have not wanted, just copied and pasted the first thing you have seen
also in this part:
Cada Día Una Nueva Jugabilidad.should be:
Every day a new game
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You were attentive hahaha
Et bien si sa te plait pas t'as qu'a demandé à un autre français de traduire tu verras bien le résultat.