💡 Suggestion | Extra Races?
Also if we have elves, it'd be pretty cool if they were linked to and influenced by the worlds they are on. So something like "Wild Elves" on Arboreous, maybe they have wood like skin and leaf like hair or something.
"Infernal elves" on Tartaros, maybe with fiery hair and stone or metallic like skin
and on Syndesia perhaps some different types, like something like high elves, and maybe some like "savage" elves? Like barbarian tribes, but elven.
You could probably create a few other varieties as well easily enough, maybe some aquatic ones etc.
I think elvs should stay all on Syndesia ;). Arboreus is the planet of the beast and elfs aren't
@finland That would work fine too, could just have different types all on Syndesia just as easily
@Kralith It would be so cool to play them
@esher Snakelike Creatures are imaginable as playable race.
Spider are more difficult. But i forgot to mention Rats! When i started to play Warhammer online, i was hoping for them, sadly we all know what happend to this game
@kralith And what happened ?
(I never played to it ^^) Hehe, I'll try to draw a spider-morph !
@esher the game had a good idea of next mmo with a very good designed PVP, but they released it totally unfinished and player left the game very fast. After a very short time it was literally dead.
@Esher It's easy just copy Marvel Spiderman
I would definitely play a lizard spearman. That'd be great.
I hope we get effeminate variations of all the Beastman races. Not anime catgirls, just identifiably female.
I'm 100% onboard with all of these suggestions. Afaic more options for customization is always a good thing.
Drakes and Lizardmen have always been some of my favourite beast races, but are sadly, rarely playable. So much potential to look bada**.@fibs said in
Suggestion | Extra Races?:
I hope we get effeminate variations of all the Beastman races. Not anime catgirls, just identifiably female.
Like Khajiit from The Elder Scrolls games?
Turns out furry gals were confirmed 3 months ago!
@prometheus said in Beast races:
@kureha said in Beast races:
Are there female versions of the beast races?
Hi kureha - there will be female versions, but we haven't started working on them yet :slight_smile:
I'm not gonna tell y'all my character names yet so's I get a better chance to reserve 'em =^
I would like something similar to a planeswalking demon. Some race that is good at traveling between the planets and across distances with a higher movement speed. That said, I don’t know if there are race specific skills and not just attribute affinities. If there are no racial skills then this suggestion might be more of a visual change than anything.
Is there gonna be a dwarfy race, i mean stocky or with high constitution , great at crafting and more defense oriented ?
@fibs said in
Suggestion | Extra Races?:
I would definitely play a lizard spearman. That'd be great.
I hope we get effeminate variations of all the Beastman races. Not anime catgirls, just identifiably female.
Exactly! Please no anime lookalikes!
Anime style? They should just make thin bodies an add boobs not hard to make feemale chars
@Finland What I mean is, don't be like TERA and make your male and female of the same "beast" race look like this.
The US localization appears to not have noticed these are the same race (Popori), and renamed the female one to Elin, presenting them as a separate race. However, the game files clearly and consistently refer to them as popori_f.
There are plenty of other fantasy settings that have a huge dissonance like this, where the male is a legitimate werewolf or whatever and the female is just a chick with animal ears. Drives me crazy lol
This difference between Popori gender in TERA is quite symptomatic of a tendency in the gamer population (with regional peculiarities linked to cultural differences, of course).A game featuring various races will see a non-equal repartition of players between human, humanoid and non-human characters.
Guild Wars 2 released a poster after the first year of the game with different statistics pertaining to their game (On this page (Ref 1), this picture).
This could be considered as a good example: 36% of the players had a human character, 19% a Norn (kind of giant-ish human) and the rest had a clearly non-human characters (3 other races). In the end, 55% of the players chose a human, or a very human-like race if these statistics are to be believed.Early statistics in TERA showed a similar bias (Ref 2) with non-human being behind humans and the more human like in terms of avatars. 65.72% of them were human, or elves, or Castanics – the whole race looks like humans with horns.
Seeing this kind of preferences from the players, I would not be surprised to see that, among the persons that choose Popori, the same bias applies with a majority of female character because of their more human-like features.A quick conclusion would lead us to say that this shift in appearance in TERA could be linked with a will from the developers to counter this bias in order to avoid a lake of Popori players.
But here, I think that your problem is linked to the gender of the character too.
The development of games is related to the feedback that developers get, and sometimes developers must make choices. A good example would be what happened with Dead or Alive 5, where the feedback they got asked to sexualise female characters (Ref 3).
Moreover, the video-game industry has a history of female characters that tend to be either very beautiful, with little clothes or sexualised in many cases (80% if Ref 4 is to be trusted). Humans being creatures of habits, we tend to prefer what we know and we apparently like female video-game characters this way. In the case of Popori, we could say that it was achieved by making the females more human.
More can be seen on this topic here, even if it’s still Wikipedia and references should be checked.__
(Back to the main topic of the thread)
Most of what was proposed seem to be interesting and I would enjoy seeing consistent races and/or unseen ones. I wonder if centaure-like races would be a good idea ? Quadrupedal avatar are quite rare and variant of them would be quite fun to see.
@vesterouge I'm well-aware of all of the history and reasons, as I have been right there watching it all along its history.
I don't really care though; it's a lazy and toxic bad habit that needs to be amended. I'm tired of cheap cash grab MMOs with pinup strippers as the only female character option
Me too, but I tried to put data and numbers on it, hoping that if devs had a look at it they would not take the same decision. Some games gave me hope, other not, and your initial comment rang a bell.