These might be the creepiest interpretations of a Goblin I've ever seen.

Best posts made by Gynz
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 31, 2019
RE: How do you feel about transmog system for fractured?
@jetah Yeah, having the tints locked behind a difficulty tier was a bit of a buzzkill when you found a set that you wanted. I get why they did it, but I don't have to like it lol
RE: Hello from the new Fractured Community Manager!!
@Znirf I'm glad that you included the pronunciation. I pronounced it like "Smurf" with a Z instead of an S
RE: Poll to assess the percent of players per race
I'm planning to make a Demon and turn it into an Angel.
RE: NO tank mages
Kind of a silly thing to get mad about. This is magic we're talking about. You can throw all of your notions about what you might consider "realistic" out of the window. If I can throw a Fireball while wearing a robe, I don't see any reason why I wouldn't be able to throw a Fireball wearing full plate armour. It'd come down to the casters preference, magic being what it is. Something that defies your expectations of reality and possibility, and lets it's wielders to amazing things.
Even from a gameplay perspective. If it's balanced, more choice is always better. Now, I may be biased, as I've always loved the idea of Battle Mages and the like, but the point(s) remains.
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@Pluto I'm hopeful for Torchlight Frontiers and very interested in what they're doing with Oath. I've been following Ashes of Creation as well, because I like a lot of their ideas. I can't justify going in on any of them though, not on a "trust us, it will be great" basis. I need hands-on time before I make that decision.
As for board games, I am interested. When I was talking about the state of the industry, I was talking specifically about video games. There have definitely been some good board games that made their way out of kickstarter. I found Etherfields just the other day and it looks great. Hesitant to buy-in as the entry price is pretty steep, but definitely considering it.
RE: [Poll] City Reputation System
No. Everyone who's ever played wow for a decent amount of time got sick of reputation grinding years ago.