PK punishment
@xesh you're not gonna spend months to get the equipment. And even if there is a rare equipment that losing would hurt it's your choice to take it for a raid on another planet. It's totally different for PvE players attacked on "safe" planet.
Characters who PK enough should be marked as Hardcore and be deleted on death.
@pownstar said in PK punishment:
It should not have punishement at all. PK player's are player who know's how to pick or leave a fight. If you are afraid of Pking, it's because you don't have the skills to defend or the guilde to help you. Having played at lot of good old vanilla WoW, the PvP for quest areas, ressources or even just to piss other player's off is the best memories of gaming I'll ever have. Gattering a group of random folks to fight over a spot vs. unknown rivals or planning a Hudge raid with over 3 guilds to go and attack the capital of the other faction was priceless... even if some new player could only look at us with hope to be, some day, good as we were
Wow had pve - pvp - pvepvp - pvprp and rp servers
that was the best way to offer to players every kind of gameplay ;). No punishment here means a game with a target only for pvpers
kinda annoying cause it s full of game with that target
@finland said in PK punishment:
Wow had pve - pvp - pvepvp - pvprp and rp servers
that was the best way to offer to players every kind of gameplay ;). No punishment here means a game with a target only for pvpers
kinda annoying cause it s full of game with that target
those poor helpless resources you attack don't have a chance to run or flee to another planet.
Eve Online has 1 server, WoW has 30+, Fractured will have 1 (unless it changes). Just play in the places where demons & humans fear to go.
The punishment for PvP is death. that's the worst part of PvP. If beings are force teleported off the planet then killing them is the fastest way to deal with a raid.
we should not summon EVE that's a shitty ganker game :P. I just talking about numbers and the only real succesfull mmo is wow bro
fractured have 3 planets so 3 instanced spots. Planets can be managed like servers imho. I would like to see arboreus like a pve server of wow where if you want to pvp you have to flag yoruself otehrwise go to another planet
@finland said in PK punishment:
we should not summon EVE that's a shitty ganker game :P. I just talking about numbers and the only real succesfull mmo is wow bro
fractured have 3 planets so 3 instanced spots. Planets can be managed like servers imho. I would like to see arboreus like a pve server of wow where if you want to pvp you have to flag yoruself otehrwise go to another planet
eve has had an average of 37k online users for the last 10 years. If you compare every success to wow then there will never be another mmo that is successful. Successful is the company making a profit and releasing new content.
Now if you want to compare numbers, then Riot with LoL has more numbers than WoW so that wouldn't make WoW a success any more.
I totaly agree LoL is way more live than what is WoW now (i'm not playing wow since 2014). EVE got real pkers so it's kinda an undying pker game! But none is trying to make something good ;). MMO that are fully pvp are just meh in that way I prefer play an fps that easy peasy (and I don't think to be the only one). There I can join a match to kill some, then I can leave and go sleep :P. no stress, no grind and nothing to manage or care about.
Well you really can't go into a sandbox mmorpg without expecting the worst of the worst. I feel PKers are indeed cheap by a long mile, but remember that you can be witty and crafty as well. Blocking and Dodging should be easy (I think) with someone being able to summon solid objects/use shields/ Legit negate all damage/ Trick people/ CC people, as well as gateways and escapes that can only work for some classes, as well as making some situations be worse to chase after like traps and etc.
I feel like if you want to PK you should at least also consider the craftiness of the opponent, and the items they have. Some PKers should atleast be smart enough to know that the opponent they face can turn the tides of a fight.
@pownstar said in PK punishment:
It should not have punishement at all. PK player's are player who know's how to pick or leave a fight. If you are afraid of Pking, it's because you don't have the skills to defend or the guilde to help you. Having played at lot of good old vanilla WoW, the PvP for quest areas, ressources or even just to piss other player's off is the best memories of gaming I'll ever have. Gattering a group of random folks to fight over a spot vs. unknown rivals or planning a Hudge raid with over 3 guilds to go and attack the capital of the other faction was priceless... even if some new player could only look at us with hope to be, some day, good as we were
Open world PVP is not based on skill. It's based on bullying newer players who have literally zero chance of fighting back or escaping, at all. If your "best memory" in online games is something so petty and destructive, you're not the kind of person I want to play a game with. Any game, for that matter.
PKers are pansies who don't want to play real PVP - they just want to be scrubs running around aimlessly clicking on people and watching them easily die. They want their character's mathematically perfect build and high numbers to do all the work for them, whereas these numbers are balanced in any form of organized PVP and that means the world will see how inept they really are, not how amazing they pretend to be.
It really annoys me that some of the players on this forum - not the quoted post mind you - have the sheer sense of audacity and entitlement to complain that they only get one entire planet to themselves, rather than all three. This is why MMOs are all bland, barely-surviving WoW clones and all the good ones die out; the American MMO playerbase is a childish, toxic mess that demands every single MMO just be a virtual chatroom where social pariahs walk around swinging their e-peens and gloating, because they're too cowardly and impotent to challenge themselves in the slightest way.
... which is why when a rare, actually good PVP player shows up in open world (about 1:300 among all open world PVP players if not rarer) and starts dominating all the wannabe PKers despite being 10 levels below them, they all start whining and crying instantly about hacking...
Please. Let's have MMOs actually be games, not just propaganda for kids mad at their parents.
@loxreaten said in PK punishment:
Well you really can't go into a sandbox mmorpg without expecting the worst of the worst. I feel PKers are indeed cheap by a long mile, but remember that you can be witty and crafty as well. Blocking and Dodging should be easy (I think) with someone being able to summon solid objects/use shields/ Legit negate all damage/ Trick people/ CC people, as well as gateways and escapes that can only work for some classes, as well as making some situations be worse to chase after like traps and etc.
I feel like if you want to PK you should at least also consider the craftiness of the opponent, and the items they have. Some PKers should atleast be smart enough to know that the opponent they face can turn the tides of a fight.
We have no idea how it will work in Fractured yet. And anyway it all loses it's meaning if it's 5 PKers against 1.
@FibS the devs have decided to make this game open world PvP. While I'm generally against it lets see how it works with the 3 planet system and all. Of course it would also be nice to have some official survey how many players actually want to have Open World PKers in game
It would be interesting to see how many PKers would we really have if there was some real danger behind it (jail or even perma-death) cause as you said most of them probably do it because of low risk environment.
Well from how I understand,
Arboreus: Beastmen planet, very little PvP but it is possible. (AKA. dont kill innocents)
Tartaros: Demon planet, lawless PvP.
Syndesia: Human planet, lawful PvP.
@fibs that makes no sense in the context of the concept of the demon planet
@loxreaten Correct. In Arboreus, Beastman canΒ΄t attack each other, but if some other race goes there they can. Tartaros you're free to do whatever you want. Syndesia you will be punished accordingly to your "crime".
In my experience, open world PvP and PvE simply don't mix very well together.
I was a tester for another game I can't remember the name of right now, that tried to mix PvP and PvE in 1 server.
It was going well until the bullies/PK players showed up. Killing everything and everyone, even the new players.
The PvE-ers tried to make a stand, build bases with defenses, but the game defenses for bases were pity and only need 2 players or 1 skilled player to take down a base. As a PvE-er group we talked to the devs and nothing was done.
And eventually the PvE players started to leave the game and then the PK-ers started to leave the game as well as there were no more PvE-ers building bases for them to attack and the game now is just dead.So I do hope the defenses they talk about on Arboreus are very good ones, so even new players can defend themselves against PK-ers walking around Arboreus.
Or simply make Arboreus a zone where you don't drop any loot for others to pickup when you die.
I like to reward PK with brutal fatalities once you kill someone
Ok, I red through most of the replies here now, instead of just replying to the OP. I've played almost every game that got labelled here as pk gankfest. I quit most of them not because of low population but for heavy pve grindfests.
Yeah you get pissed if you grind for good gear for hours and it gets stolen from you in 30 secs.I think what's great about this game is there is no big gap power between new players and vets. No grind spots but exploration. So even demons need to go to the human planet and explore every corner. And beastman can freely kill them if they choose to. I think the beastman idea of not killing eachother will only put likeminded players together that will support eachother. Just like in WvW in gw2. If you see someone from an enemy faction, you just jump him.
I'm okay with debuffs in foreign planets that give you a disadvantage. I'm okay with adding elite npc beasts to the beastman planet to give the ppl who don't like pvp some extra protection.
But there is a flipside to this, and I'm loving it... no matter how much protection you add to the beastman planet. If you want to explore everything and gather all resources, you need to visit the demon planet ofc
And because of the type of players that inhabit that planet, the beastman (and humans) will probably move there in huge numbers. And that will be lots of fun.
If this game gets develloped right, then the beastman planet will be the one with the highest population. So give it some extra love.
And my advice is that gear doesn't add that much extra (like gw2) and doesn't take a long time to aquire.
I think there's a lot that can be done to make invading Arboreous troublesome with the planet "fighting back" mechanic they've mentioned. I imagine invaders spawning deep in the jungle away from any settlements and having to use tools and magic to blaze a trail to get through while being stung and attacked by the flora and fauna. There can be warning plants that when set off will warn nearby beastmen that invaders are approaching allowing them to flee or mount a defense. I'm hoping it will be very difficult and require coordinated effort to actually gank beastmen on Arboreous, so that it will be that much more satisfying smashing beastmen skulls with my demon
@target said in PK punishment:
I think there's a lot that can be done to make invading Arboreous troublesome with the planet "fighting back" mechanic they've mentioned. I imagine invaders spawning deep in the jungle away from any settlements and having to use tools and magic to blaze a trail to get through while being stung and attacked by the flora and fauna. There can be warning plants that when set off will warn nearby beastmen that invaders are approaching allowing them to flee or mount a defense. I'm hoping it will be very difficult and require coordinated effort to actually gank beastmen on Arboreous, so that it will be that much more satisfying smashing beastmen skulls with my demon
Arboreus blocks Evil-aligned characters completely from certain areas, so I doubt demons can (ordinarily) invade major cities to begin with. The game has a full astronomical simulation that it uses to track time though, and eclipses can happen that empower Demons, possibly letting them into more areas than normal.
The places on Arboreus that do technically allow Demons on a longterm basis will severely nerf them. I believe they also have a time limit before they're forced to leave the planet.
@fibs Eclipses don't take place on Arboreus.
@specter I must have misread! I looked back into it again and for the sake of other readers I'll summarize how eclipses work.
Syndesia and Tartaros are in a binary system, meaning they sort of rotate around each other. This means they regularly eclipse one another. When Tartaros is eclipsing Syndesia, demons don't suffer debuffs when they go there anymore.
Arboreus is not subject to this relationship, so any eclipses it has are not Tartaros-related and demons don't get to be jerks through them.