@Jetah Don't forget, they are under 10 people right now, who are developing the game. Of course they have all their special jobs, but there are not much ressources to make masses on concepts and models for extra rewards. They will have enough to do, to implement the game itself.
Adding more extras needs intelligent decisions. Are they able to find the time inbetween content creating for the beta, to make nice extras for us?
We should not expect anything, but appreciating their work and what they are able to give us.
odds are they have an art director, at the studio, and they coordinate with sub contractors who make the actual art. that would be the best use of the funds. there are plenty of 3rd world countries where you can pay so much less for art, meshes, 3d models, etc than doing it in house.
@Pluto said in Foundation:
@Jetah said in Foundation:
@Pluto said in Foundation:
Eh, I personally think efforts should be spent on other endeavors. Thinking otherwise just seems pretty selfish/I need to be special imho.
Looks like they are already thinking of other tiers though.
it cost an hour of time for 1 person to create a few ideas. then another 1/2 to 1 hour to decide if they're added in and where. then 2-5 hours to get some good concept art approved. i'd say at best 7-8 man hours for 5-20 rewards. now the art can be sub contracted (which happens regularly) so the loss is much lower than what i have provided.
and they can release tiers as they're finished or major content patches so they aren't all given at once.
And then you consider the hours and hours spent to implement the rewards. Even a simple cloak takes a long time to implement. Pets? Yikes.
And all of those hours are spent into some arbitrary exclusivity? What a waste of time.
May be a waste of time in your opinion
But people like these things DS are already increasing it to 300So they obviously dont think it's a waste of time
@Jetah said in Foundation:
(...)there are plenty of 3rd world countries where you can pay so much less for art, meshes, 3d models, etc than doing it in house.
It isn't trivial to convey a fitting, persistent art style though, which is important to some people (note the 'why did they purchase assets discussion'). The cheapest option isn't always the best one.
@Logain said in Foundation:
The cheapest option isn't always the best one.
Still trying to convince my wife of that.
Yep for sure core team need to focus on other things.For sure foundation, news and alle the PR part can help bring in new funds and people so one dedicated person on a team of 10 people is probably needed to do this kind of thing..
As foundation itself i think it has alredy enought rewards and going to insert some new ones like titles on 300\400\500s level might be something but people that far are alredy loyal users that don't need anymore help to stuck with Fractured so, meanwhile others users\newbiews might get discouraged by those new titles :p.
Might be better to end it at the start of the beta and reshape it a bit with a new turn and new seasonal rewards, time for a foundation new expansion, need to expand level cap or remodel leveling systems ahah
In my experience you end up doing stuff wildly beyond your qualifications in small companies. I can't say Dynamight is doing the same, but looking at their team there's only one software engineer. Unless they hired new people, or the others help (learning a scripting language is usually trivial), I don't think it's possible for one person to do all the work.
These being said, adding a few more rewards on the website shouldn't take many resources (a third party may be involved tho, so it's hard to tell). On the other hand they already give quite a lot of skins and 15€ worth of gold to at least 100 - 600 people (someone who is exactly level 200 should have a better estimate). Only a tiny fraction of those people contribute with anything, the others just spam that "offtopic thread" or "welcome to Fractured" category (/forum). They even confirmed the foundation will expand to level 250 or 300. I feel like the rewards are amazing as they are right now. If I had a saying in this, I'd say the future rewards should be given more selectively to people who participate in tests and leave feedback, promote the game, or contribute to the forums in meaningful ways.
while the core team is 10, they can sub contract positions which wont count on the "10 employee" numbers. they could have 35 programming sub contractors and 10 art sub contractors yet still be considered "10 employees".
and they did buy some easy models from the store so that saved them from needing to create that.
@Razvan said in Foundation:
In my experience you end up doing stuff wildly beyond your qualifications in small companies. I can't say Dynamight is doing the same, but looking at their team there's only one software engineer. Unless they hired new people, or the others help (learning a scripting language is usually trivial), I don't think it's possible for one person to do all the work.
These being said, adding a few more rewards on the website shouldn't take many resources (a third party may be involved tho, so it's hard to tell). On the other hand they already give quite a lot of skins and 15€ worth of gold to at least 100 - 600 people (someone who is exactly level 200 should have a better estimate). Only a tiny fraction of those people contribute with anything, the others just spam that "offtopic thread" or "welcome to Fractured" category (/forum). They even confirmed the foundation will expand to level 250 or 300. I feel like the rewards are amazing as they are right now. If I had a saying in this, I'd say the future rewards should be given more selectively to people who participate in tests and leave feedback, promote the game, or contribute to the forums in meaningful ways.
I would like Titles and Character borders over more shop chests, or dynamic gold, id rather pay for that.
@Xzoviac said in Foundation:
I would like Titles and Character borders over more shop chests, or dynamic gold, id rather pay for that.
YES!!!! borders and additional forum bling (those icons that PoE has) would be sweet!
@Jetah said in Foundation:
(...) they did buy some easy models from the store so that saved them from needing to create that.
Which they stated are for the purpose of testing and will be replaced before the game launches. At the end of the day, non of use has to decide this. The suggestion for expanding the foundation has been made, the preference of some to focus on the game has been stated, so there's not much more to add there.
@Logain said in Foundation:
@Jetah said in Foundation:
(...) they did buy some easy models from the store so that saved them from needing to create that.
Which they stated are for the purpose of testing and will be replaced before the game launches. At the end of the day, non of use has to decide this. The suggestion for expanding the foundation has been made, the preference of some to focus on the game has been stated, so there's not much more to add there.
why would they recreate animals, like rabbits, wolves, bears, when they purchased complete ones already to go for a much cheaper price. it's a waste of their resources to create another rabbit when the one they have was like 25$, there's no way their art team can do that for cheaper.
honestly though if they purchased assets and put them on the human and beast planet, and i didn't know they were purchased, then good for them! i'm glad they're changing some of the models but they could do that post release and just give some lore as to why the monsters are evolving...
@Jetah said in Foundation:
(...)why would they recreate animals, like rabbits, wolves, bears, when they purchased complete ones already to go for a much cheaper price (...) and i didn't know they were purchased(...)
That's the point though. You might not notice, I might not notice, but a lot of people do. A rabbit is not just a rabbit, there's always some form of art style in there and that can vary drastically. It's a bit like if you and I both agree on a topic on the forum and we'd both write parts of a response, plenty of people could tell two different person wrote that response, even through we'd agree on the topic, because the way we express our stance on the topic is different in choice of words, phrases, structure,...
@Logain said in Foundation:
@Jetah said in Foundation:
(...)why would they recreate animals, like rabbits, wolves, bears, when they purchased complete ones already to go for a much cheaper price (...) and i didn't know they were purchased(...)
That's the point though. You might not notice, I might not notice, but a lot of people do. A rabbit is not just a rabbit, there's always some form of art style in there and that can vary drastically. It's a bit like if you and I both agree on a topic on the forum and we'd both write parts of a response, plenty of people could tell two different person wrote that response, even through we'd agree on the topic, because the way we express our stance on the topic is different in choice of words, phrases, structure,...
problem is only 1% of the population will notice the difference. I do construction and i noticed things wrong everywhere. 99% of people wont notice what i do.
i'm here to play a game not to scrutinize over the numbers of hair on a rabbit to see if it's unique when the game is from an isometric view. odds are you'll never zoom in enough to actually see the model (in game). yeah the goblin change was great but they could have used it until further into development and most of us wouldn't have known unless someone pointed it out; which happened! Even Jacob mentioned a rabbit was a rabbit and there was no reason to spend more when it's already created and cheaper than they can create it for. (or something similar)
@Jetah said in Foundation:
(...)Even Jacob mentioned a rabbit was a rabbit and there was no reason to spend more when it's already created and cheaper than they can create it for. (or something similar)
I wonder how much leeway they have with shaders and textures. Got to remember pestering them when they are less busy and stressed out to see if they are CPU or GPU bound on the more 'intense' scenes.
The only real reason (in my opinion of course) to model the new art extensively is if original art is not optimised and new art will make FPS grow.
Other than that, if original look good, i dont care how "un-unique" it is.
@Gothix Another big thing is to fit into the game's graphics style.
@Razvan said in Foundation:
@Gothix Another big thing is to fit into the game's graphics style.
Thats not another big thing, its the Main Thing
I do not care, if a model is premade by someone else, as long it fits in the whole concept.
These guys have an amazing Art Director, i trust him to chose the right setup.Beside the Graphic Style, also the Design Style is important.
I pray all gods that are available, that we will never see Xmas Trees&Hats or other real world event items.
Well, of course, I didn't say one should add tesla coil to medival game.
I was mostly talking about regular rabbits, other animals, and stuff like that.
(that already fits)
@Gothix said in Foundation:
Well, of course, I didn't say one should add tesla coil to medival game.
I was mostly talking about regular rabbits, other animals, and stuff like that.
(that already fits)
but can i have a tesla EV tho?