Spying As a Skill


    I havent thought too long for this one but i have some concept in my head.

    We have those assasins builds already so we have to have spys as well, otherwise how we will find out where to find our victim. And if we will have Egregor system which you can find here Egregors then hunting for egregor points will top accupation almost for everyone, for example you can bounty hunt some top priest and pay big dollar for that order in case if all his egregor points you will give to orderer.

    anyways. Everyone can become a spy. it is mot skill at all. you can just press SPYING botton and forget about this. your character will start to collect an information. say you go to the dangeon with a group so you are collecting info about your friends, or you visite often trader so he can collect info about you,
    information can be a different type:

    1. what location some player visite
    2. what time he visit it.
    3. how often he visit it
    4. with how namy people he visit it
    5. what he does there
    6. where is players house located
    7. how much gold he has
    8. how much egregor points he has
    9. etc.

    all info can be collected while staing with this ccharacter or....

    by following him. yes you follow player by tracking his tracks from the distance. maybe you can use some sort of magic which alerts you when this player appeared at territory you marked as markable territory, i dont know, but to see his tracks you obviously have to stay near for a while. maybe some chit chat, so be careful to talk to strangers.

    all spys can join spy guild where they are annonimusly can place orders and sell info.

    sorry guys, im in a rush cos my crabs and wine are waiting for me so you can suggest something of yours. se ya


    @boogis So you want to have your friends (and specialized spies) sell you out to Demons, so that they can raid you more easily? Sounds pretty good actually 🤔
    Would also most likely leed to a bigger need of combat guilds in the human world.

    A few things to consider, which came to mind, would be:

    • Will enough players be interested in playing as a spy (making it worth to implement)?

    • Will this make ganking / rading for Demons too easy on the Human planet (might make balancing harder)?

    • Demons most likely with time should be able to collect information like that themselves. Then what is the need for spies?


    @eurav i guess everyone will be interested to become a spy. everyone. cos its a secret and no one can reveal it. unless u act very suspetiouse. players who will find out that someone sell them out will try to find out who that was, maybe they try to perform special actions to reveal the spy amongst their own kind. its not easy to forcly find out who is it. so there could be like double agents as well. it will be like big game of spying and thats what we need, more freedom, cos its money you know, its just a money. all info can be sold and it should be. it make players to feel intrigue, like husband cheating on his wife, its adrenaline, its exitment, its a risk.

    PS- espetialy if we implement some system like egregor one when you can lose what you had at once if you got killed, then it will have more sense. you got killed once and you lost everything you got. it can be egregor points or your gear or karma it doesnt matter- you ve lost something after u got killed. thats it.

    @eurav said in Spying As a Skill:

    Demons most likely with time should be able to collect information like that themselves. Then what is the need for spies?

    demons can come for half an hour just for purpouse of spying


    @boogis said in Spying As a Skill:

    PS- espetialy if we implement some system like egregor one when you can lose what you had at once if you got killed, then it will have more sense. you got killed once and you lost everything you got. it can be egregor points or your gear or karma it doesnt matter- you ve lost something after u got killed. thats it.

    Even without the Egregor, when you get killed you already lose your equipment and inventory.

    @boogis said in Spying As a Skill:

    i guess everyone will be interested to become a spy.

    Well first of all, I think Beastman gain nothing from it? Unless they go to Syndesia to spy on Humans, which surerly is not suspicious 😀

    Also I am sure there are a lot of people who are not intersted in spying on their friends, to risk getting kicked out of the guild even.

    So, what I thought had the most sense was the creating of guilds (would be a Human only thing then, I guess Demons as well), which solely focuses on this.
    Having double agents... like people joining guilds just to sell them out, will only lead to guilds not recruting people anymore in the worst case scenario. Having a double agent in a guild, might just completely destory the guild, when they start to kick people out of suspicion who did not even do anything e.g..

    @boogis said in Spying As a Skill:

    @eurav said in Spying As a Skill:

    Demons most likely with time should be able to collect information like that themselves. Then what is the need for spies?

    demons can come for half an hour just for purpouse of spying

    Yes, Demons can spy for themselves, so the need for a spy guild will decline with time.


    Guess you could just do this normally with stealth skills... Or have something in the assassination school.

    Not sure if you need permission to enter a town or if you could sneak in using stealth...

    A spell would be cool as well... Wizards eye! Summon floating ethereal eye to scout area.


    @azraelius no you cant)


    @eurav why beastman cant? if demans know where to find you, 30 minutes is enough to find and kill u


    @boogis Well a demon or human won´t go to raid a beastman...
    There are too many defensive systems in place on Alboreus.

    It is way easier to go raid on Syndria. So that´s why beastman won´t get anything from that


    Or you can secretly pay off Prometheus, and he can give you info. 😛

    Bartering / politics skills. 😉


    in some manga, I've seen mages turning their MP into almost invisible little lines stuck in their opponents to track them down.
    It would be interesting to have a similar ability, of course while the ability is active she would be spending mp constantly. ✌


    @eurav i thought demons have like 30 minuts on beastman planet after planet is pushing them out. but how about eclipse??


    @boogis Eclipse is only between Tartaros and Syndesia.

    Sure you can stay a bit in Arboreus as Evil Demon, but you get a debuff, monsters are more aggresive towards you, most of the planet is a safe zone where Evil Demons can´t enter, and there is a system of protective guardians in Arboreus, which will hunt down visiting Evil Demons.


    @eurav so what? you dont need like 10 hours to stay on Arboriuse if you know all information where to find your victim besides beastems are offten visite human planet so if you have records then some beastme shows up in human planet every weeek you can wait for this beastmen with group of demons friends. also with egregor points there could be information available which was descovered by spys who and how much has egregor points, also same way can be achived info about who has a lots of gold and assasisns can hunt for gold using spy info.


    @boogis okay, you convinced me that beastman can use this system as well, but how do you prevent spies destroying the guild system (because I have lived through a lot of guild break ups and mostly because of random bullshit, so don´t want there to be even more reason for guild drama)?


    @eurav you have to remember that strong one never brake. spying like a spider web, it can stop only weak ones but strong one wont even notice it.


    @boogis Seems good (although most strong "no drama" guilds break up because of drama still...). Actually I think when you spied a guild out once, and they noticed you, you will probably get called out by the community and not get the possibility to join a guild again (probably except for newer ones). And so on and so on

    But yeah, seems to me like an interesting and worth considering addition to the game 🙂


    @eurav yes ofcourse nobody will be happy if you r spying but no one can prove you are spy, if they ask you for screeshots you simply leave spyguild and join it again later. everyone will do spying, everyone will sell out their mates, cos there is no danger, unless you are doing direct spying like a following your victim. he cant notice you cos you follow tracks but maybe he go back and catch you following him, even then he cant prove anything.

    however we can make up some anti-spy defence, or spy detector, any thoughts?

    @meninodeouro said in Spying As a Skill:

    in some manga, I've seen mages turning their MP into almost invisible little lines stuck in their opponents to track them down.
    It would be interesting to have a similar ability, of course while the ability is active she would be spending mp constantly. ✌

    this is good idea too. but since everyone can do tracking there is no difference


    Probably the divination school will have some ability for situations like being spied on. ✌

    Obs: The school of Divination includes most of the utility spells available in Fractured, offering ways to identify items, detect and dispel illusions, locate hidden threats and treasures and spot invisible creatures.


    It would be very hard to implement the actual collecting of info from places, but being able to track people would be fun.


    Honestly I am sure people figure out how to spy on the opposite side in a game all the time. Most of the time it's having an extra account.

    Having an in game way would be interesting as long as there was a way to counterbalance it. I would be worried about the impact on the server performance.

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