Future spotlights.
Yo, quite often when Prometheus writes a spotlight, he asks us what we would like to see next. Yet, we never answer that question...
So, let's have a discussion about the spotlights we would like to see in the future. Keep in mind that the next one will be about resting, attributes and combat schools.
Personally, I would like to see a spotlight about player cities. From what I've seen, it sounds really interesting. NPCs setting up shop in your town, sieges, guild-related stuff, etc. Besides that, the gods and lore intrigue me aswell.
I'm most interested on the Kickstarter (e.g. a rough pricing scheme), Alpha/Beta predictions and combat in general.
Well, I, for one, would love to see some more info on PvE content, specifically dungeons.
And I kinda have an idea how combat is gonna work, but an article on this would be interesting to see, too.
I would see a spotlight about the lore, the cities and, if it's possible, the flora and fauna (or a presentation of the different landscapes we will see in-game)
I'm interested in anything lore related. Love the read.
the hype is real
Damn, not many people interested in spotlights? I was expecting lots of comments. =/
I would be curious to find a time line to the KS, what will be revealed by the KS and what we will know here before the KS.
@Vengu @Esher player cities and gods are spotlights we already have planned indeed! :slight_smile: The one on player cities will likely be split in two parts, given it's a huge one.
@Logain @Ghoster we'll reveal more info about Kickstarter once we announce the campaign - probably around one month before it actually begins. I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little more
@Fyrsey we'd rather discuss that while showing it on video!
@prometheus said in Future spotlights.:
@Fyrsey we'd rather discuss that while showing it on video!
Any chance to see that coming before the KS? Any timeframe for a video??
Other topics I'd like to see discussed in a feature:
- Means of transportation/travelling, in terms of locomotion, skills, speed, terrain negotiation, and such.
- Housing and storage, inventory management, banking, and such.
- Weaponry and combat, fighting styles, options, roles, and such.
@prometheus said in Future spotlights.:
@Fyrsey we'd rather discuss that while showing it on video!
Fair enough, can't wait to see some footage, finally. Art and screens are interesting so far
nice cant wait to play this game
@holyavengerone said in Future spotlights.:
Any chance to see that coming before the KS? Any timeframe for a video??
We can't give a time frame, but some videos will surely come before KS :slight_smile:
@prometheus said in Future spotlights.:
@Vengu @Esher player cities and gods are spotlights we already have planned indeed! :slight_smile: The one on player cities will likely be split in two parts, given it's a huge one.
@Logain @Ghoster we'll reveal more info about Kickstarter once we announce the campaign - probably around one month before it actually begins. I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little more
@Fyrsey we'd rather discuss that while showing it on video!
It is confirmed then.... Soon
I'd like a spotlight that included more in depth information on how crafting will be done(like click and wait or skill based crafting with a different technique per type of crafting), and how things made can affect player stats/skills/areas.