Feature Spotlight - Three Races, Three Gameplays

  • Hello everyone!

    Today we present you a shiny, newly updated Feature Spotlight!

    Let's delve into the lore and details of which unique races you might encounter on Fractured Online!

    Learn more about the races!


    Is there a specific reason why you're taking a nearly 4 years news post, edit is slightly, repost it and delete the old one?

  • Moderator

    Personal guess:

    The 3 races, 3 worlds thing is the basis of Fractured. Since we just received a lot of new players, it was probably time to update it and make it visible again.


    Well, at least @PeachMcD will be happy that Beastmen are renamed to Wildfolk.


    @spoletta said in Feature Spotlight - Three Races, Three Gameplays:

    (...)Since we just received a lot of new players, it was probably time to update it and make it visible again.

    Since they 'gained so much manpower' and we're to 'expect a lot of blog postings', wouldn't it make more sense to just link to the old article in a new one and describe what's to be expected in the first few iterations of tests for both? Like, you know, actual... new stuff, instead of a blunt 'rebrand' to appear producing new content.
    That'd serve the same purpose of 'updating it and making it visible again', but with additional value for people who've been with the project before. You know, the ones that are skeptical on the value added by Gamigo. The ones that have supported and backed Dynamight Studios early on.

  • Moderator

    Personally the value I see in it as an old backer, is in having a confirmation that those things are still on the table.

    That article lists a huge load of mechanics which we still have not seen and that at this point I wasn't sure if they were being cut from the project or not.

    In any case the stated purpose was:

    So indeed it is just a refresh process for old articles.


    @spoletta so instead of giving us something new Gamigo is going to have one of their marketing weasels reword @Prometheus original articles? Perfect

    Also you can already tell that Gamigo's 'new coat of paint' silences @Prometheus voice and passion for the project from the spotlight. Too bad really.

  • Moderator

    I don't see why you must find a way to give a negative spin to it.

    Prometheus wanted to updated those spotlights for quite some time, but he has never had the time. Now there are people giving him an hand on these kinds of tasks, so we are finally getting these updates.

  • @Gibbx I can reassure you Prometheus isn't silenced and is still very much involved in the process and a vital voice in anything we do and anything you'll see in the future. ❤

  • This post is deleted!

  • Content Creator

    @Logain Actually, as I see it, letting Gamingo's new media relations department guys update these old posts allows them to become more familiar with what's gone before and been promised, as they get ready to assume the job of updating us on what's new and different.

    I don't expect their media relations department to be able to dive in and give us good relevant information without taking the prep time to familiarize themselves with what has gone before, and why not take these overview rewrites and publish them for the benefit of both old and new backers while we're waiting for them to get their feet wet.


    @GamerSeuss said in Feature Spotlight - Three Races, Three Gameplays:

    (...)update these old posts allows them to become more familiar with what's gone before and been promised(...)

    If your PR team needs to read through your public news posting to know what's planned for the game, you're already showing horrible cooperation with them as a software company. There's design documents, roadmaps with milestones, management tools the industry uses for that and with good reason.

    That said, if you read through my posting carefully you're going to notice that I mentioned they could simply link to the old posting, provide a short update ('what changed') in the new post and actually new information (e.g. a quick 'what to be expected in the upcoming test).
    That way you have all the information available for the 'new customer', additional value for 'old customers' and you avoid the image of 'simply recycling to appear busy, because that was promised as additional value'.


    @spoletta I am not putting a negative spin on anything. Merely expressing my opinion. If my opinion causes you to look darkly at the issue at hand then that say something you should think about. @Prometheus voice shined through clearly in those original spotlights, now it is lost.
    @Arcahem You realize of course that you can 'reassure' me of nothing. It will only be actions that can reassure me and so far I do feel reassured.

  • Moderator


    You are going to have a hard time convincing me that this:

    you can already tell that Gamigo's 'new coat of paint' silences @Prometheus voice and passion for the project

    isn't a negative spin.


    It's still disappointing that Humans are still blah. There could have been more work done here giving different types of humankind to represent the different lifestyles.


    The core details of the 3 planets and races still have not been released. As far as I am aware, they intend to have religion play a role in character development and identity. Other than build diversity and location of where players will start their roots, religion will provide another avenue of diversity.

  • Content Creator

    Also note, I for one, and I'm sure there are many like me out there, hate it, absolutely can't stand it, when a Forum post redirects me back to an old forum post. Now, I may have put that old forum post on ignore, so if new comments come in and they post it there after going back to look, I won't see them in recent views, and even if I didn't put them on ignore, I now would have to look at both threads to try and track comments and that's exhausting and tedious. You want to remind me of what's gone before, and it involves a post from like 2 years ago, Reprint it, put your changes on it, flesh it out of you can, and don't point me 'back in time' to those older posts. I read them back then, I want to fresh version to see, not a roadmap of where to find old information, combined with some change notes.


    @spoletta If you choose to call it spin please by all means do so. I am trying to convince you of nothing. Merely stating my opinion.

    When I read the original spotlights I can hear @Prometheus voice and passion shine through the words. The reworked spotlights, apparently not written by @Prometheus lack his voice. This saddens me.


    @GamerSeuss said in Feature Spotlight - Three Races, Three Gameplays:

    (...)Forum post redirects me back to an old forum post(...)

    A blog/dev/feature news isn't a forum post.

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