Please please please!
Can we have right click/hold down for movement, left click to attack.
fix movement
fix spell casting
implement a stronger server, this is horrendous, like being on 54k modem
stop implementing new city changes til you make core changes to the game stability itself
still HELLA CHOPPY even on great computers
this is me complaining but by god after years it seems like we're playing day 1 alpha. sorry not sorry.
@Denyde this is the first test latency has been an issue.
@Xzait Not true.
@Denyde swapping mouse buttons for movement and attack should definitely be an option!
Fixes will be made, of course, some movements are not registered or stop randomly, maybe lag involved too.
Server is not that bad actually, maybe it's just a little far from you, and during test phase you don't want to invest too much money on server power anyway.
QoL things like swapping mouse buttons is something that should be held off until Beta, right now they are working on mechanics more...that being said, turning looting/gathering off during combat would be a good mecchanical feature to prevent death.
As for the servers, they are just fine. My old computer never had real issues, and my new gaming PC has like 0 problems with choppiness. If anything, and this is a QoL thing too, I'd like to see a Gamma Correction bar in the visual settings. Sometimes its hard to see skeletons in the underbrush when they are right next to you fighting.
@Denyde said in Please please please!:
First at all, a "Please please please!" Topic don't makes things faster.
Would be nice if you make a more precise Topic.Can we have right click/hold down for movement, left click to attack.
Since both buttons are for attacking (movement and stationary attacks) it would be hard to change that behaviour. Whats wrong with left click/hold for movement?
fix movement
Can you be more precise, what you mean?
fix spell casting
Same as above.
implement a stronger server, this is horrendous, like being on 54k modem
What you mean, its like on a 54k Modem? The Download speed of your Patch? The ingame latency?
The server usually don't have a problem, if you mean the yesterdays problem, it wasn't related on a "too weak server", there was an issue with the implementation of the code, probably the worker. A "stronger server" wont fix that.stop implementing new city changes til you make core changes to the game stability itself
The city change IS a core feature.
Why they should stop that? Thats essential for the game, that we have a working City-System.still HELLA CHOPPY even on great computers
Don't know what you mean, my 4 years old computer can handle the game very well.
Please make a more precise statement, whats choppy and where your problems are related.this is me complaining but by god after years it seems like we're playing day 1 alpha. sorry not sorry.
Yes you complained, like a kid. Just my opinion. This is far aways from constructive critism and a good feedback.
a dedicated movement key to hold down would be a lot better than having a move button and interaction button in the same key. hence right click hold down only for movement, left click to attack and interact only. can't run under the bridge in heartwood for an example, movement in housing while building, being in combat trying to loot but in actuality trying to run away, clicking on interactable items but still trying to just move (tied in with movement complaint).
Spellcasting gets iffy when movement casting or most spells don't go off, or they do and the animation isn't shown but the cool down still applies. Happens with minor heal, ice spikes, magic missile from what i've seen so far. all spells should at least have a cast timer if this is the case, like fireball has a 2 second delay but doesn't say anything about having a delay, if it's instant then state it, if it's not; also state it.
movement is janky as all hell. even holding down the button it will act as if it were released and your character just stops
as for a stronger server, how bad the server runs, doesn't feel fluid at all. at first it's okay but then the more you play it gets worse and worse like a memory leak resulting relogging, etc.
Thanks for your opinion
@Denyde said in Please please please!:
as for a stronger server, how bad the server runs, doesn't feel fluid at all. at first it's okay but then the more you play it gets worse and worse like a memory leak resulting relogging, etc.
Still feels like this is on your PC's side of things. I've played without any issue whatsoever, and have everything set on the highest performance settings, so if anyone was going to have trouble from server lag, it would be Me. I've swapped between Window and Full screen multiple times as well, no issue, completely smooth sailing.
I can attest to that. The only latency issues I seem to have is that i live in Australia. Lag doesn't seem to be worse in Fractured than it is in any other game. It is actually usually better, in fact.