The Potential City Problem.

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    Currently the resources that are allocated to cities can only be obtained by citizens of the city that "owns" the resources.

    I see multiple problems with this arising.

    1. Players will jump from city to city to be able to acquire these resources. Players would never truly decide on one home.

    2. The "meta" in Fractured would require multiple ACCOUNTS in order to belong to multiple cities and obtain ALL available resources.

    3. This would split guild members and friends up who don't want to own or manage multiple accounts. They would join separate cities to obtain the resources and compile them.

    The solution? Allow NON citizens and opposing players to "steal" resource nodes. This should temporarily flag the player and make them vulnerable to PvP even within city limits (no protection).

    This should increase PvP in the open world if players OPT to "steal" the resources rather than trade for it.

    And before someone claims that this system will increase trading...ya maybe slightly. The lack of a specific resource and the ability to "lock down" all of it or a majority of the specific resource would lead to players having to seek their own methods to obtain it.

    The multi-character and multi-account "meta" should be avoided at ALL costs.

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    Once a player has built and populated a house in a city, they'll think twice before picking up and moving to another, and the more they invest in a city, the less they'll want to move.

    Buying the non-city resources they need will probably be easier than multi-accounting, since the developers have indicated it will be hard for players to maintain one city with all their available time (much less split their time between multiple cities).

    At that, I believe players -will- be able to multi-city with multiple toons on the same account: at least one city per planet, so depending on the reliability and expense of portal trade, playing a toon on each planet may be easier, cheaper, and more rewarding than multi-accounting.

  • Content Creator

    @Roccandil said in The Potential City Problem.:

    Buying the non-city resources they need will probably be easier than multi-accounting, since the developers have indicated it will be hard for players to maintain one city with all their available time (much less split their time between multiple cities).

    We are not talking about managing cities, just being a citizen in multiple cities to obtain ALL resources.

    There needs to be a way to obtain the resources BY FORCE without being a citizen.

    @Roccandil said in The Potential City Problem.:

    At that, I believe players -will- be able to multi-city with multiple toons on the same account: at least one city per planet, so depending on the reliability and expense of portal trade, playing a toon on each planet may be easier, cheaper, and more rewarding than multi-accounting.

    And that's a problem in its self. You HAVE to play multiple characters due to the "meta".

    You be the most efficient you MUST have multiple characters. I personally think the multiple characters thing shouldn't even be permitted. It allows for spying but that's another topic.


    @Nekrage said in The Potential City Problem.:

    And that's a problem in its self. You HAVE to play multiple characters due to the "meta".
    You be the most efficient you MUST have multiple characters. I personally think the multiple characters thing shouldn't even be permitted. It allows for spying but that's another topic.

    That's not multi-accounting, though: I get eight or nine toons on this account as it is! 🙂 So, that's a dev design decision.

    As to stealing resources from nodes, that's also up to the devs, but I'd like to see how it works as it stands now.

  • Content Creator

    @Roccandil said in The Potential City Problem.:

    That's not multi-accounting, though: I get eight or nine toons on this account as it is! So, that's a dev design decision.

    Multiple characters and multiple accounts shouldn't be permissible. That's a different topic though.

    The way it currently stands the "meta" REQUIRES multiple characters and accounts. This is a massive blow to the integrity of the game.

    As it’s obvious we will be having alts in Fractured there needs to be limitations in the game’s systems that stop alt abuse.


    I guess the real questions is will one PC NEED all available resources. Also if one city controls a resource don't you think they will engage in trade? You need the resource I have, I need the one you have. We trade for it.

    When you choose to live in one place you frequently don't have ready access to everything in your city.

    I don't see how this is a problem.

  • Content Creator

    @Gibbx That's fine and dandy on paper. It won't play out that way when you can simply have 10+ characters located in every city obtaining everything they want.

    That literally goes against your trading theory.


    @Nekrage said in The Potential City Problem.:

    This should increase PvP in the open world if players OPT to "steal" the resources rather than trade for it.

    That's a good idea, but what about the beastmen? There's no PvP, is there?


    @Nekrage said in The Potential City Problem.:

    @Gibbx That's fine and dandy on paper. It won't play out that way when you can simply have 10+ characters located in every city obtaining everything they want.

    That literally goes against your trading theory.

    I thought you could only be a citizen of one city for every planet? When did they say you could have alts be citizens in different citys? Maybe I just missed something.

    It also worked fine in EvE, transporting the resources will still be a hassle even if you have an alt on the other side of the map obtaining the resources you want. Would be easier to just establish trade routes with the city.


    The whole idea is for no-one to be ABLE TO HAVE all the resources. The whole IDEA is to force you to having to TRADE.


    When we played Life is Feudal resources were traded between settlements/groups to build certain things. There was no other way so it was forced. There wasn't a pvp option so you had to trade. How can you add a pvp option when one planet doesn't even have that option to use? It seems just as LIF did, Fractured is trying to reinforce the idea of player cooperation.

    I'm more concerned that the resource upkeep will be so extreme that players will have to "work" just to keep a city going to escape decay. I hope the requirements are not extreme. On another note I'm really liking the feel of the graphics 🙂

  • One question asked was: Is one resource node the maximum a city can have?

    And the answer is: For now it's only 1, in the future there will be more than 1 node connected to each city (besides a few exceptions) and ways to get more than 1.

    Beside there are solutions also like: "Partner towns".
    Big guilds or alliances could be able to create more than one town with different resources.

    I think the biggest problem will be the transport between towns (especially if there are PVP areas in between towns). But then again it could be fun to create transport troops that are getting rich just with trading.

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    There should definitely be the ability to have multiple characters. Some of the people interested in the game enjoy exploring different avenues of play, and want to try out the other races, or other build options. Even with the primarily FREE respec ability of the Pre-Sets, I know that I currently have multiple characters in each Alpha I've done, so I could play a good mage, a good fighter, and even an Archer build. Getting to play multiple iterations of the characters is a perk that many people play these kinds of games for.

    I do like the idea of binding your citizenship to the Account instead of the Character, based on Race, so you could be a citizen of 1 town per Race. In the Alpha test, your Citizenship is actually linked to your account currently, so you can't join multiple cities...also, if they were to put some kind of waiting period between quitting one town and joining another, that should cut back on all the hot swapping that might go on.



    Just cause you leave one city, doesn't mean that the other city's officials will accept you. That in itself will cut down on city swapping, and can lead to those type of players being city-less all together. I know I definitely would not allow a citizen back into my city once they left me for a plebian reason such as "I wanted another resource".

    I think their city infrastructure is just fine.

  • Content Creator

    @Ostaff said in The Potential City Problem.:

    The whole idea is for no-one to be ABLE TO HAVE all the resources. The whole IDEA is to force you to having to TRADE.

    We already covered how that won’t work as planned.

    This is is a system that FORCES alts and multiple accounts NOT trading.

    This is a severe blow to the quality of the game and I question the design decision behind it.

    Now permitting the option to “steal” these resources and risk being killed in the process losing everything is a big miss for Fractured.

    I understand that the though of PvP scares a lot of you guys on these forums and RP is more of your thing. In that case seek out trading.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Nekrage said in The Potential City Problem.:

    @Ostaff said in The Potential City Problem.:

    The whole idea is for no-one to be ABLE TO HAVE all the resources. The whole IDEA is to force you to having to TRADE.

    We already covered how that won’t work as planned.

    This is is a system that FORCES alts and multiple accounts NOT trading.

    Several people have already stated in this thread they will simply trade for the materials so it doesn't seem they feel forced. I don't feel forced.

    It's not just via trading you can get access to these materials. You have sieges of other cities you can either then control with your people, or subjugate them and have them pay you in coin and goods. Each city also has a tech tree Prometheus has mentioned in the Q&As where one node is likely going to be something like "able to control another resource".

    This is a severe blow to the quality of the game and I question the design decision behind it.

    Now permitting the option to “steal” these resources and risk being killed in the process losing everything is a big miss for Fractured.

    There is the concept of a "raid" which is on a town where you can steal resources from the warehouses, but Prometheus said it's just an idea they were kicking around. Resource raiding could be an off-shoot to that and I think plays nicely into the same concept. It also gets rid of his concern that when declaring a raid, the defending town would simply empty their warehouses of goods so the attacker gets nothing. This was mentioned in the May 3rd Q&A with Oxfurd around 49:08 time frame. I posted the transcription earlier today.

    As far as it not working on Arboreus as someone mentioned; sieges won't work on Arboreus either but they will be on Syndesia and Tartaros so there's no reason this concept couldn't be implemented on resources.

  • Content Creator

    The way it currently stands this game will be a game of multiple alts and multiple accounts.

    Players will ALWAYS jump to most beneficial method of obtaining/completing something.

    There needs to be a change of direction and mindset when it comes to developing features like this.



    I don't see why it won't work. This isn't a F2P game. So if someone actually wants to have multiple accounts,then they get to buy that many more copies of the game and the devs make that much more money! A win win I would say. As for multiple alts.. of course everyone will have multiple alts... that is the whole intention of the game. We will have alts for all of our races and planets. Though, those alts can still only use the same single house on each planet.

    So, over all.. i think most people will do trading. Why? cause trading is just so much easier to do than handling multiple paid-for accounts, and with all those resources out there, it will take a lot of accounts to be able to get them all.

    As for your steal and kill, sigh quite literally you are over obsessive with PvP. This game is far more than just PvP.

  • Content Creator

    @Ostaff said in The Potential City Problem.:

    So if someone actually wants to have multiple accounts,then they get to buy that many more copies of the game and the devs make that much more money!

    So RUIN the integrity of the game for money. That has worked out SUPER well in the past 100+ pay to win MMOs.

    This is essentially what you are requesting.

    @Ostaff said in The Potential City Problem.:

    As for multiple alts.. of course everyone will have multiple alts... that is the whole intention of the game.

    Then it seems I am supporting the wrong game. I would love to hear that "alts are the main purpose of Fractured" from Prometheus himself.

    @Ostaff said in The Potential City Problem.:

    As for your steal and kill, sigh quite literally you are over obsessive with PvP. This game is far more than just PvP.

    More roleplaying PvE baby crap we have been seeing non-stop on these forums. Pathetic.

    I got this message as SOON as I posted this thread and he was SPOT on.



    Then it looks like you already had your answer.

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