Arborian or Arborean?
Hey all, I'm in the process of forming a guild post and I'm having some trouble with the demonym for beastmen living on Arboreus.
Does anyone know if they are Arborians or Arboreans.
That's a really good question...
-ean seems to be the more grammatically correct option, though I couldn’t say for certain.
Some examples from real world:
Cyprus - Cypriots
Belarus - Belarusians
Mauritius - MauritiansDamascus - Damascenes
Columbus - ColumbusitesFor Arboreus, Arboreans "sounds" more correctly, though, since this planet does not exist in real world, nothing is officially defined. I guess we will see how devs will call them in texts.
Arboreans sounds correct
Also feel like -ean is the way to go
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Good question @Turgon
@Meiki gets the prize for best etymological & grammatical breakdown!As a player who hopes to reside & thrive in the beauty of Arboreus, I also need to point out that, IRL, residents of real places often choose unexpected denonyms for themselves for fascinating historical reasons... what's etymologically and grammatically correct might end up being swamped by in-game usage we can't predict, and (this being a sandbox) that's part of the fun, right?
As a prospective denizen, I also want to (once again) make my pitch for a more gender-neutral base descriptor, either Beastfolk or Beastling. The English language often forces people to choose gender-binary pronouns, but we're creating a space from the ground up and can avoid that if we wanna. I wanna, don't you? If not, why not?
@Meiki Thats amazing and really informative thanks for much. Decided to go with -ean since it just rounds off better but see what you mean with technically should be -ian
@PeachMcD We just had this debate of so many guild names. Some names sound good like Arborean Brotherhood but isn't inclusive which a guild name should be we felt.
We ended up with the Guild name: The Arborean Kinship [TAK]
@PeachMcD Have to take into account, that not only beasts will reside on Arboreus though.
It might become home place to anyone of good alignment, though we can't be certain of that yet. Long time to release.
Perhaps beastly inhabitants of Arboreus will have own name for themself, human ihnabitants of Arboreus own name for themself, and angels who inhabit Arboreus own name for themself.
Beasts - Arboreasts
Human - Arbormen
Angels - ArborelsWho knows...
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Geez when I 'say' both words they 'sound' the same to me? I mean I am no linguist but wouldn't the pronunciation be the same even though the spelling is different?
Also the beastmen would possibly have a different name for themselves and find the term Arborean to be somewhat insulting used only by troublesome outlanders.
Upper class and nobility Arboreans would pronounce it as "Arvoryans" lower class, oh idk what they do.
@Zori LOL love that
@Zori lol I'm going to have to remember that!
@Zori said in Arborian or Arborean?:
Upper class and nobility Arboreans would pronounce it as "Arvoryans" lower class, oh idk what they do.
(gives two thumbs and four paws up!) (motions for his pets to each raise a paw)
and it's finally up
@Turgon said in Arborian or Arborean?:
and it's finally up with wings...
... oh deer.