I wonder if we will get it after the final Alpha test, just before or just after Beta launch?
Maybe a compilation of the progression of the top 10 guilds of each test from A2T3 till Final Alpha?

Posts made by Xzait
RE: Fall Alpha: Top 10 Cities / Top 100 Players Challenge
RE: Ready to enjoy this game!
Welcome to the Fractured community!! We'll be able to squash some more bugs soon >:3
RE: Just discovered this game, and am hyped.
Yeap. There have been plenty of players doing that too
The guild I run (The Moonshadow Dryads) have had quite a few members join, simply by settling with us in our town. In fact, we went from 5 members to 14 in a single test, because of it!
RE: New to the game and very excited about it.
Welcome to the Fractured community!! There are plenty of guilds to choose from, with many variations of focus and play styles. There will surely be one, perfect for you out there somewhere
RE: The Moonshadow Dryads Arboreus PVE Guild [EU/NA/AUS]
If anyone is still looking for a guild, or possibly even for possible allies, feel free to check us out!! We're still very active and eagerly awaiting the next test's launch, just like everyone else!! The discord link is in the original post if you want to take a peek and say hi
We look forward to playing in the next test with everyone!!
RE: New player
Welcome to the Fractured community!! we are all hoping this game will be a huge success too!!
RE: Just discovered this game, and am hyped.
@Bernu As much as it is very beneficial, it isn't completely neccissary. This next test will be A LOT more forgiving for solo players, as the city system has been completely overhauled. You no longer need to be a citizen to be able to craft. However, being a citizen will give you a larger variety of things to craft, if you can get permission to do so. You will also have friends to hunt with
RE: New player here
Your friend has good taste
welcome to the Fractured community!!
RE: Hi, looking to fill up void in my heart UO left in it 20 years ago. Is this a right game for me?
@Colt said in Hi, looking to fill up void in my heart UO left in it 20 years ago. Is this a right game for me?:
Hey all!
I really enjoy sandbox'y mmorpgs that offer a lot of freedom with strong communities and meaningful pvp. I've been playing most of the bigger mmorpgs that came out in last 20 years but nothing really filled the boots of my first love - ultima online.
I haven't tried Fractured yet but from everything that I've seen I think it should scratch all my itches.Any word when it will be purchasable on steam? Already wish-listed it there.
The devs are pretty keen to release the beta on steam this year.. but don't expect it till very late in the year. As for full release... that's still very much up in the air. 2023 expected, but only time will tell.
RE: Nokes Folly
@Mirgannel12 said in Nokes Folly:
@Bernu sorry mate, i may be the master of a guild composed entirely of two brothers and a friend, and i may have to swallow most of my pride, but even alone, i will lead my own guild!
Also, Crownless Order is EU based right?Yes, it is
haha @LonelyCookie, Ima not even in the guild and I beat you all to the response :3 -
RE: SKYCLIMBERS!!! (Valheim+++++++++++)
I think it's the most popular game of the general populace of Fractured backers, ancxiously waiting for the next test to launch XD
RE: Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?
@FibS said in Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?:
@GamerSeuss said in Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?:
Every character still gets the same 8 hot button spots on their character, and even with minimal INT, you can fill all of those slots
With what? Literally random low-end garbage you never use, mostly because they all do magic damage and you have no INT?
You can, technically, drop INT all the way to 4. The problem is that going under 10 will make any character unusable.
As an archer, all of your skills only cost 2 memory points each, meaning if you have 2 healing items in your hotbar, you only need 12 memory points. You can even have the Power Word skills if you want for CC and cap at 16. 16 is plenty for an archer.
I also tested minimising stats a few times. I have never been able to drop my Int or Con to 4. I probably would if I could, coz the extra strength for carry capacity would be nice to hold more arrows and bows. -
RE: Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?
@GreatValdus said in Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?:
@GamerSeuss I see, so I suppose it's really to early to understand if there actually are must-have stats at all.
Except for CHA that we know is currently dumpable...It depends. if you hinder your cha, you will have lower drop rates for loot from monsters. everything has a major penalty somewhere; Charisma directly affects luck, which has an effect on almost all RNG. Your crit damage, drop rates, evasion and hit rates. Dropping your Cha can have much more of an effect than people seem to realise. I was capping my luck last full test (that lasted a month), because i was farming for materials... the impact of having 1000 luck vs having 200 was immensely noticable.
RE: Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?
I, myself had only 6 Int as an archer and had no penalty from it at all. i would use 12-14 memory points for my most common skill sets. I did have maxed charisma, but I am a gatherer, crit based type of character, so it is ACTUALLY useful. This ties in exactly like someone mentioned much earlier in the thread.
My full build was 10 str, 6 con, 6 int, 18 dex, 18 cha and 18 per. total min-max archer gatherer. I still managed to do everything PvE related solo, with the exception of some of the legend bosses. Surprisingly, if i swapped my gear around to specialise, I could even take on a couple of the hard legend bosses (which should be buffed in the next test, so it shouldnt be possible moving forward, which is good). Soloing a hard legend boss with a mere 1.3k or so hp felt a little cheap, i must admit.
RE: Mythopoeia (modified)
@Mirgannel12 You are going to need a minimum of 20 people (invluding yourself) to be able to start as a governor in the upcoming test. Best of luck!!
RE: Testing question
@RetroPacman said in Testing question:
Will all the testing just be humans only? Will there be any tests for Demons and PvP?
Arboreus is planned to be released soon. This is because most of the current community appears to be PvE oriented. PvP won't be possible on this planet, but we might get to play as something other than humans
RE: Tame monsters and make them accompany you
@Haughty said in Tame monsters and make them accompany you:
recruiting monsters to fight with you < recruiting friends to fight with you
but recruiting monster friend to fight you:
god tier. -
RE: Alpha Date Coming Soon!
If someone was to do that though, it would need to be someone that is willing to volunteer their time, like @Specter does.
RE: City / Town Plots Removal
I am definately hoping the ability to remove buildings is implemented by full release. For now, it may not matter too much, due to lack of total players, being an alpha. But what happens when full release happens and there is a flood of noobs that don't know what they are doing and build 5 blacksmiths so everyone can get armour quickly, only to realise they have completely fucked themselves over, when everyone is geared up? Or they fill everything with farms, because they don't have a high soil fertility city and think they need to fend for themselves, instead of buying food from another city that has high soil fertility,, running out of room that they didn't neccissarily need to use for what they used it for?
@GamerSeuss It might be all well and fine for you. But you have been Alpha testing since the beginning (or at least very close to, if not). You already have the knowledge. There will be hundreds of people that don't later on down the line. Not being able to edit the cities will be of detriment to the game. People will start playing and fck up their city. Being unable to fix their own mistake they will just give up and leave.