lol. 1500 to 1800 hp? I have 1300 base hp on my archer build XD
But my damage is fcking insane >:3

Posts made by Xzait
RE: FRACTURED - The DETAILED Breakdown of A Full Loot MMO! (MMO Alpha)
RE: The Wandering Solitary Hero
@GamerSeuss said in The Wandering Solitary Hero:
@obijawnbby Food=yes, as far as Alchemy, it hasn't been introduced as a skill as of yet, but if it is, it will probably require a crafting station and probably a tech tree upgrade
I think the only 'Alchemy' currently in the game is crafting minor poisons, which can be done at a campfire, making ash and then in the main crafting menu, making the ungeant and poison
RE: The Wandering Solitary Hero
You used to be able to never go to town if you truely wanted to never do so, however, that is no longer the case. When you get knocked down (hp reaches 0), you lose a potion of your hp cap and get up after a short period. You can only recover your hp cap back to normal by resting at a tavern in a city or at a fireplace in a land parcel. Other than buying provisions and resting your hp cap, you definately can though
RE: Greetings!
@Gippin There is a store on the main site. You can purchase it there
RE: VIP question
To answer your question as simply as possible @Myeerco ... Yes, your VIP is useless, FOR NOW. You won't run out of VIP time though. your VIP will only be in effect, after the game goes to full release and you are able to claim it. We still have a few Alpha tests and the entirety of Beta before most of your perks will be able to be claimed.
Again, Your VIP membership will only be claimable after Full Release.
RE: Spell Tomes/Books?
I remember there being talk about people wanting to play as Scribes, wanting to make books. I believe some people asked about creating skill books, but it was so long ago, I don't remember if anything came of the threads. I might have missed the end result too, not logging into the website often enough to keep getting notifications for everything.
If you search up 'Scribe' as a keyword, something might come up
RE: First Impressions on the new City System
@d3Sync said in First Impressions on the new City System:
@Xzait said in First Impressions on the new City System:
I reckon having the harbours detached from cities is a very smart move. I never used them last major test, because 3/4 of them were dead and the 1/4 that remained (for the first half of the test at least) were far too expensive, with the cities that controlled them maxing out the tax rate, except for maybe 1 city. Yes, the rates for harbours were reduced later... but having them detached from cities means that player greed won't have an effect on them, reguardless of where you go. It will be fair for everyone. I probably still won't use them, as I am not a gold gathering sort of player for the most part... but at least now, I will have the option to do so if I want, wherever I might want to go.
@d3Sync commented "Harbors being able to be used on day one makes little sense to me as a benefit, as no one will have the resources to move people around on day one."
you are definately wrong in assuming this. Some members in my guild had over 2k gold by the end of the first day of the last major test. It is more than enough to pay for a harbour fee. Just because you don't farm gold like it matters... doesn't mean other players won't. I am sure some players will farm some monsters after they leave the starting town and use a harbour if the town they will settle is far away from either starting town. They could spawn at west starting town and farm goblins for a bit, gathering some useful materials as they do, to take to their town and put in the safe when it is built.
I guess I'm just against using a bad mechanic, just because I can. I know that's just my opinion, but I never really liked fast travel all that much in games. The more fast travel you have, the less likely people will meet each other traveling in the wild.
I would have to disaggree with this statement. When there are more than just a handful of players playing Fractured (because it is Alpha), I can see groups of people meeting at the harbours themselves, because they are useful. Someone might wait at a harbour to see if anyone appears and might want to go on a raid with them. Someone might have a friend on the opposite side of the island, and can wait for them there, instead of having to wait potentially 2-4h (or more) longer, waiting for their friend to walk all the way over.
RE: First Impressions on the new City System
I completely agree @GamerSeuss. I, myself will probably never use harbours as well, not just because of the cost, but also because they don't interest me all that much. I play skyrim with fast travel disabled through mods, but I feel that for those that wanna get everything done ASAP, having the option to fast travel at a fee, is very much a good thing in a game as expansive as Fractured. I hope to see harbours stay there, as it WILL draw in more players, even if I am not one of them that care to use them, like you or @d3Sync.
RE: [TWS]Looking for new members
Is this a reference to the first title from the foundation rewards? I asked on discord, but my message was removed, as it was technically off-topic for guild recruitment
RE: My char when alpha / beta ends
@Fabius There have been quite a few major changes to major core mechanics of the game, changes to gear stats, knowlege point progression, and so on. If we were able to keep our characters since Alpha 1, Test 1... alot of the stuff that we could potentially still have would be broken AF.
One of the tests was to test out smelting, legendary creatures and how the new knowledge system worked. Starting with a toon from a previous test, having completely capped knowledge, would have defeated the purpose of 1/2 that test.
RE: First Impressions on the new City System
I reckon having the harbours detached from cities is a very smart move. I never used them last major test, because 3/4 of them were dead and the 1/4 that remained (for the first half of the test at least) were far too expensive, with the cities that controlled them maxing out the tax rate, except for maybe 1 city. Yes, the rates for harbours were reduced later... but having them detached from cities means that player greed won't have an effect on them, reguardless of where you go. It will be fair for everyone. I probably still won't use them, as I am not a gold gathering sort of player for the most part... but at least now, I will have the option to do so if I want, wherever I might want to go.
@d3Sync commented "Harbors being able to be used on day one makes little sense to me as a benefit, as no one will have the resources to move people around on day one."
you are definately wrong in assuming this. Some members in my guild had over 2k gold by the end of the first day of the last major test. It is more than enough to pay for a harbour fee. Just because you don't farm gold like it matters... doesn't mean other players won't. I am sure some players will farm some monsters after they leave the starting town and use a harbour if the town they will settle is far away from either starting town. They could spawn at west starting town and farm goblins for a bit, gathering some useful materials as they do, to take to their town and put in the safe when it is built.
RE: Let's talk cosmetics and mounts for fun :)
i could get behind that
RE: Lores and Layouts
@Mirgannel12 With the pages from the legendary creatures... yes, you can read them. When you use them, the info they hold is added to your knowledge codex. You can read them at your leisure whenever you want, after you have obtained them.
RE: Let's talk cosmetics and mounts for fun :)
I bought all the cosmetic stuff in the shop. when the shop released, the pack Dyna tokens weren't implemented, so i bought an extra 25k to buy everything instantly XD. Then my Dyna tokens from pack arrived the day later... oops. I think racial mounts already exist though @Gammatv. I think in the foundation rewards, there is one mount skin reward that will look different depending on what race is riding it. Check it out
I am hoping that skins are account bound, instead of character bound. I'd probably want to use that foundation skin reward on all my toons for the wolf mount. I am also hoping that you can only use a specific mount skin, if you have the right mount equipped for it. It'd make no sense to have a horse equipped, and have it look like a wolf.
RE: Played a few of the open tests
@Lifeburn Great that you decided to support the game, after having the chance to experience it ^c^ see you in the upcoming tests hopefully!!
RE: Played a few of the open tests
@PeachMcD If you want, you can join us, friend ^c^ We'll be governing a city, if everything goes to plan
RE: planet moving
I think that another thing to point out... On Tartaros (demon planet), karma will only go down or stay the same. you cannot raise your karma. On Arboreus (animal planet), it is the opposite. PvP is impossible, so Karma can only go up, or stay the same. If a player wishes to be a demon from the beginning and become an angel, they will need to work hard to create a portal to either Syndesia (human planet) or Arboreus, ASAP, before their Karma gets too low. By the time the game gets to a point where your progress won't be reset after every test, travel between planets will possibly be well known enough that you can 'speed run' swapping planets to be able to play with your friends, if you ask how @AltadarLeviathan, after the game reaches a point where it is even possible.
You are wasting your time worrying about it now, when it doesn't exist yet. You are only going to build up doubt, that isn't neccissary.
RE: Hello there
welcome to the community!! Hope you enjoy all the tests you get to participate in!! ^c^
RE: Year of release
@Deathruler is buying a pledge pack really that much of a bummer if you are already so hyped? Why do you seem so disappointed? It's the best way to show your support and help it make it to full release... It's not like you'll be paying for only a few hours of content... and when the game releases... you will already own it. You won't need to buy it anyways, if it releases as a buy to play platform.
RE: [EU] Legends of our Time
So Legion of Akir WAS disbanded (in effect)!!! no wonder I couldn't find you guys anymore!!. Can you please message me privately. I would like to resume our alliance if possible @Dreamcraftwd ^c^