Hi Devs, at start no option to start Rogue or Archer, and no skills for this, and and.. nothing)) it is so planed, or will be added few skills at start to start for example with Bow?)

Best posts made by Turrug
Start as "Rogue/Archer"?
Hi to Devs and Community
Hi from old player)) i hope game will developed further in their own vein, and will not go in future how "all for carebears" ))) last time so much game for carebears))
Game at this point is nice, i like it=)
Latest posts made by Turrug
Abilitie bugged, "50% more DMG to bleeding targets" ... in real i don't know, about 300-500% more dmg ) and must heal 15% from bleeding targets, but healing works always, also when no bleed on target.
RE: Strike Wounds
UPDATE: Tested one more time, with bow can use (can see blue/lila hands animation) - but doesn't work. And second bug is on weapon we can see: "Melee Light| Medium", but also works with HEAVY ) Tested with Great Axe(Two Handed | Heavy)
RE: Bowman UP?
I think bow have only one powerfull abilitie, its Acid Arrows, rest is so, playable, but not so good, and without Acid Arrows really hard to kill "armored" and fat mobs... I started this playtest with bowman, and with full ablitie bar i can do less, as melee with 2 abilities.(I had respec stats and go to melee, have no skills, but can kill in solo ogre's etc.) And bowman need Acid Arrows to do this, and farm this skill solo as bowman - very very hard. But i think it will be rebalanced much time after)
Easy respec for test.
Hello Devs,
i think for test will be nice to have ability for easier respec talents/abilieties/stats and have option to drop all skills back into Knowledge Points... I think much peopeles want to test different classes, with different skills, but not all have enought time to farm so much KPs. And when talents u can respec easy, stats one time in week is little bit long, for test, isn't? And from skills u cannot earn at all back some KPs, yea it is cost not much, but... ) Maybe will be for next test easy ways to full respec. -
RE: Various bugs
Longbow doesn't have "Spell Channeling", and it is required for Chilling, Burning, Acid arrow skills. I don't know it is planned so that only Short Bow(+Primitive) can use with this skills, or it is mistake) -
Crafting table displays old info
Crafting tables still display old info, Leather armor - now Medium armor, and on Armor we can see Medium armor, but in Crafting table still Weight class: Light, the same with Chainmail - in crafting table still Weight class: Heavy
Strike Wounds
Strike Wounds - seems do not work, at least with Bow, it looks like i do less dmg as standart shots... Like discription must do more dmg, or it works only with Melee? While it is not in discription and it works(animation) with bows too, but no bonus in dmg.