I’m not familiar with Albion, but if you can directly purchase gold for $$$ that would cause an unregulated currency injection. Not really ideal.
The best way to do it (imho) is to tie it to premium game time tokens. For example, allow players to buy a token of 30 day game time, and make that item trade-able. That way a player can purchase premium time with in game credits, and the supplier can get their gold for mulah. It’s a nice symbiotic relationship. It might work like that in Albion already, like I said... I’ve never played it.
Other miscellaneous:
Housing already seems like it’s going to be pretty sick, just off of what the founders rewards are. If the founders rewards are diverse, I can’t imagine what will be in game.
Grinding for exp, there are no levels in Fractured. Purely knowledge and horizontal progression for a diverse ability set
One thing I do agree on is having founders items claimable on all characters for an account. It’s always bit me the wrong way when I have a nice cosmetic I can’t use on another character