Best posts made by PeachMcD
RE: Is game worth playing
@Aesir said:
I've watched some vids and game looks pretty good, sort of like Albion Online. Is it worth playing now?
Like @Gibbx said, you're the only one who can answer that question BUT... My personal experience has been that each alpha has been fun in its own way, and a drag in some other ways. Bugs happen, but so do really fun encounters.
That said, I wouldn't judge the game by the upcoming 3 day open playtest. That's gonna get nuts, btw rolling out a completely new system and loading up servers with freebiefolk.
For me, it's worthwhile to deal with the bugs to help them build the game AND I'm making lots of the n00b mistakes now before my toon is 'the real one'. When launch happens, I'll be ready. AND I'll have made lots of good connections in this forum and in the game that will help my toon prosper
RE: when must be download the game
The initial download and install can take some time, depending on your system's speed.
My old potatotook awhile.
If you have an old potato, maybe get it started and go make yourself a cup of coffee. Once the game is installed, you're ready to receive the patch update for the test. Last few tests, they opened up the character build/settings area, and let people/guilds claim cities, before the alpha proper started. That helped a lot!
If this is the first test you're playing, your patch will be way bigger than that of folks who participated previously. It may mean making another cup of coffee.
RE: [A2.4.2] Grass is showing at full builded House Floors
isn't that funny? The grass is RAMPANT in this test
RE: No Hunger & Rest Depletion In Towns.
@Brueson said in No Hunger & Rest Depletion In Towns.:
There are many reasons to keep hunger going at a normal pace no matter what.
- It is one less thing to code
- Towns will be sieged and food usage could matter
- Not all towns will have easy access to food, and as such will be encouraged to trade with a farming town
- If you want to semi afk chat with your friends, do so in a tavern/bar and make an evening of it, eating and drinking in game too
- Resource sinks can be very healthy for the game
- It is currently very easy to stockpile food, and if you are in town, you won't be far from a chest full of it
- If food spoils in future iterations of the game, then it could be more bothersome, but probably wouldn't be that bad
- If you are afk, you won't be needing to move around and can quickly eat something to jump into any random pvp
- It is one less thing to code, break, and be exploited
Lots of smart stuff said here that I hadn't considered. Glad I voted no!
RE: If Buying founders pack do we get steam key when it drops on steam?
Hi @MarkoWeirdo! and welcome. I do not know the answer to your question, not being a steamer, but I'll betcha @Specter or @Nekrage do cuz knowing this stuff is how they roll.
Specter is our volunteer moderator/admin, and he's amazingly quick at replying to questions most of the time. Nekrage is a content creator who games professionally so he'll know all the interfaces.
If you're feeling really impatient, look them up and shoot them a DM
RE: Grass in your house
@GreatValdus said in Grass in your house:
@Ostaff some houses also have gatherable plants in them, which respawn!
One guy was sad about the gang of wolves that kept respawning in his house and eating him while he slept
RE: Guilds and new players
@Mirgannel12 said
there will however, always be people that just started playing the game, and, particularly for this game, where guilds/parties/cities are so important, these people will need something to go on as to how to find those, and not everyone wants to just ask a question of the entire world, some people like to know things without having to ask, so perhaps a guild register or something in the starting cities, that the tutorial directs you to when you finish it? or something like the militias? i dont actually know how those work, do you need to go to the starter cities to join them? or can you join anywhere?
I agree that the tutorial needs to be more instructive. Right now, it tells you to do things w.o telling you HOW, and doesn't even reward you for figuring it out.
I feel VERY sorry for the players who jump in without checking out the forum or the wiki first. That really is flying totally blind. As someone who plays a lot of games, it's not something I'd consider doing, tbh. It's esp important to get a clue or two before you jump into a game where dying = losing all your equipment and loot.
That said, getting some clues about how to connect to guilds/citizenship/militias/parties into the tutorial seems obviously necessary and compassionate. Hope that will happen SOON, but with things evolving as quickly as they do in the development of a game, I understand why the tutorial is limited to basic mechanics that won't change (much?)
Meanwhile, experienced players who are online have been fielding questions in the chat as best we can, and Specter is awesome if you run into a glitch and need help. I only wish new players would take 5 minutes to read the FAQ so the chat isn't clogged with repeated explanations of basic stuff. A grrrrl gets tired of telling people how to make a campfire.
RE: Quest system
While there is no plan in place to have any kind of quest system, the tutorial @GamerSeuss referenced is at this point rudimentary (going for a diplomatic description
I am hopeful that the tutorial will be developed prior to beta launch, so new players won't be forced into the ugly and unmoderated global chat to learn basic game mechanics and experienced players won't be obligated to babysit all the newbies asking VFAQs.
That said, a robust tutorial would probably be the closest this game will come to a quest system, acc to the plans shared by devs so far.
RE: [Graphical Error] Small clipping graphical error of ruins
kewl! That should be a portal of some sort, sez me.
RE: The decision for public vs citizens-only crafting stations should be made by Governors, not Dynamight
I have so little experience w MMO play that I'm just watching this conversation with increasing trepidation & suspense.
Will all the worst fears of @Nekrage be confirmed once the alpha starts?
Will @Prometheus reveal more content tomorrow in the Q&A to mitigate the potential for nasty exploits?
Will the devs incorporate some of the suggestions made by experienced designers like @GamerSeuss?
I so value opinion/experience of others in this conversation, and hope to see you all tomorrow at the online Q&A. Whatever happens, I hope folks will give the devs a little bit of credit for intelligence - this game isn't launched or finished yet, and one test of the very new system may be all it takes to convince the devs that More changes need to happen.
RE: Any news for the new test?
Rule of thumb: add 2-3 weeks to any announced time frame. Murphy's Law is fully operational.
RE: Map interface not working
@Shivashanti - I'm hoping it's not JUST me dealing w this, bc it won't get fixed if it is and that will be it for this test for me.
I got a brand new computer for this test. It's not top of the line but it's a decent PC with plenty of RAM. If the problem is actually on my end, that doesn't bode well for other run of the mill nerds trying to play this game.
Posted my PC spex to discord
RE: Why don't you open a test server for the packs
@Eurav said
The previous one month long tests, always ended with, apart from a select few, nobody playing anymore after the first few days.
WOW! I love being part of the select few! Probably the only part of my entire life where that's the case.
This poor grrrrl paid good $$ for access and I'll play as long as I can, thanks. If that makes me part of a select few, so much the better.
RE: Legacy- no longer works [DPS][Unarmed][Light Armor][Solo] Shocking Touch of the Shadow Dancer
I was considering a monk farmer toon and this build felt like a super springboard. I did tweak it a tad bc you said you were still evolving this. If it works well I'll show you my work.
RE: [UI] Quest text inconsistent with item name
@appleezz gets the @Kralith award for Conscientious Bug Reporting!
While most of us look at this stuff and say "they'll get around to it eventually" the best testers report it all and let Devs sort it out -
RE: First Impressions on the new City System
@GamerSeuss replying to @Kazzier said
- Remember, as always, PvE play does not mean Casual play...there are serious players who never, EVER enter into the PvP portion of a game, and there are casual players who spend much of their time in PvP (often dying). It is a major misnomer to think that non-PvP/Safe-zone play makes one a casual gamer. Casual versus serious is more a matter of how much time and effort you invest/are willing to invest in a game.
- Skillers/PvE gamers can be 'competitive' players too, they just don't necessarily enter into the PvP competitions, but many games also have other mini-games involving the skills and/or storyline of the game that they get very passionate about.
I can't possibly thank you enough for articulating this so well.
During alphas, and in previous rpg and rts games I've played, I've put in a good chunk of time daily, and been a reliable, contributing member of any guild I've joined. If I wasn't going to be around when I normally would've been, my guildies knew it in advance (unless I was hospitalized or incarcerated). That's nobody's definition of casual.
I have fought when it was necessary, and done my best to kill when ordered to do so - I just haven't enjoyed that part.
I get SO tired of people assuming I'm a coward, or less invested, for not enjoying PvP. I love the challenges of PvE, and I truly appreciate a game where the devs have promised a whole world of that without having to constantly deal with people being demeaning and condescending bc I don't enjoy PvP battles.
I do enjoy being able to choose when I fight another player, in a 'fair fight arena' type of context. But ganking and griefing and all that brouhaha? All y'all Tartarsaucians can have my share
RE: [Mage][PvP][1v1] Just another mage
Thanks mucho for this @Eurav! I'd started with a build for an unarmed fighter but that seems to be buggy rn so going to start again. This really helps. Tagging @maze bc he has been having the same problem.
RE: Deadliest spell combo( Try and beat it)
@Gothix said in Deadliest spell combo( Try and beat it):
Can this chicken grill itself?
What kinda post-modern Foucault shizzle is this? If the mobs start grilling themselves what will the vegetarians complain about?