@nothrotita Welcome
Best posts made by muker
RE: Ricapitolo generale sulle gilde Italiane
@bubbo If you're interested, just go to his profile. It was a loud subject.
RE: Daily Message posting
@zdicho83 Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fund https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/9 - Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
- Frequently asked questions https://fracturedmmo.com/faq/
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund)
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about the existing guilds
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
The game will cost somewhere around $20-$30
Pss, I have in profile there is interesting information
RE: protecting your settlement
@pexellzz At the moment about this little information, we can only assume. Mb you someone something and will tell
RE: Что насчёт игры?Идёт ЗБТ?
@stripedcat ну я сейчас про наше торронтное сообщество упомянул, ну ок. Я являюсь лицушником и мне не жалко платить за игры.
RE: Hi there! ^_^
@amodernmyth Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/9 -
What ideas should not be offered +(RUS)❌
Можете не читать, я не знал представления об игре
Для начала вам придётся смириться с тем, что придётся использовать гугл переводчик)
А теперь перейдём к контенту- Подземелья- допустим в игре
макс уровень 80(в игре не будет уровней), значит первое путешествие будет на 20 уровне> можно сделать различные варицаии подземелий вплоть до 40 уровня для каждой расы, затем в сделать данжи для всех одинаковые, чтобы вы не так много трудились. А так же с 40 уровня допустить такой момент, что игроки разных рас проходили это подземелье вместе под предлогом "вы являетесь единственными выжившими, которые сюда смогли добраться, чтобы добиться своей цели вам придётся сплотиться со своими кровными врагами, иначе вас ожидает смерть".
На 60 уровне появиться "эксперт" версия подземелья, которая из себя будет представлять усложнённую версию расовых подземелий с 20 по 40 уровень. А теперь перейдём к к самим данжам, если вы хотите делать данжи каждые 5 уровней, то в соответствии с прошлым предложением придётся потрудиться, так как они будут даваться на 20,25,30,35 уровне> 4*3=12 данжей для рас, а затем эти 12 данжей усложнить для эксперт версии и добавить дополнительную комнату в прохождении этого подземелья.
Сами подземелья можно разделить на 3 комнаты. Для первой и второй комнаты можно придумать определённые условия для прохождения в следующую локацию. Механизм, который будет открывать дверь/проход, либо там будет НПС, который скажет принести ему n ресурсы с местных монстров. Рекомендую делать 1 такую задачу на весь данж, тк в будущем игроков замучает выполнять по 2 задания в данже, ведь они пришли за редкой добычей с босса подземелья. Также могу предложить сделать определенные участки с дополнительной наградой, вам предстоит пройти тропу в конце которой будет "элитный монстр" охраняющий сундук с редкими ресурсами/экипировкой/камнями для оружия и тд. Соответственно у нас в подземелье будет 3 комнаты, в одной из первых двух нужно будет выполнить определённую задачу, чтобы попасть в следующую часть данжа, а в другой будет элитный монстр с наградой и в последней сам босс.
Команда для данжа должна составлять из 1 танка, 1 хиллера, 1 саппорта и 2 дд игроков. Сами роли вы заранее выставляете для входа в данж.
Данжи начиная с 40 уровня будут располагаться на определённой планете, ведь именно по этому мы сможем вступить в команду с другими расами. К примеру данжи 40,55 и 70 уровня будут у людей. 45,60,75 у зверолюдей, 50,65 и 80 у демонов.
Ежедневные почасовые задания( это не стандартная фентези ММО)- в период будут происходить каждые 2 часа, а в перерыв с 12 ночи по 8 утра ничего не будет происходить ( возможно), отсюда заданий в день будет 8, которые будут повторяться в определённые временные промежутки. Я могу предложить пока что только эти варианты заданий: "вызов богов"- данное мероприятие можно будет проходить 4 раза в неделю, из себя оно будет представлять арену в которой будут участвовать команда из 5 игроков в не зависимости от класса. В этом мероприятии будет определённый лвл для входа вызов богов " лёгкий"- 15-35 лвл, участвовать могут все игроки данного уровня, у низкоуровневых игроков поднимутся характеристики до самого сильного члена команды > в испытание вошли игроки 18,23,25, 30 и 32 уровня, игроки 18,23,25 уровня подняли свои характеристики до игроков 31 уровня, чтобы сбалансировать силу команды. Всё это сделано, чтобы монстры вызова богов соответствовали силам игроков. С данных монстров игроки будут получать очень МНОГО опыта для прокачки персонажа. В самом конце появляется босс данного задания. После прохождения задания игроки получают от нпс дополнительную награду( Игроки конечно же могут умереть от босса и если вся команда потерпит поражение , то дополнительную награду не получат мухахахах). Следующие уровни 36-55, 56-79 средней и высокой сложности. В соответствии с ЛОРом игры, нпс выдающие награду могут являться фантомами богов снизошедших в наш смертный мир.Соответственно мы можем выполнить все 4 раза в 1 день и ждать целую неделю, когда задание обновится, либо по 1 разу в день, как вообщем как хотите.
"желания мера"- в каждом городе должен быть его представитель, пусть мы его назовём "мер"(старейшины, главы клана и тд), он нас посылает делать "черную работу" в конце которой мы можем попросить у него награду: деньги, ресурсы для ремесла или улучшение экипировки( так как я не знаю как будет выглядеть игра, то посмею предположить, что для создание оружие/брони/аксессуаров и тд нужны одни ресурсы, а для их улучшения другие> из одного вида ресурсов мы создадим " лук охотника", а из других улучшим его до "лук охотника +1"). Он даст нам 3-8 заданий по сложности лёгкое 3, нормальное 5 и сложное 8, которые мы должны выполнить в определённые промежуток времени (допустим с 14:00 когда появилась возможность выполнять данную работу по 16:00). После выполнение их мы получим награду. Каждая сложность будет даваться каждые 20 уровней 10,30 и 50 (конечно если вы дадите игрокам свободу действий на 10 уровне, а так можно и с 15 и так далее). Сам мер будет нам давать задания на покупку предметов, которые нам ему придётся купить за свои деньги и принести их; убийство монстров в определённой территории, так как они терроризируют окрестные территории; отвести послание мера в определённое поселение или нпс. Вы можете сами что-то придумать, я лишь предложил тривиальные не обязательные задания.
"великая охота"- у нпс мы берём задание на охоту редкого чудовища, который обитает в окрестностях, чтобы его выманить мы можем купить приманку у этого нпс, либо сделать её саму из ресурсов чудовищ в той области( данные ресурсы будут выпадать, когда игрок будет выполнять данное задание, соответственно он не может их накопить заранее и если у вас будут лишние ресурсы в инвентаре они исчезнут после завершения задания). После его убийства мы получаем редки ресурсы для ремесла, которые мы можем использовать в своих целях, так и продать этому нпс по хорошей цене.
"вторжение"- на нашу планету вражеская фракция делает рейд, наша задача уничтожить вторженцев. Данное задание мы берём у начальника войск в столице(если такая будет)/ либо мы узнаём эту информацию от одного из божество( конечно если по сюжету оно будет с нами общаться, ведь нам дана миссия спасти наши земли. Я не знаю сюжета игры, так что вы можете что-то своё придумать). Если мы люди, то к нам на земли могут вторгнуться демоны или зверолюды. После завершения этого задания мы будет получать "медали отваги", которые мы можем обменять на "мелки" ресурсы, набор брони, зелья, маунта? пета?
Все эти задания не обязательны для прохождения, они лишь дополнительный контент к игре, который её разнообразит и сделает больше ммо, чем гринд игрой.
- Кастомизация- все игроки каким либо способом хотят выделяться на общем фоне. Вы конечно же введёте систему доната, которая будет делать игрока "особенным", но не стоит этим увлекаться. Дайте игрокам больше свободы в плане костюмов и вариантов вида оружия, маунтов, петов. Пусть они должны будут выполнить определённую задачу, чтобы получить тот или иной скин экипировки/маунта/пета. Если касаться маунтов и петов, то эта должен быть скин, который будет делать его более грозным, элегантным, милым, кровожадным? Эти скины будут из себя представлять элементами брони(шлем для маунта или пета, почему нет?), украшения (амулеты, хоть баньтики, на что фантазии хватит), аура( след от лап после прохождение, дымок/ испарение/молния/огонь и тд от тела).
Сами задания будут представлять из себя убийство легендарного монстра, получение какого-то звания, добычи определённого количества ресурсов? И пусть у игроков будет выбор, что именно они получать, допустим игрок выполнил определённые условия, его оповещают о награде в достижении цели и он должен выбрать награду- 3 вида скина персонажа, либо там будет дано 3 вида скина пета или маунта, в общем как хотите может сделать. - Система доната- Она ни в коем случае не должна делать персонажа имббалансным, у всех должны быть равные условия в пвп и ивентах. Вы не должны делать игру, которая будет зависеть от того, что будет донатить игрок или нет, а то выйдет как с игрой crossout( в которой донатеры всех насилует), либо ArcheAge которая поплатилась за навязывание доната. Допустим если вы сделайте в гильдии определённые условия по типу- принеси N ресурсов, вложи куча местной валюты и тогда ты повысишь уровень ги, либо задонать и сможешь получить всё в кратчайшие сроки(все члены гильдии получает повышенный % дропа ресурсов к примеру)
Ну на этом пока что всё, сейчас постараюсь с помощью переводчика сделать оптимальную английскую версию для перевода этого текста^^
- Подземелья- допустим в игре
RE: Daily Message posting
@drey Hello, and I'm not a bot. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fund + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
- How to create surveys+ (RUS) and Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
- All we know about the game + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1612/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured?page=1
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund).
It is desirable to create topics in the section with discussions in two languages-in English and in your native language, so you will be able to understand more people
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about existing guilds and about willing to join in them
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
Free alpha key will give the top 100-1000, or participants kickstarter
Kickstarter June 1st!
Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
The game at the time of release will cost somewhere around $20 - $30 and is B2P
The game will not be on Android and ISO
Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
The servers will be located in North America, possibly in Europe
FAQ+(RUS, ITA, FRA, DE) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/2421/frequently-asked-questionsPss, I have in profile there is interesting information
RE: Two questions on Voices.
@cpomendez We created a discussion about voice communication inside the game, and about voiced by actors .. Well let's hope.
RE: Что насчёт игры?Идёт ЗБТ?
@08diavan ну я получаю награду за каждый день + делал актуальные идеи для игры, за что разрабы давали мне награду
RE: Greetings and Salutations!
@kravyn Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fund https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/9 - Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund)
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about the existing guilds
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and manyAlso, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
RE: What ideas should not be offered +(RUS)❌
@muker said in The Foundation - Weekly Drawings:
Ну на этом пока что всё, сейчас постараюсь с помощью переводчика сделать оптимальную английскую версию для перевода этого текста^^
Can not read, I did not know the idea of the game
an hour later
And now for the content:
1)Dungeons - let's say in the gamemax level 80(there will be no levels in the game), so the first trip will be at level 20> you can make different types of dungeons up to level 40 for each race, then make the game equal for all, so you don't have worked so hard.A level 40 will allow players of different races went through this dungeon together under the pretext of "are you the only survivors here were able to get to achieve your goal you will have to unite with their mortal enemies, otherwise you are going to die".
At level 60 to receive the "expert" version of dungeons, which of itself would represent a sophisticated version of racial dungeons from 20 to 40 level. If you want to do dungeons every 5 levels, in accordance with the last sentence, we have to work hard as they will be given at 20,25,30,35 level> 4*3=12. for races, and then these 12. make things difficult for the expert version and add extra room in the passage of this dungeon.
The dungeons themselves can be divided into 3 rooms. For the first and second room you can think of certain conditions for the passage to the next location. The mechanism that will open the door/passage, or will an NPC who will tell you to bring him a N resources with the local monsters. Recommend doing 1 such a task for the whole dungeon, maybe in the future players torment to perform 2 tasks in dange, because they came for a rare loot from a dungeon boss. I can also offer to do certain parts with additional reward, you have to pass the path at the end of which will be "elite monster" guarding a chest with rare resources/gear/stones for weapons and so on. Accordingly we have in the dungeon will be 3 rooms, in one of the first two will need to perform a specific task, to get to the next part dungeon and the other is the elite monster with the reward and the last boss himself.
Team for dungeons should be 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 support and 2 DD players. The role you put up in advance to enter the dungeon.
Dungeons starting at level 40 will be located on a certain planet, because on this we will be able to join the team with other races. For example Dungey 40,55 and 70 level will be the people. 45,60,75 beastmen, of 50.65 and 80 from demons.
2)the Daily hourly-jobs( this is not a standard fantasy MMO) - in period will occur every 2 hours, and in a break from 12 at night to 8 in the morning nothing will happen ( maybe), hence jobs a day would be 8, which will be repeated in certain time intervals. I can offer so far, only these options of tasks: "call of gods"- this event will take place 4 times a week, it will represent an arena in which to participate a team of 5 players regardless of class. This event will be a certain LVL to enter the challenge of the gods "light"- 15-35 LVL can participate all players of this level, low-level players will rise characteristics up to the strongest member of the team > in the test included players 18,23,25, 30, and 32 levels, players 18,23,25 level up their stats to players level 31 to balance the strength of the team. All this is done to monsters of challenge of the gods corresponded to the players. With these monsters the players will get a LOT of experience for leveling. In the end there is a boss in this job. After completing quests players get from the NPCs an extra reward( Players can of course die from the boss and if the whole team is defeated , the more rewards you will not get muhahahah). The following levels 36-55, 56-79 medium and high complexity. In accordance with the Tippet of the game, the NPC outstanding award may be phantoms of the gods descended into our mortal world. Accordingly, we can perform all 4 times in 1 day and wait a week when the task will be updated, or 1 time per day, as generally as you want.
"desire is the measure"- in each city should be its representative, even if we call it "measures"(elder, the head of the clan, etc.), he sends us to do the "dirty work" at the end of which we can ask him for a reward: money, resources
craft or enhance gear( as I don't know how the game will look, then dare to assume that for the creation of weapons/armor/accessories, and so need the same resources, and to improve them other> from one type of resource, we will create a "bow hunter", while others will improve it to "bow hunter +1"). He will give us 3-8 assignments difficulty easy 3, normal 5 and 8 hard that we have to perform in a certain period of time (say 14:00 when the opportunity arose to perform this work at 16:00). After execution we will receive a reward. Each difficulty will be given every 20 levels 10,30 and 50 (of course if you give players the freedom of action at level 10, and so it is possible with 15 and so on)The measures will give us a job to purchase items that we he will have to buy for your money and bring them; killing monsters in a certain area, as they terrorize the surrounding area; take the message of the measure in a certain settlement or NPC. You are free to think of something, I only suggested not mandatory trivial task.
"the great hunt"- PS we take job hunting a rare monster that lives in the area, in order to lure him out we can buy bait from this NPC,either do it herself of the resources of monsters in the area( these resources will fall when the player will execute the job accordingly, it may not save it in advance and if you have superfluous resources in the inventory they disappear after the job is complete). After his murder we get rare resources to craft, which we can exploit or sell to this NPC at a good price.
"invasion"- on the planet of the enemy faction doing a RAID, our task is to destroy intruders. This task we take the head of troops in the capital(if there is one)/ or we can find out this information from one of the deity( of course, if in the story it will communicate with us, because we have been given the mission to save our land. I don't know the plot of the game, so that you can something different to come up). If we the people, then we on earth can invade demons or beastmen. After completing this task we will get "medal of courage" that we can exchange for "shallow" resources, armor, potions, mount? pet?
All these tasks are not obligatory, they are just additional content for the game, which it diversifies and make more MMO than the grind game.
3)Customization - all players in any way want to stand out from the crowd. You of course will introduce a donation system that will make the player "special", but do not get carried away. Give players more freedom in terms of costumes and weapons, mounts, Pets. Let they will need to perform a specific task to get a particular skin gear/mount/pet.If we talk about mounts and Pets, this should be a skin that will make it more formidable, elegant, cute, bloodthirsty? These skins will consist of elements of armor(a helmet for riding an animal or pet, why not?) jewelry (amulets, though bantiki, on that fancy enough), aura( the trace of the paws after the passage of the, smoke/ evaporation/lightning/fire, etc from the body).
Themselves the task will be killing a legendary monster, getting some sort of title, production of a certain number of resources? And let players choose what they get, let's say the player has fulfilled certain conditions, notify him about the award in achieving the goal and he has to choose a reward - there are 3 kinds of skin character, or there will be the 3 types of skin pet or mount as you want can do.
4)donation System - It is in any case should not do character imbalances, everyone should have equal footing in pvp and events. You don't have to make a game that will depend on what will be Donati player in it or not, and then released as a game crossout( which donatary of all rapes), or ArcheAge which paid for the he imposition of donations. For example if you make a Guild with certain conditions type - fetch N resources, put a bunch of the local currency and then you raise the level of GI, or donate and will be able to get everything in the shortest possible time(all Guild members gets a higher % drop of resources for example)
Well that's that, then you probably already realized that I'm expecting a lot from this game xD -
RE: Daily Message posting
@themaxin Hello, and I'm not a bot, I'm SUPER BOT !
Here is all the information you may need- How to use tags + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fund + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
- How to create surveys+ (RUS) and Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
- All we know about the game + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1612/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured?page=1
Review sections, what's what:News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
Dear new users, please do not start spamming in your own greetings in order to complete the task in 10 comments on the forum. You'd better do it in the Welcome to Fractured section for other people, as you can be banned for spam.
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund)
It is desirable to create topics in the section with discussions in two languages-in English and in your native language, so you will be able to understand more people
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about existing guilds and about willing to join in them
Non-English Forums - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you have placed a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder asking it to be moved or deleted.
-Free pre-alpha key will give the top 100-1000
-People who invested in kickstarter can buy the entrance to the alpha or beta test
-Kickstarter June 1st!
-Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
-The game at the time of release will cost 25€ and is B2P
-Who will make kickstarter more than €25 (€20 early bird) will receive a copy of the game
-Fractured is not going to be on Steam anytime soon. The devs want to make sure the game is really polished before putting it there
-The game will not be on Android and ISO (№5)
-Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
-The servers will be located in North America, possibly in Europe
FAQ+(RUS, ITA, FRA, DE) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/2421/frequently-asked-questionsPss, I have some interesting things in my profile
RE: High Hope?
@muker said in High Hope?:
@killerownsu I hope that the release will be in 2 years, now I will post you my standard greeting which has useful information.
Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fund https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
- Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
- Frequently asked questions https://fracturedmmo.com/faq/
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund).
It is better to write in your own language, so that the developers correctly understood your idea, and not a curve translation from an interpreter.Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about the existing guilds
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
Free alpha key will give the top 100-1000, or participants kickstarter
Kickstarter is in June!
The game at the time of release will cost somewhere around $20 - $30Pss, I have in profile there is interesting information
RE: Что насчёт игры?Идёт ЗБТ?
@whitebear заходишь на оф сайт> The Foundation >leaderboard
RE: hi everyone !
@pexellzz Welcome. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fund https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/9 - Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund)
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about the existing guilds
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and manyAlso, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
🐺Ⓡⓐⓑⓘⓔⓢ ⓐⓝⓓ 🦇Ⓥⓐⓜⓟⓘⓡⓘⓢⓜ
As far as I know the game there are such things as Werewolves and Vampires, but why not make them diseases?
Imagine the following situation: the Hunter (man)follows the prey, but despite of everything meets a strange wolf. He's got saliva coming out of his mouth, you know he's going to pounce on you right now. You join with him in battle, on its an end to the you find on its the body bite and simply you wash it out wound by not thinking about the consequences of. After 1-3 days, the disease begins its activity and the infected begin to be more sensitive - pop up are hallucinations
because of sharp and loud sound; his eyes see worse and other side symptoms. In the final phase (4-5 days) the infected have an uncontrollable desire to attack his friend/close/passerby (forced pvp). As a result, you have increased physical abilities, but your possession of the magic is lost(or greatly reduced), but this is not a positive effect, and a curse that can kill you.
Rabies can be cured by a special potion that can cook you your friend or physician in the city for a price(the price will be reduced if you bring him some of the necessary resources for its preparation). If you have time to drink the potion to his death, you will receive immunity for 1 season (three months= game 1 week real).
The situation with the vampire: let the city passing by the girl was attacked by a vampire and sucked the blood( in battle it can be as debilitating ability that allows you to grab the victim and not suck a lot of blood), and then in the morning she wakes up and feels weak, especially in the sun. One day after the bite, she begins to feel an inhuman thirst for blood and can attack the victim in order to get a tasty slice. Because of what is happening she begins to fear( in terms of log kill or suck the blood from one victim) and her mind is a little muddy, and the desire to get blood is only getting bigger. Due to what your body is even more rebuilt and the day you get even worse, but at night you get more power. After 15 days, your thirst becomes so strong that you begin to drink the blood from himself and die. If within 4 days you are not who you attack, you will die of thirst. Or you can escape getting in 2-3 days a task for the salvation of humanity and by doing so, you will receive immunity from this disease for one season. -
RE: What's about "No grinding" system
@oneilos It is not the main one. In this game, the developers want us to show the importance of finding a strategic approach to each situation, not a banal system-max LVL, top loot gg wp
RE: 📝Выполнение заданий в разделе THE FOUNDATION
@ahfanasiy галка справа снизу