Much appreciated x)

Posts made by Miffi
RE: Diseases and more!
@darian said in Diseases and more!:
Yup... I'd say bad food (either altered, poisoned or simply the lack of diversity) should cause disease, some could be just small temporary de-buffs while other could be more serious. Also, lack of proper clothing in certain environments should bring about disease. Yet nothing an alchemist couldn't help with. There could also be world events like meteor drops that bring contagious viruses to the game, crating a plague that starts a general quest to find and produce a cure, or otherwise destroy the source of the plague. Such events could bring all players, regardless of race or alignment together in a desperate search for the cure (for example, a neutral healer's committee is created, and they need a huge quantity of infected livers to be able to test and find a cure, and all players begin to hunt infected creatures to provide the guild with the necessary materials. Or they may need a large number of living test subjects and players would need to form hunting parties to catch the infected creatures alive). This shouldn't be permanent things though... just temporary events that brake the pace of the game every now and again, and also create the history of the world of Fractured.
RE: Diseases and more!
@jetah Oh, yeah thats a terrible idea if there is no cure. Seems like to big a problem for them to miss? LOL
RE: Diseases and more!
@benseine Isn't that brilliant? LOL I think that would be so funny
RE: Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.
@finland true, but his idea is unique in that the summoned is an actual player. I think that would be a pretty awesome mechanic.
RE: Will there be a way to change your Attributes?
@FibS @Morridin Saw an interesting way of altering stats in Life is Feudal. It was a little easy there but difficulty and timeframe could be increased depending on how long a process you want. You essentially desired which stats would increase and decrease. I believe it was only one of each at a time and as you performed certain activities the mechanic would proc. You could possibly mix this mechanic up with the 'praying to a god' one as to which stats are the ones to increase and decrease?
RE: Economy and PvE
@kairosval said in Economy and PvE:
@miffi said in Economy and PvE:
The devs have stated in some posts that the best gear will be crafted but that items can still be found on mobs, they just wont be as good. Certain materials can only be found on different planets so it seems like each will have its own economy but going on the demon planet comes with the risk of losing it all very easily but thats why anyone would play that race in the first place right?
Not at all, human. Come to Tartaros. Trade with us. There are riches to be had from trade.
You can trust us to keep you safe.
I would be happy to have dealings with you humans!
RE: Economy and PvE
@phaethonas The devs have stated in some posts that the best gear will be crafted but that items can still be found on mobs, they just wont be as good. Certain materials can only be found on different planets so it seems like each will have its own economy but going on the demon planet comes with the risk of losing it all very easily but thats why anyone would play that race in the first place right?
RE: Clarification on the target audience
@gibbx said in Clarification on the target audience:
geez all this talk seems to assume that beastmen are completely unable to fight. if you come on my planet to take my stuffs you are gonna get claws in the gut. as I said before just because beastmen don't prefer to PVP does not mean the they cant PVP
^ This
@tulukaruk said in Clarification on the target audience:
@gibbx said in Clarification on the target audience:
geez all this talk seems to assume that beastmen are completely unable to fight. if you come on my planet to take my stuffs you are gonna get claws in the gut. as I said before just because beastmen don't prefer to PVP does not mean the they cant PVP
Usually PvP works a bit differently then PvE so PvEers aren't as good in PvP as the gankers.
Thats just because generally PvE'ers are nice people lol. Gankers are just pricks, there is no other way round it. Idont mean people who like to PvP, I like to PvP but ganking is just someone who wants to be a prick. Its how @Jetah says a little further up except I think it needs a little revision
Asswipes: interfere with the functioning of the game world or the play experience of other players
Achievers: accumulate status tokens by beating the rules-based challenges of the game world
Explorers: discover the systems governing the operation of the game world
Socializers: form relationships with other players by telling stories within the game world -
RE: Identifying Items
@finland @Jetah Actually thats not true, there will be loot. Thats why identifying is a thing, it is require for any found loot. It just wont be as common as most mmo's or rpg's. That said they did point out that crafted gear will be stronger than anything found. My opinion on that is thats not my favourite way to implement that but I understand where they are coming from.
RE: Identifying Items
Well the fact that teleportation is minimal will help towards people using smaller towns.
RE: Identifying Items
@mazikar @FibS I think thats a great work around. That way you can afk, it just prompts you when you're back stating there are items for you to work with in your workbench. I like it! Enchanting too, thats a good addition. It makes being a trader/merchant much more expansive too.
RE: Identifying Items
@fibs Oooo! Didnt even think about a repairing mechanic, thats a good one! Yeah, I like the idea of the shop, the only area I can see that being a little bit abused is if you can just afk the shop and its automatically done. Dont think I would appreciate it that way.
Identifying Items
Would like to see some kind of 'trade' mechanic where a player can identify an item for someone for a fee without the owner requiring to trade the item. Would be a nice way for those focusing on magic and intelligence to make a little money on the side or help out guild mates. Just wondering what others thought on the matter!
RE: The problem that i see in many sandbox games
@stardust As others have pointed out, at a campfire you can change your skills around. The only limitation is what your character has learnt. You must acquire the skills previously. Therefore if your character has gained all 400 skills you can essentially play however you like whenever you like.
RE: Which school of magic will you focus?
@shudows @Loxreaten Hehe, seems like necro might be quite the popular choice
though I havent seen it done well in a while so I hope it will this time
RE: Clarification on the target audience
@gibbx said in Clarification on the target audience:
This post confuses me somewhat. Is it not obvious that there is something designed into this game for everyone? A whole world for PVE'ers where they don't have to worry about being ganked. A whole world for PVP'ers where they can PK to their hearts content. Guild action for the empire builders. Crafting up the wazoo. Due to the setting catering to the fantasy crowd.
Did I miss anything?^ This. Whilst others have stated that there are slight variances to this, predominately that the PvE planet will still have PvP, the onset of a buff will see that it will most likely be minimal. And if it isnt they can always increase the buff. Thats also what a beta is for right?
RE: PK punishment
" @Jetah it's possible I wont wear my best gear or will attack strategically. Odds are someone will see a demon or evil human and run first or try to log quit."
I wont
I'm going to use my buff to the best of its advantage ad take from you everything you're worth. I'm happy with my odds and I think most beastmen will be too. It will also be smaller group of human/demons most likely where you'll be zerged by us. Tbh, I'm quite happy for you to try >:D
@tulukaruk They have stated that dying on a different planet you lose your gear and I believe I read that you're teleported out. Might not seem like much of a punishment but when you consider how hard it is to get to another planet in the first place seems decent enough to me.