Out of those two choices B2P but personally I think subscription works the best as everyone has a spending cap - the sub - so no one can somehow improve the quality of their experience by paying more.

Best posts made by Miffi
RE: B2P or F2P?
RE: PK punishment
@tulukaruk I'm a faction versus faction kinda player. I like PvP but I dont like a gankfest either. Thats just boring when you cant move two inches without someone wanting to kill me.
Identifying Items
Would like to see some kind of 'trade' mechanic where a player can identify an item for someone for a fee without the owner requiring to trade the item. Would be a nice way for those focusing on magic and intelligence to make a little money on the side or help out guild mates. Just wondering what others thought on the matter!
RE: ๐บโโโโโโข โโโ ๐ฆโโโโโโกโโขโ
@rolanstorm said in Rabies and Vampirism:
It is the same old problem: no one wants to unbalance game.
Back in the day when games had monsters that can level on player kills or alpha class existed people was not afraid to experiment. These days people want to bring innovation, but they still keep in mind the formula dictated by WoW and clones that followed. I hope Fractured to be different and it looks like it, but we'll see.
One of the things that could be done very interesting but stays mundane to the core is magic. It could have been such an experience, yet it hardly covers anything beyond combat. Mage is most MMORPGs is no different from everyone else, just damage looks different.
^ Feel exactly the same. This whole thing were everything must be balanced perfect removes so much creativity. It doesnt allow for more interesting ideas. Its the lack of this 'balance' that made games like Baldurs Gate and the like so good. But like you mentioned, does look like Fractured will be going in a better direction. Just glad to see someone else who isnt all about 'balance' lol.
RE: Instanced Dungeons/Raids
@Logain @Finland Truth is I dont think anyone on either side of the argument is going to relent. Both dislike the other too much to agree so the deciding factor is just going to have to be the spotlight thats coming out hopefully this week. I personally like open world in theory and in its best form, but it can and most likely will divulge into a zergfest which in reality is just a spam fest with no real tactics or fun, especially for those in the minor numbers. But lets me hopeful they find a way round this.
RE: Instanced Dungeons/Raids
@jetah I dont think its about tier but rather combinations. They said weather will environment will have an effect on gameplay. Its possible that different combinations of resources create different types of equipment, giving you access to otherwise restricted areas. Its not that one type is stronger or better, but more suited for certain situations. Therefore, yes you could stay in your safe area if you so desired, but your spell count and knowledge is going to be minimised because of it. This way they encourage exploration for those who wish to take the risk and become 'stronger' and those who don't wont be able to attain everything.
RE: Cosmetic cash shop, RMT and p2w.
@sebastian @Finland @Jetah Whilst I can see your point, I find it hard to not just reiterate what I've said before that then it is an issue of genre, not the way the game should be played. The whole genre of MMO's is based on gameplay time, thats why they were invented. Huge worlds with tons to explore, content to play through. This is coming from someone who also cant 24/7 play the game. But I can accept that. If I cant keep up, then I have two choices; either accept it and just keep playing or decide that the genre is not for me. Its also been stated multiple times that the game will be based on skill, not equipment. Therefore if you have the skill regardless of the amount of time you play, you can still be top tier. If you cant, well no amount of money you try to through at the game or RMT you try to exploit will help you get there.
I'm not trying to sound harsh, but thats the reality I see of it. I know I wont be top tier and can accept that. I dont want to ruin the game with RMT to give those who are willing to spend $1000's of dollars just to get an edge over others and dont want those who dont want to spend anything to ruin it for others by allowing those same whales to splurge just so they can play the fashion game.@Logain Has already given examples how this is possible even to a small degree.
If the developers end up going that route, fair enough and that is their prerogative but as @Phaethonas has pointed out, the mass majority of those who play the genre do not like it. And realistically this game wont have such a large playerbase that they can rely on whales to sustain it. Therefore they need to garner as much customer contentment as possible to have them return the favour with cash shop purchases.
RE: Cash Shop Items You'd [Consider] Buy
Like @Mazikar I'm more of a sub type person. If you have a good game that has substance and a depth of content, people are then willing to pay the sub fee. Now, I dont expect them to go for the sub path but I do prefer it. Gaining a cool looking mount or weapon effect because I achieved it or found it as a drop is way more satisfying than just dropping my debit card. In saying that, some alt spell particles or colour variances for both gear and particles would be nice. The improved tools idea is good too. Maybe skins for the different types of mounts too? I'd like to see different mount types having different stats and not all being the same. So having different looks for each mount would be great. I'm not opposed to the non-combat pets either as long as the combat pets arent removed of gimped to push you towards paying for them.
RE: Dungeons
As @Sharo has already mentioned, I'd like for dungeons to be bit more creative than just smash every enemy till there is none left. Some secrets, puzzles, jumping areas and traps would be great addition. If I'm honest I'm not too keen on them all being soloable but thats the design they are going for so will make the most of it
RE: Hand Holding
The problem I see is that making everything soloable means nothing is challenging in reality. In a single-player game you can scale challenge by making it harder for ONE person. But in an mmo, even if something is slightly challenging by yourself all you have to do is find an additional person and now its easy as hell again. This is why soloable content is boring because it can always be too easy. When something is made with a group in mind, even with 4-5 people it is still challenging because it was made with multiple people in mind. A tutorial as @Myux pointed out is good, people know where to start, but they wouldn't be told what to do from there on.
RE: World affairs
I will admit I have my reservations on that gear is slightly trivial, but I'm holding judgement until I get hands on or view someone else. Skills seem to be the 'gear' of this game, the problem with that is there usually ends up being a meta which everyone then spams, I find that very annoying personally. But again, there hasnt been any hands on so all this is just me speculating.
It will definitely look different visually as there will be plots of land and buildings thrown around areas that originally had none. Whether there will be combat all around, I could only imagine so. Once people figure out the best resource nodes and area, mats and so on guilds will most likely fight for those sections.
RE: Power gap between r1 and r3 spells is too big (POLL)
@gothix Hmm I do your point in a palette of situations being beneficial. I edited my comment as I had no read any of the other comments are yours
seems like they are in fact putting in the effort to make different versions of said abilities
Makes more sense and am happy with that conclusion!
RE: Will dropped maps be included?
@karuro Very much agree! More creative; adventurous!
@Esher Yeah! Its only a simple addition really but makes a world of difference.
@Luccheno I did like that too actually, but for the reason you put I'd say a random location works best to deter those from trying to do thatMaybe a hybrid idea between the both would be good.
@Vengu :thumbsup_tone2:!
@Frost My sentiments exactly :)It just lends itself so well. My only worry is for those who say how does is work thematically, but I'm sure the devs would find a way -
RE: PK punishment
" @Jetah it's possible I wont wear my best gear or will attack strategically. Odds are someone will see a demon or evil human and run first or try to log quit."
I wont
I'm going to use my buff to the best of its advantage ad take from you everything you're worth. I'm happy with my odds and I think most beastmen will be too. It will also be smaller group of human/demons most likely where you'll be zerged by us. Tbh, I'm quite happy for you to try >:D
@tulukaruk They have stated that dying on a different planet you lose your gear and I believe I read that you're teleported out. Might not seem like much of a punishment but when you consider how hard it is to get to another planet in the first place seems decent enough to me.
RE: Player bounty boards (PVP)
@jetah said in Player bounty boards (PVP):
if good aligned players are exempt then they'll be the scammers in the city. and they'll get no retaliation because they'll always be good aligned.
Well the difference here is that you were present and looking for a trade. You were involved in the transaction and its unlikely your that stupid to not see numbers in the trade. And if you dont, well you kinda deserved to get scammed - this applies to everyone. In a bounty system, if you arent an evil aligned you didnt do anything to warrent a bounty except someone just doesnt like you. That isnt a valid reason, thats just griefing. And as Fibs pointed out, thats what a bounty system is; the acquisition of criminals. What you want is an assassination system. Again, thats an evil aligned idea.
RE: Player bounty boards (PVP)
@jetah But BDO was different, there was no PvE race where people who played there didnt want much to do with PvP. Completely different scenario. In BDO you played knowing this, you would be involved in PvP and that was completely the game. There was no PvE race or section of that game and everyone consented to that once they played. Here you are trying to involve people who dont want pvp, go a race and area that is specifically designed to not have much, if any, just so you can mess with them. Lol... thats very different.
Also in the case of changing name, just have a system where their account name is permanent.
RE: Player bounty boards (PVP)
@jetah because there is no punishment on the player who had the bounty on them. That circumvents the whole purpose.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@jetah said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
I have to say that getting into accounts and stealing is much different than killing. that and your view on bots makes me just want to ignore you.
I have to agree with Jetah here fin, those are dangerous lines you are crossing. I cant play as much as I use to and I dont agree with bots. If I cant keep up with nolifers I have two choices, either deal with that reality or decide MMO's arent the genre best suited for my lifestyle. Cheating is not a good solution. Same if someone buys items with real cash to get ahead, they are both cheating.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@miffi i cheated (if you mean the haking) not for my self, cause my account was banned. I was playing as griefer just to ruin the game to top nerd players and p2w players. The robin hood of that situation! Givin the things around.
Whilst I see what you mean, it still is shady business. I just would never go as far as to hack someone. But thats a personal opinion.
If you mean that bot is cheating well nope! That s not much different from paying someone to play your account and grind for you.
Well, paying someone to grind for you is also cheating? You didnt do it therefore you didnt earn it. Its almost always against the the T&S of a game. Meaning its cheating by the developers standards which is what one can go by. All im saying is you lose a lot of credibility when you encourage and try to justify going against the rules of said game. If the game was meant to be botted there would be an in game function for that.
It's not cheating if the item can be also obtenible in game with a normal % of drop. It's cheating when you buy an item not obtenible in game that can make you win vs 50 players like happend to the p2w archage.
I would say any gear that has statistical function should only ever be achieved in game through farming/grinding. Never from a store. If one person can by it within 30 second of playing that takes another person a week to get thats just disadvantage for the sake of greed. Archeage was on a whole other level of pay to rek people it doesnt even warrant to be recognised as a game lol.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
Yes, we have been told that the influence of gear is not going to be 'game breaking', but that still leaves a lot of potential influence on the outcome of a battle, so gear could be 'semi required for the competitive player'. If that is the case, consider how much of a disadvantage it is to a player who is 'farming/gathering' in a PvP environment compared to a non-PvP environment. If there wouldn't be such a disadvantage, other people in this thread wouldn't right out state they would be botting and hacking in order to gain that advantage. Quod erat demonstrandum.
I see what you mean now, thats a fair point. There is a possible way around that maybe we increased value of resources from the PvP planet? Instead of costing 10 ores its only 3 as oppose to the none pvp. My question would also be if demons would be at such a disadvantage with a debuff why would they bother with Arboreus anyway? In the sense if disadvantage is the problem.