Early Bird Knight !

Best posts made by Mazikar
RE: OST Update - Main Theme V1
@Prometheus I do like the track, it has an interesting flow, just enough energy without being a battle hymn. But as a main theme... I am not sure. You have to have a catchy tune, something you can hum and other people would know what it is. The opening song for Everquest.... the March of the Star Destroyer... you know what I am talking about. I haven't loaded up EQ in years and haven't played it daily in over a decade but I can still whistle and hum the entire song.
Never underestimate the power of a song. The original Diablo Tristram Village music is one of the most magical songs ever made, just listening to it brings back vivid memories of the game, its not the intro but I would say it was the main song for that game. If you can get even the first 10 seconds to have a catchy tune you will be in the right direction. Even dumpster fire games like Earth and Beyond had a catchy tune that I can fully remember... even more than the game itself in that case.
Love this intro. -
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
@cronykil I am glad you are a supporter! I have to admit I have dropped almost enough to get a F8, but I do get to chill in a gold suit
. But I was almost sure that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen was what he was talking about. Look it up, Brad McQuaid from the original EverQuest is making it (I /played almost 2 years in EQ). To get a lifetime subscription its $10,000.
.... and yes I am fed up with constant bashing of Star Citizen (SC), or any other MMORPG. Mostly SC though as I tend to hear about it the most. Your post caught me after a long conversation with friends on a different game that got a little heated when someone started bashing SC and they had absolutely no clue, they were bashing SC because they heard someone else bash SC, and that... that is what needs to stop.
My apologies for snapping at you.
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
Remember folks, you reap a benefit from backing but the main point is to fund the game. Even at its lowest cost package you are helping and being rewarded. At the $20 early backer point you are getting a $50 value to include beta access.... that is pretty fricking amazing and its disturbing to see so many asking for more. Then again the internet is disturbing most of the time so I am not entirely surprised. The kickstarter reaching its goal is both a boon for promotions and a solid way to get that foot in the door. More people will feel comfortable supporting a game that has already completed a kickstarter. It also shows other investors that there is a market for the game. I urge people to support the kickstarter, its a solid path to getting this game made.
RE: Pre-Alpha Cape
We should all start wearing capes in normal everyday fashion. They need to make a comeback.
RE: Suggestion ingame pub
For purpose of study I myself will be subjected to alcohol tonight. During this time I will attempt many different play mechanics to see what would be the most fun in the game. All of this in the name of game development. For you guys and gals, I do this for you. To the bar!!!
RE: Cash Shop Items You'd [Consider] Buy
I would rather pay a small subscription than be expected to buy from a cash shop. I am not going to lie, I have nearly sold my soul in Star Citizen, I paid more than my fair share in the Ashes of Creation kickstarter, but I am not a cash shop kind of guy. I dabbled with it in MWO but it never felt good. I would rather earn what I can. Well to be honest there hasn't been a cash shop that appealed to me. If I could buy superior crafting tools that say do not wear out and look cool when being used... well that I could see as valuable, cosmetic only items though.... not so much. While I understand you must not cross the thresh hold of pay to win I think simple tools that do not wear out vs tools that are inexpensive but have to be fixed by NPCs from time to time is not a P2W deal. So there you have it. I would pay for cool looking indestructible crafting tools.
RE: Suggestion : Good idea that most MMO's Lack.
@darian That was the main problem with WoW when they added this. It was just a time sink for mounts and pets. It would be cool if Fractured made a "ancient" line of spells and items. You would need to track down ruins to read where ancient battles were fought to see if you could find artifacts you could either salvage or research. You might even get a subclass this way, like Ancient Hunter or Ancient Summoner and so on. It would be cool to have dungeon bosses guarding high end stuff as well as normal loot drops. You know you have to create a key to unlock a special room and its at the end of the dungeon guarded by a dragon. Its always nice to have multiple reasons to dispatch dungeon bosses and deeper interactions create lasting memories and equate to more fun.
RE: Two Words On Reporting, Leaderboards & Pre-Alpha. I'm tired.
It makes me sad, and a bit pissed, to see people get so worked up over something so trivial, and create toxic atmosphere that can have long lasting effects during the Kickstarter. There are some of us that have been around here for over a year, and I know I do not want to see this project even hit a speed bump and especially not due to people being petty. Anyone can make it into the top 100 and all it takes is time and dedication. First... there is no need to cheat, I got to the # 2 spot with a total of 4 recruits, a friend from work (he just hit 20 but joined nearly a year ago), my son and his friend (both lost interest several months ago but I am still working on getting them back), and Gibbx (congrats on hitting 100+ man!). Most of my rank came from participation on these forums, and daily postings along with daily points.
I am only now actively recruiting, most of the people I have interested will not use my referral code and I am okay with that, I want the project to succeed first. If you are not sold on this project and do not want to help it then simply move on. I am so done with people dragging projects down to fulfill some childish fantasy of wrecking a game. I see people trashing Star Citizen, Ashes of Creation.... anything. Grow up and have the decency of being able to walk away without punching holes in the walls as you leave.
We have a solid core of good people in here. 99% of everyone I have had a chance to converse with have been awesome. It is the internet, sadly that comes with some of why this is even a thread. If you are one of the people that is upset, take a couple days and cool off. Nothing that I have seen is worth it. No one likes cheaters, but no one here is Judge Dredd. Let due course do its thing, and let the people that can do something about it do just that. No need to get Internet-rage it makes you no better than the person you are angry at.
Just my .02
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@Logain and @FibS so look.... I have backed over 50 games on kickstarter. I have gotten to know more than one developer in this manner. Being on the front page is pretty much everything if you are under 80%. That is being on the front page under the search for games - video games - popular. Why? Because if you aren't on the front page there is a good reason. How do you stay on the front page? Activity on your kickstarter. Not just from a developer doing updates it needs our clicks, people talking and leaving messages, likes, and shares on social media. Why do you think so many of them have stretch goals that involve sharing on social media? For one it gets the word out and second it keeps them on the front page. I am here to tell you a game on the second page that hasn't met its goal... will not.
We all need to do our part, visit the kickstarter a couple times a day, make a post on a update or the main chat, like and share updates. Do this and it will stay on the front page... keep at it and it will be the top spot.
RE: July 16th Crafting & Building Q&A: List Your Questions
Will you be able to hire NPCs to do things in your properties? Work on forges, cook, sew, farm, sell, clean, security... and so on?
Will there be a limit on how many properties or buildings you can build/own ?
RE: Kickstarter Update #1 - A Big Thank You & What's Next
Super happy that the game started with good traction. People that do not know anything about it and are seeing it for the first time will see that there is a level of excitement and get excited as well. Just need to keep the enthusiasm going.
I wouldn't mind seeing some monsters that are going to be in the game, interesting animals and such. If you can make either animated gif or just a short video with them it would be cool.
RE: πΊββββββ’ βββ π¦ββββββ‘ββ’β
This game has some chances at other options.... I will be playing a Wolf .... I guess I could become a Wear Human when the moon is absent, and while human I could be infected with the vampiric curse. That would be interesting.
RE: The Fractured Store Is Live!
@Prometheus Have you thought about a physical item shop? Would love to see some shirts and hats!
RE: Star Citizen
I am a pretty big backer both financially and with enthusiasm, met Chris Roberts and got a ton of stuff signed. Super cool project and its actually going along quite well for being a ground up production with this level of ambition. Lots of people think that lots of money = done tomorrow.... how nice would that be. Sadly games take time and big ones take even longer. Star Citizen is interesting as it attempts to give its backers a game as its being made. Not at all practical and it might be adding time to its development as programming time is being used to polish parts of a game that will not be part of the final game.
Its a fairly popular game to bash, primarily from trolls that like to elicit reactions from the enthusiastic fan base and the drones that basically do not have a educated opinion but think that the dramatic headlines and hardcore trolls represent the truth. The fact of the matter is Star Citizen is the most open developed game out there. I doubt any game will follow in Star Citizens footsteps for the simple truth that most people (backers) do not possess the patience or the understanding to follow such an undertaking from conception. There is a reason most games do not get announced until they are a year from release.
For the people calling it a scam.... I simply have nothing nice to say to you. It is abundantly obvious that you either have no working knowledge of the word scam or you have no idea what Star Citizen is. Either way its a instant ignore, I have no use at all for you.
RE: Jobs
I want to sell illegal herbs and spices and do ride by stabbings. Either that or a politician, but no one respects politicians... and you have to be chaotic evil to apply. If all else fails though I would always fall back on being a farmer, I love smacking hoes in the dirt.
RE: Canβt wait for the fractured store
I am going to guess that they will be rolling it out fairly soon. The quicker they can get it up and running the faster they can get the extra cash flowing. I am guessing that is a priority.