I've been trying to work out how best to deal with PvE/PvP ~ PvX in regards to a topic that popped up the other day (long read: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/13812/change-to-syndesia-the-true-mix-of-pve-and-pvp)
The key point issue's is
-not being able to PvE because area's being camped by to many pvpers
-Most Solutions reduce PvP to a point making PvP useless
My suggestion is making each area a zone with an Alert level that changes with either deaths and/or time.
When a Zone does increase in Alert levels it would give a 5 min time period before it goes up.
4 Alert Levels
-Green: No PvP, peace last a limited amount of time until zone level increases to yellow.
varying on zone 20min to 2 hours until alert level increases to yellow.
-Yellow: Evil players can attack good players and vice versa - no inventory lose, no gear lose, carts can be stolen.
After 20 pvp deaths or a set amount of time zone alert level increases to red.
-Red: Evil players can attack good players and vice versa - no gear lose, inventory and carts can be stolen
After 50 pvp deaths or a set amount of time zone alert level increases to black.
-Black: Evil players can attack good players and vice versa. On death gear and inventory is lost.
After a set amount of time zone level decreases back to either Green or Yellow depending on zone.
Bonus for black zones: increase knowledge gain rate and increase gold amount drop.
other possible bonus: world bosses spawn without summon resources
Sheriffs could possibly decrease zone Alert levels faster by eliminating red players
one problem I see is with Town area's and resources; only suggestion is they can never go into green alert.