@Zards said in OVERVIEW: SUGGESTIONS. (PvP) and some general observations:
I also think that it was a mistake to enable the option to enchant armor in this Alpha, many players who did not know this, fought with people with enchanted items, who received no damage, and killed them easily, that was frustrating.>
Enchanting is something I looked into a lot and would like to change myself. But as for the current enchants; magic resistance is the only damage reducion enchant in the game. all the other stats are like hp regen or mana regen. you can check Ostaff enchanting helper here for all the enchantment helping : http://theshadowempire.net/public_enchantments.php
and how I think things should change :
02 ) Be careful when dividing servers PvE (PvP/PVE) and PvP. MMO needs a good amount of players, the value of the game is not very accessible, especially here in Brazil and Latin America.
You should create two large areas with NPC guards protection, in the two corners of the map, for pve players. Where Pks could not enter without being attacked by strong guards, who would do a lot of damage to them. However, these players should always pay an amount of gold to the crown for protection.
I don't agree with a PvE-only server, I think the pve player deserves his right to build, collect, ,hunt, mine, build his house, without being attacked. But in a dungeon, he must have these risks, or else he is in the wrong game, he should know "The Sims".
The planets are not going to be the end game.
The end game will be asteroids that everyone can go to.
The game is going to have objectives that will force people to focus on; a lot of pvp objectives.
@Zards said in OVERVIEW: SUGGESTIONS. (PvP) and some general observations:
03 ) As it is a game that automatically forces you to have many characters from different builds, it would not be interesting to launch a promotional value to the game, with the right to create only one character, and sell additional characters.
Not to sure what you're saying here. Think you're talking about character slots? Devs "might" (not confirmed) sell more past the current 5 max amount. could even ask for them to up the amount we could have currently for test.