Oboi, it's time.....soon tm

Posts made by maze
[Possible bug] with Assassinate and a few other skills
While auto attacking with a dagger, if you press or even spam assassinate the skill will not use. you have to stop attacking press assassinate, and your character will try to path to the very center of the creature you're fighting inorder to use assassinate. if the creature is a bear, assassinate will glitch out and make your character flip out because it's unable to path to the center of the bear.
I found this happens with a few other skills to sometimes as well. Auto attack will take priority over skill attacks and cancel the que of a skill. it should be the reverse. Autoattacking- press skill- auto attack is canceled and skill is used. -
[Starting classes 2022 Feb test] Create new character - the 4 classes
The four starting classes are meant to give you a quick skill set to allow you to function in the game, all skills can be acquired regardless of the class you pick. So it's suggest to pick a skill set that would fit you during your early game days.
Stats can also be rerolled, but only once! so I would suggest only picking your stats carefully based on your playstyle.if you're new new to the game, I always suggest 14 or 15 int
please keep in mind the screenshots of skills with purple numbers means my stats are effecting them. I do not have the correct stats to mid/max the skills in the screenshots.
The starting area
Once in the starting area, after picking a "class", 3 skills become available around the tutorial town by killing creatures. These should be considered before leaving the town. [Magic Missile] from black spider hatchling, [Swipe] from black bear, and [Bleeding Strike] from young wolf.
[Execute], [Net Trap], [Lunge], [Second Wind]
Gladiators skill set is mainly Auto attacking, using lunge to engage and stun, execute for damage. Net trap is good for kiting or running away and lastly second wind is a good heal for warriors with CON.
Second Wind and Net trap can easily farmed from Goblins in goblin hills, while Execute and lunge can be farmed from bandits. All in all the skills are rather simple to gain from killing bandit camps around the starting area's
[Volley], [Power Shot], [Slow], [Chilling Arrows]
Bowman class is a very good base class to start with, as 3/4 the skills are in a shadow valley~ the normal "2ed or 3rd" area to farm in for groups. I would suggest picking this set of skills if you plan to have heavy Dex or Perc or plan to fight mobs solo. Kiting with the Slow and Power will allow you to kill most mobs, but the difficulty is having to make tons of arrows. An another suggestion is to become part of a town and build a woodshop to make a short bow.
[Firebolt], [Fan of Flames], [Relocate], [Minor Healing], [Mage Armor]
Arcanist is simple, you plan to be a mage? pick this set. But theirs another reason to pick this set over other sets. Mage Armor, Minor Healing and Relocate are extremely great skills to have early game, but only while using [light gear]. with 18 INT you will have 270 armor, much more armor then any light gear can provide and any medium gear (until you have full leather).
Street Rat
[Rend Armor], [Lunge], [Strike Wounds], [Assassinate]
Street Rat, one of my favorite builds the dagger~ this is not that. Street rat is more of a support DPS then a main DPS. It does not have sustain or slows, so you'll be forced to face tank and use lunge as a kiting tool while spamming bandages non-stop. The skills Strike wounds and Assassinate can be found in goblin hills and lunge is not a difficult skill to obtain from around the starting area. The only trouble skill would be Rend Armor what can be gained from a Forest troll. my advise, only play street rat if you plan to play in a group with other melee's from the geeko. Pickup the skills Bleeding strike and magic Missile and use those for some extra kiting dps if solo.
RE: Thoughts on Party Loot system
First and foremost the system should be setup when the party is created and tell you when you join the type of system that is set. if the system is to change it warns everyone and everyone must agree "yes" to change the system, if anyone votes no the system does no change. This is to reduce toxicity with people who try to steal stuff last min from bosses.
When setting up the distribution it should be 2 drop boxs, one for items, one for gold.Item distribution~
Free for all = default
Turn = Each kill is given to a player in turn. 1st body given to first party members. 2ed body given to 2ed player memeber.
Party leader distribution = when someone loots the party leader will get a window to send the item to someone
Roll = Need, green and pass rollingGold distribution~
Free for all = default
evenly distribution = everyone near the body gets an equal cut
Party leader = gold goes to the party leader
Roll = Need, green and pass rolling -
[Idea][feedback] working out the talent system
fair warning~ I didn't proof read so grammar and spelling is a mess.
It's been awhile! I always voice an opinion on the talent system, even when it's currently alpha. The reason being is~ I don't want to see the current system stick or built more. The size of it is rather small, making very cookie cutter for builds. The ability to use any talent makes it harder to balance, and lastly there is things that should be given more strength or easier to access but end up being left behind with the current tree (unarmed....)
I do like to use examples of other games like Path of exiles, Diablo2, diablo3, Archage, WoW, boarderlands, ...ext.
but going into great details of pro's and cons would make an incrediablely long post.No matter what tree, or skill system we use; a player will have to do research and testing with any build. so the excuse to keep the tree small to stop overload of information is not really an excuse, the same problem happens regardless of size; sure one is bigger then the other but end of the day it's still a web of information you need to go thought. The sense of testing and discovery is normally an upside with any community and those that don't find that fun are likely the people who wont like fractured in the first place; this is a bold statement but it's backed up with the very foundation of fractured discovery of skills and testing of builds. There is no point in giving one system everything while neglecting the other.
Talents can be used in many ways then just "+1 str", "+damage to light weapons". Talents could be both simple and complex, "all elemental magic skills are now fire element only" or the reverse "all elemental magic skills are randomized on use between Fire, Lightning, Ice", "All magic skills are increased by 25% in size but cost 50% more mana", "20% of physical damage is converted into fire damage", "Assasin skills give a 0.5 sec of invisibility after use"
Talents can be so much more.But to balance talents sometimes you don't want to give a class to much resource as another- a card talent system where you pick 2 or 3 cards would be ideal for balance. Each Card would have it's own Talent Tree/web.
The basic cards can simply be pseudo classes "Brawler", "WeaponMaster", "Tank", "Ranger", "Mage", "Spell Weaver" "Spell Weapon", "Enchanter", "Priest", ...ext, again~ each having their own unique talents.Allowing you to pick 3 cards (IE: WeaponMaster, Tank, Priest) would catered you more towards the path you want. Keeping the similar idea of the current tree were we have INT, CHA, DEX, PERC, STR, CON.
If we add the idea for cards + the current tree. We'd have a full tree catered to a design/class while still keeping some defaults.
If we use the Weapon Master card/class as a example, the tree would not need the unarmed or range skills on the tree. These can be changed to more cater towards the ideals of the class, while we also sprinkle other talents with in the tree that we'd normally not want a mage to have unless they happen to pickup the class.More balance to the card system would be making talents a legendary talent (using this ruling from MTG) you can not have 2 Legendary talents of the same name. IE if you want to put a talent into 2 or more different classes but don't want the user to use X amount you can simply stop them.
Another balance could simply be talents in this class is penalized by X% while not using X weapon's. IE Brawler class being allows to have higher physical damage or resistances while unarmed.Cards/class should be given at the start of the game but as well more cards/classes should be added thought out gameplay.
Talents should also have multiply choose talents: when clicking on a multi-choose talent a little popup to pick the choose you want. IE resistance boost "Acid, Poison, Fire, Lightining" choose one +5% resistance.
I still wish to flush out the idea and have limited time work thought the idea. but I have been working on the details in my head for months and have posted the idea before (https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/11834/feedback-talent-tree?_=1643825209641)
Life skills (IE mining, harvesting, woodcutting, ect) is having it's own talent tree system added at somepoint. But with a 3 card system, a card could be a life skill oriented talent tree. The idea behind this is to increase the difficulty of life skills while also giving a bonus reward to those who use the card during gathering. A talent to find gems more often, gain 3 ore instead of one, to be enable mining giant size boldere.
RE: General feedback + a lot of ideas of almost 2 years testing Fractured
99% of MMO's is about grinding and you'll be at an odds end trying to find one that is not.
So ignoring that fact the grind is always a must in MMO's, the question is what do we grind and what for.What are end goals for a player and a community?
Right now fighting is the main focus of the game, building your character up.
But there is only a few challenges to really over come- dungeons will be added later, a problem to be solved.
Simply a compentiveness to complete these First can be added with server first achievements and speed clear boards.The town Problem of it being a crafting bench is indeed a problem; and the gameplay around crafting needs to be expanded appon into it's own gameplay. Normally crafters like to grind and I would like to use an example of mabinogi. Inorder to be a crafter in mabinogi you need to go into dungeons and areas mainly made for crafters to seek out enchantments and metals. I think in the future a system like mabinogis would work in fractured.
As for the town bench problem; from playing many other games with towns this generally never changes. Towns will always feel like a workbench and storage. -
RE: General feedback + a lot of ideas of almost 2 years testing Fractured
I had a good read threw everything and I agree with some parts and disagree with others.
The game is different from the other multiplayer/MMO's; but while it is different it should also take key notes from others.A lot of this post is dealing with current mechanics without considering the future mechanics that will be added- the rest of the post is a wishlist.
I would say it would be nice if the Devs did some refinement and cleanup of the current game- UI and Bugs; but to be fair they clean up Bugs as best as they can, there is so many that is reported and hard to find.
The game is nowhere near early release. if the game released today, I would likely quit by the end of the week.
RE: Mob Chests Bug
Same problem.
Camp was already cleared so I spent awhile trying to pick open a Goblin chest with wooden lockpicks.
When the chest finally openned I could see the loot but not take it. -
RE: Fractured Tools
interesting to see another Enchantment helper show up. Like the UI.
any reason to keep tier 3 enchantments off?@OlivePit said in Fractured Tools:
Presence of tools like this made by players is an indicator of where the devs could make major quality of life improvements in the game for players.
Things like this are going to exist and be necessities for a quality gaming experience, so why not include them as part of the game?
Thank you Tajger for making this beautiful user friendly version of a tool that exists in many forms in other places.
I agree with this statement, it's one of the things I touched on back when I made my finder tool. I'm hoping the Dev's add something like this to the game with the known items the user has found.
But I also wish enchanting to be more interesting then it currently is. it's very boring and simple in it's current state -
Changing stats from 1~25 to to a larger number for future possible growth
Right now with the current system stats can go from 6 to 25.
Player creation you can adjust stats from 6 to 18 then with talent tree and enchanting add more up to a possible 25 stats.This system works but I think the problem is the future.
Change it to how much? Either 25 to 100 or 60 to 250
Why 25 to 100? 100 is the common number of gaming, known at the max level. It's easiest to understand that once you've hit 100 you're at the top.
Why 60 to 250? This would be the simplest change, just adding a 0 behind 6-25. the current talent tree each node would give 20 stats instead of 1.
Why the change? With more stats to manage it allows for more fine tuning of character's and it allows for future possibility's to change the the talent tree's or the less impacts on some enchanting. Also possible future systems could be easier to manage if they instead to add stats from other sources (relics).
Why not just decimal? It's pretty much the same~ decimal onto everything 6.0-25.0 and giving out 0.5 of a state.
I just find decimal places can be messy for UI reasons.I just find the current scope of stats very narrow to work with and wonder what the future will be like
RE: Alternative to crafting and enchanting RNG headache.
This is an interesting topic~ I have issues with the current state of enchanting + the current gear crafting...wont touch on that here.
As for RNG while crafting equipment: @OlivePit used some great examples of very current MMO's with crafting systems. I'd like to list a few of the more notable MMO's or rogue-like games.
Archage: a crafting system relied heavily on grinding mats then RNG to 'upgrade' your gear further.
The RNG was getting the mats itself from open world, then dungeons then raids. At higher levels of upgrading gear (15/20) you have chances of lowering the grade up and down. (use to break the item).Path of exiles: a more gear drop game that relied on the RNG in gear drops + upgrade mats (more RNG). Crafting was mostly done for very end game players, most players never experience it. Normally if done right the gear always has value if you fail to attempt it being useful to yourself it's most likely still useful to someone else.
Ragnarok Online: RNG mostly around gather resources and cards. Once you grinding the shit out of the area you were rewarded.
Ultima Online: enchanting and crafting was mainly upgrading items with rare resources. failures could happen.
Why these games? These games relied heavily on RNG back in the days for crafting and upgrading gear.
Over the years they've all updated their systems because player backlash.What the games did to change? They removed hardcore failure mechanic (losing gear) and opted into losing the resource's when upgrading or the enchant just not working, at the worse your gear loses one tier but could be upgraded back again.
Path of exiles is notable one that's doing this. The RNG in path of exiles has become to demanding that it gates 80% of their player base from ever reaching the final boss, let alone doing some mapping content( end game) (Harvest data league data: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2916050)
So in "path of exiles 2" their lookign to gut most of their RNG elements.So the point is wasted failures is generally not fun, maybe fun for the winners but not the losers.
In this case when you craft one item, that's it. that's the end of the road for that item and it's grade.I agree with peoples point (like spoletta's) in here where a system to force higher grades would be ideal. Give a lucky chances for the gamblers but also give that 100% chance to those who don't like to gamble and rather grind it out.
RE: Bandage Hotkey
I brought up the same issues as this and had the same fixes as Spoletta.
I use autohotkey with a few extra functions- (Without people telling me OMG thats a bot, please ignore that and see it's an issue. Moderation can only go so far. proper system can eliminate such problems.); Macro key opens inventory [i] program looks for image [bandage] macro program moves mouse instantly to bandage to use then returns mouse to same position before macro was used. inventory closes. happens so quickly you see a quick flash of inventory.
@spoletta said in Bandage Hotkey:
Alternate idea.
Everytime you enter combat (the game already detects combat state), your inventory and equipment are closed and you can't open them until you are out of combat.
Effects of this change:
- You can't use bandages and herbals(or future consumables) from the backpack. You have to put them on the bar, making it part of your build.
- You can't trash your gold when a red attacks you.
- You can't switch armor during the fight. You can still switch weapons with the tab command.
- It immediately clears your screen when you get attacked, allowing you to react faster in case that you were caught while reorganizing your inventory.
- using items should definitely be part of being a build. Not using items or using items is just another system. but stacing your inventory with 10000 items should not be.
- very annoying problem any ganker could agree with. problem might not be there if we could ever just drop items on the ground instead of it going poof.
3)This was a big problem of mine a few test ago. We were using armor switching with macros to use skills and negate damage. It can be very much abused by programs. (people gave me such a hard time about armor switching when I brought it up last time)
RE: Death by the Underequipped?
It's not hard to stun lock people.
Any skills to stun and silence ontop of poisoning can kill a well geared player.
Well geared players should likely only be geared while in groups. -
RE: [suggestion] Pvp zones
@TheLichKing Citys and Plots should already be safe spots (ie green zones :D)
RE: Flawless Jewels and the Legends - two problems
@Houngar Town pvp sieges were and hopefully still limited. IE a max town is 50x50.
RE: Flawless Jewels and the Legends - two problems
Collecting Coal would give me gems repeatedly, so I can see the problem with Gem needed for world bosses.
If players go around just trying to get gems from nodes, then a change on how gems are given should maybe be considered.
[suggestion] Pvp zones
I've been trying to work out how best to deal with PvE/PvP ~ PvX in regards to a topic that popped up the other day (long read: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/13812/change-to-syndesia-the-true-mix-of-pve-and-pvp)
The key point issue's is
-not being able to PvE because area's being camped by to many pvpers
-Most Solutions reduce PvP to a point making PvP uselessMy suggestion is making each area a zone with an Alert level that changes with either deaths and/or time.
When a Zone does increase in Alert levels it would give a 5 min time period before it goes up.4 Alert Levels
-Green: No PvP, peace last a limited amount of time until zone level increases to yellow.
varying on zone 20min to 2 hours until alert level increases to yellow.-Yellow: Evil players can attack good players and vice versa - no inventory lose, no gear lose, carts can be stolen.
After 20 pvp deaths or a set amount of time zone alert level increases to red.-Red: Evil players can attack good players and vice versa - no gear lose, inventory and carts can be stolen
After 50 pvp deaths or a set amount of time zone alert level increases to black.-Black: Evil players can attack good players and vice versa. On death gear and inventory is lost.
After a set amount of time zone level decreases back to either Green or Yellow depending on zone.
Bonus for black zones: increase knowledge gain rate and increase gold amount drop.
other possible bonus: world bosses spawn without summon resourcesSheriffs could possibly decrease zone Alert levels faster by eliminating red players
one problem I see is with Town area's and resources; only suggestion is they can never go into green alert.
RE: [Skill] Detect, for the solo players
@Logain said in [Skill] Detect, for the solo players:
Could you elaborate how you think this would work?
the 5/s mana cost is from "Mage armor" it was just a base template and was not really the has to be mana cost;.
but while on the subject you should have a base of 14/s mana regen at 6INT. what should not be a bad cost
I honestly don't think the spell needs a mana cost at all.)
[Skill] Detect, for the solo players
The idea of this skill would be for solo's or scouts to detect players that are off screen (about 1 screen off screen to them).
The skill would be useless in a group setting.
The skill would Alert the player by ringing and red glow to them when players are nearby.
It would not indicate what direction the player/'s are in.Pro's: help the solos from not being ganked. Possibly find people if using it to scout area's alone.
Con's: unknown direction of other player/'s. you could have just ran into another solo or someone is suddenly coming up behind you. Can't be used in groups, only possible way would to be spread out the group so the players are off screen to eachother. -
[Graphical Error] Small clipping graphical error of ruins
video spot 1- https://i.gyazo.com/90b3d1383a47cc6fedfc1aac2ed7ce36.mp4
video spot 2- https://gyazo.com/789960e88cea18403ade06bc3dad247a
video spot 3 and 4 - https://gyazo.com/ad172f326c991dc7d983d2bd1e20e766
Graphical error of ruins