@LonelyCookie It could be true. But we will be ever in disadvantage, we do not have players or guilds if you are solo, I do not want to play in a big guild because of lot of things, I just want to do my game with my fellows, with this system do you think that they allow you to get resources? They will make a skirmish to decimate all that try it. Maybe for being an alpha test solo players and small guilds could stabilish in a city, but in beta it will not be possible because of numbers and guilds that will play. I was wondering about a way to stop people enter in the city and the easier way is make my guild members buy all plots around, so nobody will enter and use my buildings. Another thing is big guilds do not need to get gold from players, they can do it by yourselves, I don't like the idea of equipping my enemies or using my buildings so I`ll do all as possible to prevent it.
The numbers of cities now is 36, but the problem will be the same like last alpha test, cities will be empty because do not have people to all of them, and a lot of small guilds or group of players will try to get a city to not enter in one that have people.