Nothing new to discuss, we're now all waiting for the next test session to be announced. Players play the test, give feedback, test ends, wait for next test. Some people do the daily postings for the Foundation points, but it's kind of hard to have something to talk about if we already talked about it all and are now waiting for the next news. It would be kind of strange actually to expect more posts right now... what would we even talk about? o_o

Posts made by Harleyyelrah
RE: Wow
RE: Intended or Bug? Crafting tables inside Workshop Building
@Prometheus Ah I'm sorry I missed the replies to this post. By "bonus to quality" I meant the ability to craft an Exceptional piece. The crafting tables inside the workshop building can only craft Fine/Good, while the specialized shop ones are able to craft Good/Exceptional.
I'm guessing that means I was asking about the "shop" bonus? In that case I see it is meant to work that way. Originally, I thought that any crafting table within the city buildings would get the same amount of bonus to quality, with the specialized shops being meant for prestige purposes, which is why I was confused. Thanks for clearing that up!
RE: Siege Bugs
Ah I see!
By the way, is it intended that only the leader of a group of settlers can declare a siege? I understand the need for having settlers to become new citizens in case of the attackers' conquest, but the way this system is currently set up means that a current governor will never be able to declare a siege, since they cannot make a settlers' group due to already being a governor. Would it be possible to change the system so that a governor can declare siege from the town hall after a settlers' group has also been formed at the town hall? It seems weird that currently only a vice-governor would be able to make a settlers' group and then declare siege from the town hall.
(Of course the situation is different with guilds declaring siege on hamlets, but my question was specifically about the town hall siege declarations)
RE: City Sieges Live & All-Backers Event
@OlivePit Actually, a governor cannot do it, it has to be a vice-governor!
RE: Siege Bugs
@Prometheus said in Siege Bugs:
Thanks a lot for the report!
- The siege tent and banners should be visible to all attackers and defenders. Are you sure they're visible only to the guild leader, who by the way wasn't the person who declared the siege?
The siege tent and banners are visible, but it is the siege tent map icon that seems to be bugged. My character declared the siege and placed the tent, but nothing shows on the world map for me, meanwhile when Nekrage opens his map then the siege tent icon shows on the location. The siege tent icon on the MINI-MAP shows for me, but not on the world map.
Thanks for the prompt response!
RE: Why are young status players allowed to kill legendaries?
The problem isn't "trying to block new players from content," the actual problem is that with that function, it becomes very easy for players with young player status to exploit getting the lore tablets with no risk.
You are all decent people who are thinking of players with young player status as completely new players trying to learn the game. You are not thinking of experienced players making new accounts just to have characters that are intentionally being kept as "young players" to take advantage of the young player status.
Have "experienced players" gather all the mats, trade to 1 person with a "young player status character" then that player can hold all the summon mats with no risk, run to the altars, summon, then either solo the easy legendaries or have a group with them to kill adds(so that they don't get too much knowledge points to kick them out of young status), legend dies, the group trades the pages to the safe status player, and then the player can carry it all back to a safe spot without risk of losing them to any pvp, and then trade them to the accounts that want the knowledge gain.
Too easy to exploit if someone is trying to do so.
Possible fixes? I'm not sure. Make legends unsolo-able completely, or make successful summons kick players out of young status, or something. Still not a 100% fix, but better than the current situation. The same issue happens with young status players being able to mine for hours without risk, since the status got extended to 40 hours playtime, If someone is solely using the time to mine/transport resources, that's still a while.
I hate that this type of behavior exists. But never underestimate what people will try to do to gain the upper hand. But, maybe this is all just more of a concern due to it being testing phases where free keys are being given out.
RE: Intended or Bug? Crafting tables inside Workshop Building
@OlivePit Well, for the tables on residential plots, that is intended because they are only supposed to be able to craft the higher quality in the city. But I'm not sure if it is intended for the tables inside the city Workshop Building, since those are already inside the city.
RE: Bug or Oversight- No craft option for Metal Arrows
This is still an issue in this current alpha test, from last test til now. Still have an option to create metal arrowheads, but no option to craft them into metal arrows. This can be extremely frustrating to new players who spent the time to mine, smelt an ingot, crafted metal arrowheads, and then realized there is no way to make metal arrows.
Intended or Bug? Crafting tables inside Workshop Building
Not sure if this is intended or a bug. Crafting tables built inside the "Workshop" building do NOT get the bonus to quality applied from the city research tree. The crafting tables only get the bonus when placed inside their specific buildings. If that's intended, I'm unsure why we would even get an option to build and place the Workshop building.
RE: Becoming a sheriff
You need 50,000 KP before you can flag as evil.
RE: [Suggestion] Make cities unable to be self sufficient
If the point of the game is to have interdependent cities, then these proposals may work. Perhaps that may be useful for inter-city interaction on Arboreus.
However, I don't think that inter-city cooperation is exactly the intent for Syndesia or Tartaros, especially when city sieges are a main feature. I can say that the PvP groups started this alpha test with the intent to build up their own cities, seeing each other as "enemies" and therefore trying to be as self sufficient as possible is part of the game.
Forcing inter-city reliance would likely just lead to huge guilds absorbing smaller guilds and claiming multiple cities for themselves rather than any cooperation.
RE: Bandage Hotkey
Maybe a "consumable bar" with it's own hotkey like the mount/dismount key, but we can choose to put bandages or herbal remedy or animal net or food there? Even just one slot would be nice.
RE: City Management Feedback Thread
I also wanted to add that the Rank Up system needs to be tweaked for the fully released version of the game. During a very limited time alpha test session, being able to rank up quickly is of course best for testing, but on full release I don't think that Ranking Up past Rank 4 should be allowable during the initial safe period. The reason for this is because ranking up only takes the gold away, and does not take the food sacks out of the town hall storage, which makes it easier for a big group to just stockpile all the food during the "no upkeep" time and be able to rank up very high with only having to pay the gold cost, instead of having to deal with gold cost AND food cost. Again, I love that we can do this during the alpha test, but it may mean that ranking up becomes too easy when the game is fully released.
Personally I think that if a city chooses to rush ranking up, the cost should be greater, not less. It should also take away the proper amount of food sacks that are stored in the town hall just like it takes away the gold, so that those bigger groups that are rushing to rank up need to farm at least twice as many resources, for upkeep AND for ranking up. Would it be possible to have the system be like this?: At upkeep time, if a town has enough resources to pay the upkeep, they can choose to rank up, but if they are trying to rush ranking up more than one rank in one week it should be double the cost in terms of resources.
Of course, having ranking up be time-gated in a one month alpha session would be terrible, but I am talking about when release or when much longer tests happen.
RE: Unrelated Clicking While Fighting
There have been previous mentions of a "combat mode" toggle that would be used exactly for that purpose, although I have seen no recent mentions about it being implemented or whether progress has been made on that point. However if you check your controls menu, there is a section for "Toggle Combat Mode" which is currently set to SPACEbar but doesn't do anything... possibly a future solution?
RE: New Limits on Locating Packaging Stations Is Unrealistic & No Fun
@Prometheus Honestly, our group thought it was intended since the fertile grounds are not safe zone... so we thought it was more of a risk for pvp to be running around overweight with valuable resources xD
And with the farmers needed "bodyguards"
RE: New Limits on Locating Packaging Stations Is Unrealistic & No Fun
Oh geez! You mean it's not intended?! lol
harvesting the wheat fields took so much extra time because of that!
RE: Killing too quickly doesn't give KPs
also confirming, seems like you need to hit at least 3 times. very hard to do on the creatures with less health.
Murag gul legend bugged
Unable to summon Murag-gul even with all the mats. It just says "Murag-gul Summoned" and nothing happens.
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
@OlivePit Please stop equating "all PvPers" to "murderers"... you do realize that bounty hunters are also PvPers right?
Actually @mansair 's idea complete with your idea of criminals needing to move their "victims" somewhere could be really fun because then groups of bounty hunters would want to work together and groups of criminals would also want to work together, but then it would turn more into a pvp system rather than a type of punishment system. Not sure what route Dyanmight wants to take.
Now for feedback on the current changes made in today's patch:
I really like the KP requirements and Karma requirements changes made to this system so far. This also means that players who are intentionally trying to troll/grief can't just keep making new characters to go evil and harass new players, they need to spend actual time on the character to get a certain amount of knowledge first.
The lessening of the minimum sentence is also good.
That's all I have to say for now, will continue testing!
RE: Spring Alpha Major Release #1
Thank you for the large patch and many changes! I'm sure Dynamight will continue to monitor how these changes affect the rest of the test and take more feedback into account. Really appreciate the hard work to give us large patches like this DURING an alpha instead of saying "oh let's just wait until after"!