I'm usually not one to care about graphics at all in my games. I'd rather the developers focus on content and gameplay. However, I have to say, the animations for the horses and riding a horse look particularly good. And any shadows in the game look awesome as well. So thank you to whoever has been working on those!

Posts made by Harleyyelrah
Feedback- Horse Animations and Shadows Look Amazing
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.4.1c
Thank you so much!!! Really enjoying this alpha test so far. Been playing almost non-stop
RE: upkeep unrealistic
The numbers may be a bit high for an alpha test with less people logging in, but long-term for a full fledged game I would actually say that these taxes are not high enough.
So I can understand the frustration for those who are struggling a bit currently, but I think those frustrations are mainly due to it being implemented mid-alpha test (with limited population) instead of from the beginning of a full release game.
With that said, I am glad it is not planned to be super easy. Managing a city should not be as easy as building a personal house.
RE: Pvp and Pve on Syndesia?
Not sure if you've seen this yet Spotlight 6
RE: Patch Log & Mini-Roadmap - v.a.2.4.0i
Oooooh so many good things to get in and try!! Thank you once again Prometheus and Dynamight team!
New Leathers Only Take 10 Seconds In Tanning Tub
Not sure if this is a bug or an oversight, but the new Troll Skin Leathers and Ghoul Skin Leathers only take 10 seconds in the tanning tub instead of minutes or hours. Seems to be an oversight since regular animal/warg/direwolf skins take 16 hours. Great bug for testing new armors quickly but not sure if that timer is intended!
RE: [FRAC-2252] Infinite rice
Posting to confirm that this is not only happening for rice, but also for beans.
Unable to interact with advanced forge
Finished building an advanced forge blueprint placed on the first day of the alpha test but am unable to interact with it after! When I try to open the crafting menu or move the crafting station, nothing happens.
RE: After today's patch, unable to place heavy resources into Metalworking/Blacksmithing containers
Update- After some investigation, it seems to have to do with heavy resources that were harvested before the patch, being bugged after the patch. The specific charcoal and ingots that I am unable to place into the forge/blacksmithing building are ones that were in my cart before the patch. Ingots/charcoal that were finished after the patch are not bugged.
Edit- 11/7/2020 seems to have been fixed.
After today's patch, unable to place heavy resources into Metalworking/Blacksmithing containers
After the patch today to fix being able to place heavy resources into the Metalworking/Blacksmithing stations, I am unable to place heavy resources into the correct containers because I keep getting the message "This container is full!" even when they are completely empty or have empty slots. This means we are unable to place ingots into the ingot storage in order to craft using the forge, unable to refill the coal/charcoal storage, and unable to refill the ore storage.
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.4.0h
Thank you Prometheus and Dynamight team!! Great work!!!
RE: Official Launch and Worlds Structure
@Kralith You bring up very good points here!
I would also like to add, that the development time for an MMORPG is substantially longer than for other types of games just due to the large design and features meant for the game world. If you look at all the "big name" upcoming MMOs that have been announced in the last 3-7 years, none of them are even at the playable point yet. Examples would be Star Citizen, Crowfall, Pantheon, Camelot Unchained, Ashes of Creation, New World.... none actually close to releasing! In fact, if we consider amount of time between first announcement and a playable test phase, Fractured actually wins!
RE: Week 136 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Thank you, and congratulations everyone
RE: The Potential City Problem.
@Sativo I certainly hope so! That brings the PvP content in the PvP sandbox!
We live for the fighting
That's why Fractured appeals to our guild!
Also thank you Prometheus for your responses in this thread!
RE: The Potential City Problem.
Wow i am super late to the party going on in this thread
Actually... this thread has branched off into so many different topics it's quite hard to try to reply to all the big points at once, but I want to contribute to the discussions as well.
If each city gets to control 1 (possibly more than 1 in the future) resource nodes, then the important information would be:
- How the resource node is managed (Does the governor control it? Will there be a "log" of which citizen took what?) - I believe Specter already answered this earlier in this thread confirming that Governors will be able to decide who can harvest the resources, which is GREAT news!
- Will there be ways to collect the same resource but from a much more limited source that is NOT controlled by any city? (Example: City A controls a Yew Tree Forest, but would there be 1 or 2 random Yew Trees in the wild that can be cut down by anyone on Syndesia that are in PvP areas? I know Arboreus brings a whole other picture, but I am trying to ask specifically about areas that will allow for PVP)
What @Nekrage is saying here is that the implementation of the city resources features is extremely important to the long-term health of the game, which I believe we can all agree on. I'm sure the developers also know this and have brainstormed a few ideas, we as regular players just don't know what they have in store yet so some concerns are being voiced. I just hope that after we do get to see what's planned, that we can continue giving valuable feedback to the developers and that they will continue to acknowledge any potential issues.
Fractured's most unique vision is the implementation of the three planets, three playstyles, and so with the appeal to all those different playstyles we get quite a mix of a crowd here on the forums.
For those who are planning to purely play on Arboreus, the "one resource node per city" feature is great because it will promote trading between cities and goodwill across the continent. For those on Syndesia and Tartaros, however, this is a feature that HAS to be carefully implemented, especially due to PVP playstyles! The biggest difference is the city sieges. If we can only siege cities that are directly connected to us on the road, we will be er.. fighting our neighbors quite often!
My experience with human nature is that if two groups are at war, they will not be working nicely to promote trade with each other
Which means... there will have to be other ways provided by the developers to possibly obtain the resources either through PvP/conquest/city raiding.. OR unfortunately players will try things like backstabbing each other to steal from each other's cities via spying or "secret second accounts to steal resources". Yes I know, to the players who are more in tune with the Beastmen/Angels playstyle this is terrible, but all full-loot PvP types of games will invite more "demonic" communities where people will try to gain the upper hand by unsavory means. Don't underestimate how crazy the hardcore player mentality will be as they try to play to be the very best! That is why the developers must plan ahead and curb the potential for that unsavory conduct by providing better alternatives in-game. Since Tartaros is for that type of community and Syndesia is somewhat partial to it as well, all the different feature implementations of Fractured have to be fully considered for all the different rulesets, not just for one of the rulesets.
In this matter, I think Nekrage and I both agree that bringing issues like this to the attention of the developers is in favor of having a healthy, long-term game. We don't want Fractured to be ruined by something that might have been overlooked or unintended.
I am looking forward to see how this will be implemented. Governors getting to decide who will harvest the resources is a big step in the right direction!
RE: The Trees are Our Enemy
There is actually a "combat toggle mode" planned, where if you are in combat, then you won't be able to click on a tree and start picking branches instead. I believe the devs were trying to implement it earlier but haven't had the chance to do so yet.