@Ostaff ..... No. This isn't posted here because we "originally" thought it was a bug. This is because it still may be a bug and we are looking for clarification from a developer on their intended game design. Now please stop replying with unproductive sentences so that this thread isn't derailed. Thank you!

Posts made by Harleyyelrah
RE: Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members
RE: Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members
@Ostaff If we "figured it out" then why would we be posting in the Bug Report section?
RE: Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members
@Ostaff said in Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members:
@Silynx now tell me, did you not just have fun figuring all that out? They throw you a monkey wrench and said "NO! to physical damage" so do you complain and whine like a kid? or get creative and figure out how to actually get what you want? Which was more rewarding you think? Personally, I prefer the challenges like that.
This has nothing to do with a "difficulty" challenge. This is about figuring out what the intended game design is supposed to be for Knowledge Point gain.
RE: Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members
I think maybe clarification on what criteria counts for knowledge point (KP) gain would help us clear this up.
Are we only supposed to get KP if we do damage to the mob individually, or are all members of a party supposed to get KP from a mob kill (within a certain range)?
Can we get KP from helping someone outside of party kill a mob? Or does it depend on who "tags" the mob first?
If only individually done damage to the mob will make us eligible for KP, aren't tanks/healers at a disadvantage during group play since they wouldn't be doing damage?
My group also noticed that if you are knocked out (Green bar endurance depleted) while fighting a mob in a party, if the party kills the mob while you are downed, you do not get KP. This makes sense, but I just wanted to add it here to confirm whether that is intended or unintended.
RE: Anyone afraid of a sellout?
I think a lot of us are afraid of this happening. There are many posts here where I have seen messages along the lines of "Fractured has great potential, as long as the devs stay heading in the same direction that they seem to be heading!" Too many of us have been backstabbed again and again by gaming publishers/devs who forget their original game visions and try to just go for the $$. I really hope Prometheus and the rest of the Fractured team stay strong and keep heading towards their original vision!
The last game my guild was supporting was New World, until it became clear that New World's development team was only interested in making the game easier and easier so they could focus on just making sales instead of forming engaging game content. They didn't care about building up and keeping a loyal player-base.
I know the temptation for $$ cash grab can be alluring, but making a great game will yield a greater reward in the long-term! A great example of a trustworthy game development company is CDProjektRed! They stuck to what their vision was of great gameplay/features/ NOT SELLING OUT (no "epic store exclusive") etc. And us gamers love them and trust them to come out with good games! I hope to add Dynamight Studios as the second name on the list of game development studios that I can actually respect and be a loyal customer for!
Please don't join the opposite list like E.A., Activision-Blizzard, etc.!
Going for the cash grab kills long-term MMOs before they even get to start!
RE: What is the main reason why you want to play Fractured?
- Full Loot PVP! - on Tartaros at least xD
- Guild/land ownership features- Guild cities and large scale group pvp to come! Houses! Sieges!
- Not pay 2 win.
- Alignment system- people can choose to play the way they want and it actually opens different options of gameplay for them. Not limiting and yet not so free that choices don't matter at all!
- Honestly out of all current and upcoming MMOs that are announced/ongoing, Fractured seems like the best option so far! Hopefully the developers continue with their vision and don't make the mistake that others made of trying to please random tourists who don't research the features of the game.
RE: Why this game is not fun
@Shirax Also I suggest that you update your original post with your later comment in this thread here... because it explains a lot more about why you felt that way in your original post. Pretty much you had no idea how the game worked, tried it out, and then made your post without looking into any of the features of the game.
@Shirax said in Why this game is not fun:
tyvm for your hint.
Well ... we did it totally wrong because we didn't know it.
Would be nice to get this information in the tutorial, so my friends would still play .... That's what happens if you jump in a new game without any knowledge and preparation.
I link the newbe guide in this thread if anyone reads it. In hope they will not do the same errors like we did.
The first time i need a newbie guid in a game ...
RE: Why this game is not fun
@Ostaff The point and click moving is perfectly fine for this game. Some of the targetting/hitboxes need a bit smoothing out, but if you read this guy's post pretty much they were just running around trying to auto-attack instead of using combat abilities and then saying it's hard...
Of course it would be harder then.. you are missing more than half the combat system..
RE: Why this game is not fun
@Shirax said in Why this game is not fun:
yesterday i started to play with 5 friends. We all are veterans and playing full loot games since 10+ years.
All have stopped playing after 2 days already because of the following reasons:-
Fighting system: Stupid left click on hard mobs without any progress, Killing mobs getting more skills yes we know but still the skills don't get better.
Mage: Playing a mage in the beginning is pain in the ass. Following the tutorial questline does not make it better. Killing goblins as a mage is ... lets say not impossible but you have to be a try hard because you will die every 2 minutes and than you have to walk back for 15 minutes. Sounds good doesn't it?
Getting gold for a house: This is the most crappy thing we have seen in a game. Farming 500 gold. hm ... Sounds easy in the beginning and it is but you need a few hours to get 500 gold to be able to buy a house plot. Why is it a few hours? The mobs we found were insane strong. As the abilities do not get stronger we need to hit 100 times to kill it. The next .. killing this mobs alone was impossible .. so we did it as a group. But the mobs drop 5-8 gold only. Each of us wanted to build a house not only one.
Map size/farming and death: If you die a few times you don't get auto revive anymore. We saw the logic behind buuuuuut ... imagine you have to walk 20+ minutes to get to a mob spawn. Does that sound like fun if you die? Death has consequences right now is consequence is that people leave the game.
I know there a lot of old players who feeling like in old times when they started to play UO. I never played that game. I don't get nostaltic like others.
For me it was not possible to hold my friends in that game. They don't want to walk 20+ minutes without any progress, without any reward, without any fun.
I hope they will change the game 100% to make it more common accessable so not only UO nerds like it.
Thats our opinion and now you can start flaming. It doesn't matter ...
I'll answer each point you made.
Fighting System- If you are only left clicking on mobs, you are only using your auto attack. You aren't using your skills on your hot bar at all. Also, there are levels planned for the skills in the future, they are just not implemented yet.
Mage- Once again, you need to get skills unlocked to fight the mobs. Did you try killing spiders? You get an ability called Magic Missiles from the spiders that's pretty strong against most normal mobs.
Getting gold for a house- 500g is EASY to get. Fight goblins or zombies or elementals. My guild has about 24 people actively playing the alpha test right now and about 12 of us have houses built. We even stopped looting gold from mobs because for now it serves no other purpose.
The auto-revive you are talking about isn't a death. It is when your Endurance runs out and you get knocked out. You finally die when both that AND your red bar (HP) run out.
You are entitled to your opinion, but it really sounds like you and your friends just ran around with no combat skills equipped and were trying to auto-attack everything.
RE: Why we need attribute respec options.
My opinions on this topic are a bit mixed. On one hand, I agree that new players would probably not make the best decisions at the character creation screen, and would have no way of "fixing" their attribute allotment mistakes. On the other hand, I think being able to re-spec would be too easy to possibly abuse, unless it was heavily heavily limited and monitored.
I put quite a lot of thought in to what I think the re-allocation option should be if there is one. If it's a cash shop item as @Farlander suggested then it could possibly turn the game into Pay2Win, which none of us wants. If it's too easily obtainable in game, (as a "crafting station" or "shrine" somewhere) then it is too easy for everyone to be doing that all the time. And then the developers would have to deal with some type of time cooldown, like a day, a week, a month, a year? It starts becoming tediously ridiculous. If the re-spec was an "item" gained either by cash shop or quest reward or even spawned with character creation or a loot drop, players would just abuse it by trying to farm lots of it and sell it to other players or hoard it, or by creating new characters and "trading" the re-spec item to their main character. If the re-spec option came at a large Knowledge Point cost, that may be slightly better, but as far as I understand the game at the moment we will not get infinite Knowledge Points. Those are limited by the amount of the actual game environments. If someone messes up and keeps using their knowledge points for re-allocating attribute points, then next they will ask for some way to re-allocate Knowledge Points since they spent all of theirs on re-specs and can't learn all the abilities! It honestly just seems like a potential mess.
With all that in mind, this is my suggestion.
Maybe the re-spec option could be ONE specific quest that each character would only be able to complete ONCE. As part of that quest, they get to "finalize" their attribute points at the end of it, and then they can never do it again. There should be warnings that that's it, after completing that quest then their character attributes are finalized. Maybe the quest can be triggered by the character learning their 15th or 20th ability, or something like that, so that it is far enough along in gameplay for the player to have a good idea of the attribute system. Then, anyone making mistakes after that point should just create a new character
RE: [FRAC-2080] Stuck on unfinished house floor
Lol, that happened to one of my guildies! Fortunately I was around to finish building the floor and then he was able to walk out. It would have been a disaster if he was solo and no GMs were around though!
RE: To what effect will open world PVP affect governing of cities/towns?
@humerus You linked me the videos, and I watched them! Prometheus said 20v20 for a small city and 50v50 for a large city, but the numbers are not set in stone yet
RE: What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?
@Jetah Don't know what you're talking about here, I feel like you're just grumpy and trying to turn this into some political statement that has nothing to do with Fractured or the Fractured team.
RE: What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?
@Specter I can imagine how much work it would be during an open test weekend when any bored person is free to join. No one person can be watching 24/7!
I would like to make a suggestion for future open tests. I noticed that there is a sub forum section for backers of a certain tier to view dev updates and things of that nature. Maybe using something similar to that, make a sub forum for backers (of a certain tier) to send screenshot reports of bad chat behavior during the hours that you cannot watch? Of course, it shouldn't be open to the public to view, and they should include full screenshots as evidence (not just a chatbox screenshot), and then your team can check it over and decide if any actions should be taken. This might be helpful during open tests until more chat functions like a "report player" function and/or an "ignore player" function can be implemented.
RE: Friend's list
I think a friends' list function is useful but please don't make it something where someone can just add you on their friends' list without your own permission! I hate that, in many other MMOs people abuse that function just to spy on whether someone is online or offline! For example, if there is a "Player A" who is always PvPing in a certain area, and people want to avoid Player A but need to go to that zone, they can just add Player A onto their friends list and see when they are offline and go to that zone during then! That is just one example of how a friends' list could be abused if players can add Player A onto their friend list without Player A approving and confirming that they are really friends.
RE: Logging out to avoid PvP Deaths
@humerus You're right, so far in this test we have to actively join a militia in order to "flag" for pvp, so those who hate pvp should just stay unflagged. If they flagged for pvp and just alt f4 log then they're just being rude!
RE: What guild joining restrictions are there?
In the design journals it says that alignment affects what towns your character can enter depending on the alignment of the town, but I'm not sure about guild alignment vs individual alignment. Maybe a guild-owned town would just follow the alignment of the governor or the guild leader?
Since individual alignments can change based on player actions, what happens if there are players with opposite alignments in the same guild? Or maybe that is impossible somehow? Or are guilds even going to be affected by alignments?
I've been looking into Fractured for a few days, this game sounds great so far!!
I'm very excited to be able to join the Open test coming up in about two days! A couple of my guildies have already begun testing today, and so far Fractured looks very promising!!! Thank you for bringing us something to enjoy during IRL quarantine time!