Maybe some sort of compromise...
Turn on FF for everyone in certain zones or during events.
Maybe some sort of compromise...
Turn on FF for everyone in certain zones or during events.
And if NPCs aren't really doing anything then whats the point of having them.
Back in the day, i used to pay for spare PC power cable, so when my mom took my main cable from me, hoping I would do stuff for school, i would pick up my spare cable so I could play more.
I wonder if that would nowdays be considered P2W or merely a convinience.
Level 300: title - veteran
Level 400: title - ancient
Level 500: title - legend (nvm, Legend is a part of a pack, insert something else)
Alternative titles:
I wouldn't add any item rewards for very high levels, maybe up to 300 max, to refresh the foundation since it's been kept around.
For 300+, perhaps only a symbolic (fun) title for each extra 100 levels.
I wonder if investing in town technological and agricultural upgrades (perhaps aome special buildings) will affect resource spawn rate in towns zone of inflience.
Or if anything similar will be possible.
Perhaps investment in fishing center could cause more fish or better quality fish to appear in nearby lake.
But only creating the building shouldnt be enough. Residents should perform activities available through this building to maintain existance of better fish in the area.
Map crafting profession could come in handy here.
If things remain as they are, and passable lands aren't clearly visible on default map. Then an ability for players to explore and draw their own more precise maps and sell them could be a nice addition to the game.
I actually like maps that don't show everything.
It puts requirement on players to learn their surroundings and those players that explored more, and learned more will have deserved advantage. (Not only ran through maps once so their avatar learns, but they learned as live players)
Also, home populations will have advantage over invaders.
I personaly strongly believe this is the right way, and it would actually be bad to remove those benefits of people working to learn the lands.
Knowledge SHOULD give you advantage.
Not only avatar knowledge, but "player" knowledge as well. Intelligent players SHOULD have advantage over non intelligent players.
Players that put in effort SHOULD have advantage over lazy players.
BALANCE = everyone has equal opportunity to put in effort and learn things. If you don't you SHOULD get owned.
@Razvan said in Map clarity:
Oh come on man...
I'm really tired coming to every single MMO forum out there, years before the release, and see the same specific group of people constantly crying about "gankers"...
You have Arboreus to play on if you are affraid, as game is designed. End of story.
Housing type of rewards are always cool, especially for the folks that like housing. If rewards get added for some more levels, who knows, we might see more tapestry rewards.
That being said, I completely agree, that designing the game has a lot more importance than designing foundation rewards.
I'm personally not a ganker, never been one. I much prefer challenging PvP.
However, I'm the player that strongly supports freedom of play, and absence of mechanical limitations as much as possible.
As much "sandboxy" the game can be, it should be.
This goes for everything including ganking.
There should be no programmed mechanics limiting gankers in any way in a PvP open world, besides social mechanics that communities themselves implement!
Anything other that this, and your "sandbox" game, essentially stops being sandbox, and starts to feel like a limited software product, completely draining the appeal out of it.
@Razvan said in Ideas you thought your were great but turned out not to be?:
I also see daily rewards as a chore.
What about events that span over longer periods of time (1-3months irl) base on game lore, in which you mostly get cosmetic items? You don't have to login every day, you just have to get some achievements over the course of the event.
This indeed sounds better. Gives you more freedom to chose when to do something.
Excelent post!
I also hate RNG. I prefer no RNG completely if that would be possible, but if not then i at least hope RNG will be minimal.
I'm not playing gambling games. I tried ArcheAge armor upgrading. That's not for me.
Marksmanship only envelops skills using ranged weapon, where hunting envelops much more alongside ranged weapon skills. It also includes traps, tracking, particular skills with melee weapons appropriate for the school, etc...
Therefore I would say for a school of skills, hunting is much more appropriate name than marksmanship.
@Razvan said in Suggestion: Different spells have different armor requirements:
This would make tanking quite awkward both in pve, because they have to carry a bunch of sets and change whenever they reach the next group of mobs
But it's like that for everyone.
That's the point of this game, to have multiple sets of armor, and then prepare for expedition, gear for what you aim, and embark on a journey. Do what you wanted then go home, rest, recover, unload booty, prepare new gear for what you want to do.
This MMO is not supposed to be, go around, kill anything in same gear, roam how long you like not carrying about bag space, do what you like without ever returning home to re-prepare.
By having an ability to mix and match, you can make yourself geared towards situation you want to do. If task is too hard for one person (lack of gear maybe, or simply too hard in any other way), then find a party, gear up for your role in party, AND situation at hand and go. After the task is completed go home and gear up for next task.
Its Alpha. Focus right now is on getting mechanics working correctly and smoothly. Base graphics lookin' good, and smooth. Polishing combat,...
Content is usually added throughout beta (late beta 1 / early beta 2) in MMO development.
@Razvan @asspirin I simply don't want yet another cakewalk game.
The harder the better.
Every single MMO nowdays is getting nerfed to hell, so kids wouldn't cry while playing. It's a sad reality.
Everything needs to be soloable, why??
Everyone needs to be able to do everything with one set of gear, why??
And what if gear is lost, one can go and make new one. Or be smart and organized and don't lose it in the first place (or lose it very rarely by playing smart, and with friends).
Someone has long job and only 2 hours to play? So he wants to ruin the game for everyone else by nerfing it to the ground, just so it fit his particular lifestyle? That's pretty darn selfish.
For me, even this what is planned is way to easy. It should be harder. It should be easier to lose the gear. Gear should be even more specialized so you need to carefully think what you are doing and where.
Game should not get easier... it should get harder.
I always turn everything to max first, then I check performance in larger fights, and then if needed i start turning things down.
Foliage is indeed among the first to go (after reducing anti-aliasing down from max to moderate).
Will there be any limitation in size of player cities? If there will be limitation in size, will it be by number of buildings, or by geographical area size?
Will two different player cities be allowed to be close to one another, and will it be possible that they grow into metropolis if they both grow in size and connect? How will town leadership and borders be dictated in such scenario, will those two cities still be treated separately, or as one new city?