For this type of combat its just super important that game is lag free.
Auto targeting compensated for lag issues partially. In manual targeting game, lag can make or break your gameplay.
For this type of combat its just super important that game is lag free.
Auto targeting compensated for lag issues partially. In manual targeting game, lag can make or break your gameplay.
Processing various ores, in this case gold ore, then processing it into money, then buying stuff from people that have other professions using this money.
Processing gold ore will not be easy, it will require the source (mines) that will be point of conflict, and an entire enterprise.
So that means one will not simply "grind money" on his own. And certainly not from rats. This will ll be a part of entire economy infrastructure. You will need a profession to get to money (either gathering/crafting or services).
Humanoids will likely drop a little money, yes, but this will be minor amounts, and not something that would enable you to effectively grind for your needs.
Guys, devs don't care what type of players will support the game, as long as they support it. Cash is cash. And it's not like the players are dictating how the game will look like, so who cares what type of player someone is.
And it's not like lower income on KS will stop game from being developed, it may only delay it.
And the fact that they will continue selling packages on their own website after KS ends, may end up countering lower income that was gained on KS and boost things up again, and quicken the release date.
So really, the discussion about this topic is pointless. Just sit back, support the game as much as you can (I don't mean only by cash here, but just by being here, keeping community active, and spreading the word about the game) and enjoy the trip.
Not a race change... but...
I would be in favor of minor character changes by services of plastic surgeon, hair dresser and barber.
The real reasons:
Active skills are easy to observe, yeah. Especially through recording.
But passives are much harder to read, especially if they don't come with visible effects. It all depends how game is designed.
Personally, I would love if game came without (or with "opt in" gear inspection).
Default: inspect off, and it is only available if you click allow for your gear to be inspected.
@fibs said in [FibS's big dumb semi-curated NOT official "I want this kind of Beastman!" topic]
- Bear: Becomes juggernaut
Bear: starts to care, becomes care bear. In care bear form player is unable to use any combat abilities, but can sing really nice. While care bear is singing, all other nearby care bears in range are forced to dance.
Usually a larger hitbox means you are bit easyer to hit, but it also means your own melee hit range is a bit larger as well. This can be useful for melee schools.
Not sure how it will be taken cared of in Fractured.
Hello kind sir, what is this "game environment" that you are talking about?
I am just a lowly demon trying to feed his demon family in hot wastelands of North Tartaros region, and never have I heared of any "game" in these lands. My demon kids are usually very bored, having nothing to do around here, so if you would be so kind to explain to me where this "game environment" is, maybe I could take them there, so they can have some fun for a change.
With regards,
your friendly neighbour from Tartaros
PS: next time my wife will make some cookies and we will invite you over
Personally, I would personally like to see full sandbox mode here, and not restrict guilds by any factor.
Let people organize and make social structures how they like.
@fibs said in Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users:
all skill-based games are rock paper scissors, have fun with no games
An amazing example of skill based, classless game that was amazingly well balanced regardless of what weapons you were using was original The Secret World (if you didn't play TSW, lets just simplify and say that weapons were the "classes" there, your current deck was tied to the weapon you were using at given moment).
Even if you were free to created so many permutations of decks, each weapon was generally balanced to any other weapon, and it was only up to you how good deck you were able to theory craft and apply. But best decks out there for any weapon were all balanced to each other, and you could do equally well using shotgun or elemental focus, for example.
No game, to this day, has matched TSW in deck building, mechanic complexity, theory crafting, and in skills and brain being so much more important than gear you were using (people in full blue could perform literally 500% than people in full epic, if they were smarter and more skilled).
Every game out there should look up to (original / not Legends) TSW when designing their skill trees and mechanics.
There are other good examples with good MMOs not being rock / paper / scissors, but this one will suffice since it is THE best example.
And if you question if TSW was skill based, just ask around learning curve was so steep that zerg of people gave up on game because it was simply too hard / it leaned on skill requirements way too much, and not many could efficiently play it (people got completely destroyed even by trash animals in forests). This is one of the reasons why Funcom created Legends TSW (complete game redesign, read SEVERE nerf to game complexity) in hopes they would attract wider player population (read kiddos with lesser skills).
So please do not use statements such as (all skill-based games are rock paper scissors) if you only ever played few MMOs in your life, because if you played more decent amount, you would certainly see that there are a few that aren't.
And if you wonder why am I not in TSW then. It's because Funcom completely shut down developing future content to original TSW, and are only working on TSW Legends now (completely nerfed version of the game). If original TSW was still alive, I would still be there (I have lifetime subscription).
I purchased a key for RL once, but I think it was pre-alpha... cus when I went out, wherever I went, NPCs were stupid as hell.
@tulukaruk at Tartaros fish would have a chance to "catch you".
One must consider that most people voting here are in fact the players with packages that will be playing with VIP, and voting for power gap would in fact give them advantage.
Players who prefer equal level battlefield are practically non existent here and most people here are voting for advantage of veteran players. Because it will be them who are these veteran players playing from start with VIPs.
Only few players that I've seen here actually prefer a challenge in PvP and new players actually being competitive with them.
So hopefully game gets designed with competitiveness of new players in mind, so there will actually be a point for someone new join in future after game release, so community can grow.
Because if new player comes and gets owned by much more powerful veterans, he will not say "ok I will grind for a year and get this eventually"... he will go play something else instead.
So I am happy to hear that power gap might not end up large.
@roccandil said in Fishing in Fractured:
Fishing on asteroids, eh? I like it!
@rocky said in Enhanced Character Creation:
- Event/Holiday Clothing/Skins.
Fractured should, imho, have own imagined holidays, and not copy Earth holidays. Fractured world is reality of it's own, so why not it's own holiday system that could be immersed together with the lore and game play, partly through the whole year (preparations for holidays in some way).
- Limited Time Clothing/Skins.
Earth holidays could also be included, but Earth holiday skins should be just temporary. This way players could play their game in other parts of year without being reminded of Earth reality. We play to escape the reality.
- Scars, Color of Skin/Fur, Eye Color, Ect.
Sure, althout @Jetah might disagree with you on some of those.
- Stance/Resting Pose.
Those are nice. I loved those in some other MMOs (being able to lean on walls in BDO for example).
@Specter you just confirmed that you are in pre-alpha. That's a breech of NDA.