Cara, sempre da pra soltar a imaginação um pouco usando o pouco de lore que os desenvolvedores nos deram, e ate agora da pra começar pensando que sociedades existem nos mundos e como elas se comportam, tipo eu acredito que em Syndesia deve haver um Império que tentar unificar todos os reinos pra se proteger contra os ataques demoníacos que ocorrem de tempos em tempos e que o Império tem um imperador que tenta proteger todos os humanos do pavor que os cercam e faria qualquer coisa para acabar com os demônios, essa é a minha visão, pelo menos.

Best posts made by AngryViking
RE: Galera que tal discutir um pouco sobre lore
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Looking at the a tavern from the outside, Azhidal asked himself mentally " Should I enter? A drink would be good to ease my nerves after all that happened recently, but seclusion has been working for me". Azhidal looks at his human hands, thinks for a moment, and with a sigh, enters the tavern door, with his cloak covering his face.
Entering the tavern, his first image of the place was a demon in the vicinity, and when he spoted that, his hand closes and his eyes fill with anger and hatred. But for a moment, at the entrance of the tavern, he stops, take a deep breath, and walk to sit at a table, already asking for their strongest drink and always keeping his most powerful spells in mind, for the worst case scenario.
(Sorry if I had anything wrong, I'm not a native and it's my first forum rp, and thanks @Esher, I don`t know where I saw 3 demons)
RE: Galera que tal discutir um pouco sobre lore
Sim, na sociedade dos beast-kin da pra fazer varias historias de personagens mais caóticos que tem algum tipo de influencia maligna, tipo da pra usar o deus protetor dos demonios, Babilis, tem alguma influencia e tenta manipular os povo de Arboreus por inveja de eles serem os mais pacificos. E ja que esse povo vai ser menos ativo em guerras, eles podem ter essa divisão entre seguir um caminho negro contra sua natureza ou manter as tradições. Da pra explorar bastante isso.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal, after introducing to Chise, starts to pay attention to the game his fellow mage is preparing, so he cannot be fooled by a ilusion spell or anything related, and before even starting the game, Azhidal gave a big yawn, streched his thin backs and gave a clap, all to distract a clever and subtle summoning of a small raven on the top of the tavern, attently looking at the side of the clever mage and his cards.
Looking at Chise, he says "So, Chise, are you from this gorgeuos town or, like me, is just passing through?"
RE: Galera que tal discutir um pouco sobre lore
@pakke Isso é algo que eu me pergunto, tipo, eu espero que tenha varias regiões(desertos, planices, pântanos, etc) e que se desenvolvam pessoas diferentes e culturas diferentes em cada uma delas, isso seria ideal. Sobre um Imperio, podia ser bem num estilo Roma, com alguns no topo tentando manter a ordem e se beneficiando, e outros sendo corruptos e manipulando pra ter mais poder. Claro, isso tudo é só uma ideia.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal, already understanding how the game can be manipulated, looks at Malyvern, and puts a coin on the table, next to the one his friend putted, and to have a better perspective of his contenders, takes off his hood from his face, revealing a man in his thirties, dark brown hair and really dark green eyes, with a beard that would go in his chin and his cheeks.
Then, he waits patienlty to Chise to put her coin at the table, while he stares at every card, trying to observe if Malyvern will attempt to have some easy coin by cheating.
RE: Galera que tal discutir um pouco sobre lore
@pakke Claro, a vantagem dos humanos é algo meio divino, que é a liberdade de escolha, mas ainda assim, seria mais realístico se houvesse uma maior variedade de "raças" de humanos, como negros, asiáticos e tudo mais. Mas isso, eu concordo, eles provavelmente vão desenvolver mais pra frente.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal looks at Malyvern and thinks to himself "This man knows magic, so I can't give him a unclear explanation of my capabilities, but do I trust him enough?"
After thinking for a second, he looks at Malyvern again, and with a big gulp, drink all of the liquor, and then he gets the cup, close it with both hand and chant to himself some words, after he gets some ingredients from his handbag and put on the cup, and when he opens his hands, a group of butterflies leave his hands and fly off to the tavern, to then go out through a window. Looking with a serious face to his friend, Azhidal says:
"I am a student of the transmutation school, and a experient one. And you Malyvern, what do you bring to this table in the arcane arts subject?"
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal looks at the trick that Malyvern did and, with a bit of curiosity, he wonder what more can this conjurer do, since he choose to hinder his powers.
But before he can even say something to his fellow mage, he sees another demon get in the vicinity, and his face goes dead serious,and he looks at the demon, with instead of dark green eyes, bright red eyes, with a mix of fury and hatred.
He stares at the demon for a little while, but then he takes one deep breath, calms down, and says to the conjurer:
"A nice demonstration, but the spell I used, Greater Metamorphosis, is a nine level spell. I wonder why are you hiding your conjurer abilities, that are way above basic, to a fellow mage?"
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal, still extremely tense for being so close of the demon, such evil creature, ignores for a moment and looks at Chise's sword, and put a smile in his face, fascinated by the simple, yet well crafted enchantment. Almost remind him of his past.
"I am impressed, Chise, did you ever had any type of magical training? Because, even thought is a simple enchantment, it's truly a precious gem, and I can tell from experience"
While this is happening, Azhidal discretly gets a few items from his handbag, put on a silver ring he has, do some rubs with the palm of his hands and starts to communicate using Telepathy with Malyvern, and he asks mentally:
"What is your intention with this game, my friend, is it just to make some easy money or do you have something else in your mind?"
Latest posts made by AngryViking
RE: February 2020 Open Playtest
That's good news, thanks for giving us a little taste of the game again
RE: Kickstarter Update - Start Date & Video Teaser #1
Wow guys, the game looks polished for a pre alpha. Congrats and keep up the good work.
PS: I will try to contibute in the Kickstarter because, again, you guys are doing a good work.
RE: O preco do jogo
Com a cotação agora, mas isso pode mudar e tals, e tem que ver quando que sai pra Steam, ja que eles comentaram que vão lançar la depois de lançar no site.
RE: O preco do jogo
Velho, eu posso estar falando besteira, mas acho que era 30 euros. Eu não sei quanto esta a cotação do Euro, mas só olhar e fazer o calculo.