
Posts made by AngryViking
RE: February 2020 Open Playtest
That's good news, thanks for giving us a little taste of the game again
RE: Kickstarter Update - Start Date & Video Teaser #1
Wow guys, the game looks polished for a pre alpha. Congrats and keep up the good work.
PS: I will try to contibute in the Kickstarter because, again, you guys are doing a good work.
RE: O preco do jogo
Com a cotação agora, mas isso pode mudar e tals, e tem que ver quando que sai pra Steam, ja que eles comentaram que vão lançar la depois de lançar no site.
RE: O preco do jogo
Velho, eu posso estar falando besteira, mas acho que era 30 euros. Eu não sei quanto esta a cotação do Euro, mas só olhar e fazer o calculo.
RE: what happens after?
I believe The Foundation is made to give rewards to people to interact and spread the game before the it releases, so after the game is out, The Foundation reward will be out
Of course, that's just a guess.
Clerics and Religion in Game
I saw a couple post and had been thinking, how will healing be implemented in game? Besides potions, there will be a sub class of healing in magic or there will be a religious figure like a cleric in game that can heal?
RE: I Want To Play A Game | The Arboreus Swamp Hunt
Wow, the game is looking good
RE: Week 20 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Wow, I didn't expected that, thanks and congratulation on the other winners
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
(Sorry for taking so long, had a rough day)
Azhidal was curious, still wondering the intentions of Malyvern, but not really caring that much with it, since he had seen many other mages that used from this tricks and spells to win some coin.
Decided to play along, he said to the conjurer "It doesn't matter what we pick, you get to say who wins and the consequence of the ones that don't, but still, let's play along".
He proceeds to pick a card, he then see his card and it is the King of Clubs, he then shows to Malyvern. At first instant, Azhidal feels nothing, then he realizes his chair is moving up, and that he is moving up. Noticing is a Levation spell, he easily came to place and still flying said "That is all?", challenging the mage.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal, impressed by the conjuration that his mage friend, looks calm, showing that the spell had no true effect in his head, since he is still too annoyed with the situation around him, but to avoid more chaos and desperation, he casted Thaumaturgy and, with a big noise, every window at the tavern opens, and all the crows leave throught them.
"No, Malyven, sadly you have not told us the consequence of every type of card you have and, most important, will any of them kill anyone or destroy the tavern?"
RE: What games (besides this one) is everyone excited about?
Elder Scrolls 6, even though I believe it will take 3-5 years to be released.
RE: [Tavern Roleplay] The Arcanist's Mill
Azhidal, still extremely tense for being so close of the demon, such evil creature, ignores for a moment and looks at Chise's sword, and put a smile in his face, fascinated by the simple, yet well crafted enchantment. Almost remind him of his past.
"I am impressed, Chise, did you ever had any type of magical training? Because, even thought is a simple enchantment, it's truly a precious gem, and I can tell from experience"
While this is happening, Azhidal discretly gets a few items from his handbag, put on a silver ring he has, do some rubs with the palm of his hands and starts to communicate using Telepathy with Malyvern, and he asks mentally:
"What is your intention with this game, my friend, is it just to make some easy money or do you have something else in your mind?"
RE: Galera que tal discutir um pouco sobre lore
@pakke Claro, a vantagem dos humanos é algo meio divino, que é a liberdade de escolha, mas ainda assim, seria mais realístico se houvesse uma maior variedade de "raças" de humanos, como negros, asiáticos e tudo mais. Mas isso, eu concordo, eles provavelmente vão desenvolver mais pra frente.