Attacks speeds depending on armor ?
@Jetah said in Attacks speeds depending on armor ?:
i was thinking more retribution (thus damage) paladins.
the DK, at least in WoW, that i'm thinking of is the frost spec which uses frost spells along side melee attacks. think of it as frost enchanced melee weapons. but there's undead which uses diseases along a rez'd ghoul and melee to fight. the blood spec is the tank spec which siphons HP during an attack, not really a melee-mage in the sense here but more vampire/leech which takes spike damage but can self heal.As we have no classes in Fractured, it is not possible to make class-specific skills, however as Znirf stated before spell will be bound to certain kind of weapons or armour.
Which will also make it possible that a plate user can use certain skills, but not all. It just like a WoW Paladin will not be able to be a WoW Mage.
Makes perfect sense to me.
I think that the way the devs are designing this is a good way.
You can wear any type of armor you want but what you are wearing will determine what spells you can or can not use.
That is a good way that enables balancing.
In UO if you cast spells in metal armor your mana would not regen. So your spells became one shots. You had to remove your armor for your mana to begin to regenerate again.
@Farlander Thats nice, but i hope you can´t ask your enemy to stop fighting for 10 minutes to regen some mana
The way it´s planned by devs is imo right.
@asspirin said in Attacks speeds depending on armor ?:
@Jetah Allright, but what would you suggest for casters in plate? On my mind comes reducing their damage, making them cast spells only once a few seconds (so they couldnt nuke you with X nukes in two seconds), make mana costs for them so huge they would have to sip blue bottle every three spells etc., but would they still enjoy it, if the heavy armor was actually worn only for cosmetic purposes? I wouldn´t. With max INT i would rather do what mages do - magical protection, debuffs on enemy damage and CC so enemy doesn´t even reach me.
Or simply reduce mage´s damage if wearing plate so they´re balanced on DMG-----DEFENCE scale. But imo with low dmg they will lose purpose.
i was thinking 'mage plate' or caster plate was more like high-leather to low-chain in defense. not plate but not cloth. to me mage plate (if this is what you're referring to) is more caster friendly while being able to take a little beating. I played DAoC and Clerics could use chain. so it wouldn't quite be like that.
as for normal plate, i'd say a few spells then they have to drink as the plate wouldn't allow natural mana regeneration. the drink would have to be on a CD so you couldn't spam them. maybe we'd have a mana (or life or energy) transfer spell that could help the mage plate wearer a little. the transfer could be 4:1 (cost 4 to give 1 for mana).
the game has trees of magic. so when i say class i'm referring to a tree of magic.i'd hate for spells to be bound to weapons because I want a disarm in the game and it'd be pretty op!!!!
@Jetah to caster armour: if you´re referring to chain mail, then there would be no difference in weight, as full chain mail from Romanic age weights as much as full plate armour
Maybe some kind of "Mithril armor" would be caster friendly as its light, or elven chain mail (Icewind dale). If material is iron / steel, it would still weight 15-25kg for full body armour. Who knows, maybe some rare material enables it, but then it would have to have some serious disadvantages due to balance. But im glad you can tell mage / warrior on first sight, because as there are no classes and everyone can use anything, you never know what opponent will do. And "Clerics" aka support guys in heavy armor will be doable in Fractured too.
Disarm - you mean spells or abilities? Disarm is imo fine, as long as its just disability to do regular attacks and abilities dependant on weapon...and if you dont have to manually pick up your axe from the ground
...and just got question about passives on weapons - will slow 2h weapons (0,8 attack/s) have same chance to stun like fast 1h weapons (twice fast attack speed)? If so, wouldn´t crit damage 2h (probably axe) be best choice? And it was told that CC depends on luck...will passive stun on weapon proc more often with high luck? Or does it affect min/max dmg of weapon (more 75s than 45s if weapon is 45-75 dmg). Im sorry if these questions were already answered.
i built my daoc cleric as dps!
if there's a disarm then you should have to find your weapon. that's one thing to hurt bots (at little). make CC abilities actually work on the screen (like wildstar).
weapon or even armor hasn't gone into a bright spotlight. we've just been given these pills, which, while nice, can be shallow at times.
if there's a disarm then you should have to find your weapon. that's one thing to hurt bots (at little). make CC abilities actually work on the screen (like wildstar).
Im sure there would be guys with invisibility spell + disarm, who would sneak on you, disarm you, rob you of your weapon and leave (easy money ... and easier duel
). CC was amazing for example in SMITE if you´ve played it. If you were knosked up by Kumbakharna, you actually flew few second, if you were hit by Bakchus´ wine, you couldnt hit anything. CCed by Kabrakan? Just run in circles etc.
But it doesn´t seem like doable in isometric game. Maybe reduce sight to 0 if stunned or so, so you can´t prepare for anything that follows, don´t know.
to topic - thinking about it, will armour progress as fast as damage ? It was stated by devs that the difference between in damage between Tier primitive and Tier 2 will be cca 20%. Will same apply to armour? Or will defence grow slower?
@asspirin said in Attacks speeds depending on armor ?:
to topic - thinking about it, will armour progress as fast as damage ? It was stated by devs that the difference between in damage between Tier primitive and Tier 2 will be cca 20%. Will same apply to armour? Or will defence grow slower?
This difference doesn't account for enchants. A primitive weapon with tier2 damage enchant and tier1 critical will have considerably more dps than a vanilla iron weapon. I imagine a fully enchanted iron weapon will have at least 50% more dps than a vanilla primitive. Also keep in mind that weapons only have 3 enchant slots, while armors have 8. On the other hand, it isn't really fair to form an opinion based on these alpha tests since the stats might be wildly different at release.
@Razvan So if we have two same guys with same abilities, one with primitive weapon but best possible tier 2 armour with all enchants and guy with tier 2 weapon with all the enchants possible but primitive armour, who would win (if they also had same skill level)
I hope damage will scale faster than defence ... or that enchants on armour will increase dps little more.
Weapon is one, while there are dozen armor pieces.
There is significant more effort involved in enchanting all armor, then in enchanting a weapon piece.
So I would hope guy with full enchanted armor wins.vs the guy with only the weapon.
I don't know, but we can find this out the next test.
@Gothix You´re right, it does seem logical ... But if defence will grow faster than offense, then dude with higher tiers of equipment will be unkillable.
In arpgs however it goes like ++++++dmg ++ defence (in Grim Dawn you do just 1/2 dmg to human enemy if you try to pvp (as much as i love the game, don´t
), but duels are still one shot fests. In diablo however dmg difference was so huge you only took like 17% of dmg (1/6).
If in Fractured you can manually dodge most attacks and have heals any time you wish, so I´d rather raise the damage A LOT (as the devs themselves stated "you won´t encounter bubble paladin vs restodruid duel"
). Or give us option to enchant damage on armour also.
We can't form an opinion on that until we know exactly how damage will be calculated in release. If it's a flat amount of damage reduction with liniar scaling then armor is too strong indeed. On the other hand, if f(200armor) = 30% damage reduction, 700armor is 67% reduction and 800armor is 70% (think of a bell distribution for added damage reduction), then stacking armor is less powerful.
If it's a flat amount of damage reduction with liniar scaling
I´ve already asked devs because I was curious if 2h weapons will have any damage bonus over 1h and shield. Armour doesn´t have any flat damage reduction, so 1h+ shield has quite same dps + bigger defence