Volunteer GM Program
I mention this idea. In "Some" games which are newly released they have held a "Volunteer GM Program"
Basically... a group of dependable players who have wisely contributed towards the forums and have shown a degree of professionalism have signed up to be a "Volunteer GM".
Their duties would not be too extreme but they would take notes, answer calls/pages and help "Stuck" characters in immovable terrain and such. Any higher end issues/problems would become escalated to the senior staff of course.
I was curious to learn if your staff would be considering such a thing? I think it would be good for the community.
I look forward to hearing your reply
I would be interested in this as I would love to be apart of such a program if it were available. I do it anyway.
bad idea, usually player have there drama, and it best to not give players power over other players, in past game i seen it go badly.
@grofire It depend of the personality of the GM. Some people can be more profesional, and prefer to do their jobs than havings dramas. But everybody has his weaknesses, sadly ^^
@Esher said in Volunteer GM Program:
But everybody has his weaknesses, sadly ^^
that true... players are not good GM.
Of course it can go either way
But it can also "Work"
I have seen it work many times.
There are interviews, applications and more to ensure it works.
Its a volunteer program.. help out on busy nights.. high server load times.. so forth
Remember.. they are a team of what? 7?
I have seen teams of 100's implement this so why not them?
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In any case, I think spectre is doing a good job. No need for more moderators at the moment
No need to cross a bridge until you get there, eh?
@Pluto In more you need to pass throught the troll under the bridge or the Sphinx on it
they shouldn't be GMs. maybe low level support but never a GM.
i haven't heard of player GM since the late 90's. everything is so corporate now that many developers use publishers which have their own internal GMs.
@Jetah It was just an idea man.
but this is the question & answers, not general discussion.
I would also say, that player GMs can cause issues or at least there is the risk. However, Dynamight Studios can use help of players and community in different ways. Some players can be really good at moderating ingame, -chat, -forums and such things. Also some dedicated testers and players can be very valueable giving constructive feedback and useable ideas. How Dynamight wants to benefit their community is something I would leave to their hands. If they want help from testers/players/community, lets wait and see what they will offer.
I've seen players elect a class representative. These people were usually those that theorycraft the most and often were in the top spots in raids or end game content for their class. They usually were the highest performing of their class too. Then Blizzard [WoW] dismissed them because they were better at it than the developers.
If player focus to do specific aspect of the game, he or she usually becomes a master with a lot of knowledge related to the matter. It can be a class like you mentioned or anything else from crafting, gathering, exploring, raiding, PvPing... When you really focus on something specific, you will also learn a lot of about it, you notice things what others wont and even more than devs. If those players share their thoughts and concerns, they can be really valueable to gamestudio.
I was thinking more like the noob system in FFXIV where vets can help the new players out in a seperete channel with questions. I must have been confused.
that's more of a veteran or mentor system. Game Master (GM) is a position inside the company usually able to make adjustments to game items, quest, or sometimes account issues.@Tuoni
for WoW it was a voted volunteer position. It was setup so that the community could chat with the class rep then that rep bring the biggest concerns to the developers.
@Jetah Oh that kind of system. I have played WoW 5-6 years in past, but I was not were about this kind of program. Oh well, back then I focused only for playing and I visited forums quite rarely.
I actually hope Dynamight creates more forum sections after they have introduced good amount of new features. I would say gear/items and abilities could have own sections to keep feedback and ideas related to these in order. Maybe crafting/gathering/resources as well. This worked pretty well in Albion Online and important post related to balance concerns did not drown to mass in general section.
I understand that WoW had that kind of system. Their playerbase was massive and it was reasonable to get feedback from rep persons who first filtered and gathered all the meaningfull feedback and information in one tight package.
I personally prefer professional GMs even if there will be less GMs available.
I'd rather wait a while for my ticket to be answered, then trust random people on internet to not abuse their powers.But that's just me.
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